Cold Fusion- refuses to die


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
LuganoReportSubmit.pdf - Google Drive

every coupla years I read something about cold fusion but it is always murky. the link is to a supposed third party investigation.

man-oh-man, how cool would it be to have clean free energy? I would love cold fusion to be possible but I have seen too many good magicians to be easily sucked in. the change in isotopes is pretty freaky though.
article on the test- Rossi 8217 s E-Cat Verified But Mystifies Independent Reviewers 8230 The Dawn Of An Energy Revolution

All in all, this is a great, maybe historic, result. There has been plenty of evidence that the E-Cat works, but Rossi has always been directly involved.

Now we have an independent team working in their own space and with tools from their universities. They see it work and present multiple lines of evidence confirming it is a nuclear process.

That there is no explanation for the process is annoying, but won’t block commercialization of the E-Cat. The shouting isn’t over, the science has barely begun, but we may be at the start of civilization’s next major energy source.

- See more at: Rossi 8217 s E-Cat Verified But Mystifies Independent Reviewers 8230 The Dawn Of An Energy Revolution
Like The God Particle (Higgs' Boson,) cold fusion got an unfortunate name hung around it's neck. But if this announcement pans out, it could represent a fundamental shift in energy generation. ...Assuming everyone involved doesn't mysteriously die in a freak auto accident. ;) Powers that be like the money and power distribution as-is I'm sure.

Cold fusion reactor verified by third-party researchers seems to have 1 million times the energy density of gasoline ExtremeTech

"Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat — the device that purports to use cold fusion to generate massive amounts of cheap, green energy – has been verified by third-party researchers, according to a new 54-page report. The researchers observed a small E-Cat over 32 days, where it produced net energy of 1.5 megawatt-hours, or “far more than can be obtained from any known chemical sources in the small reactor volume.” The researchers were also allowed to analyze the fuel before and after the 32-day run, noting that the isotopes in the spent fuel could only have been obtained by “nuclear reactions” — a conclusion that boggles the researchers: “… It is of course very hard to comprehend how these fusion processes can take place in the fuel compound at low energies.”

This new report [PDF] on the E-Cat was carried out by six (reputable) researchers from Italy and Sweden. While the new E-Cat looks very different from previous iterations, the researchers say that it uses the same “hydrogen-loaded nickel” and additives (most notably lithium) as a fuel. The device’s inventor, Andrea Rossi, claims that the E-Cat uses cold fusion — low-energy nuclear reactions, LENR — to fuse nickel and hydrogen atoms into copper, releasing oodles of energy. The researchers, analyzing the fuel before and after the 32-day burn, note that there is an isotope shift from a “natural” mix of Nickel-58/Nickel-60 to almost entirely Nickel-62 — a reaction that, the researchers say, cannot occur without nuclear reactions (i.e. fusion). The researchers say there is just 1 gram of fuel inside the E-Cat. For more info about the science/chemistry behind LENR, read our previous story about Rossi’s E-Cat."

much more including figures at link.
Well, here's hoping. Not the first time experts have been duped, however.
Maybe we could harness the power contained in the manmade climate disruption that's now trapped in the oceans

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Same old same old. He rigged the wiring to fool the ammeters, and just used electric heating to heat the thing up. And did a little sleight-of-hand with the nickel sample.

I especially like how the fusion reaction creates no gamma, alpha or beta radiation. Which, in a fusion reaction, is what gets converted to heat. So where's the heat supposed to be coming from? Magic!
Same old same old. He rigged the wiring to fool the ammeters, and just used electric heating to heat the thing up. And did a little sleight-of-hand with the nickel sample.

I especially like how the fusion reaction creates no gamma, alpha or beta radiation. Which, in a fusion reaction, is what gets converted to heat. So where's the heat supposed to be coming from? Magic!
...the cold fusion computer models show how that works

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Same old same old. He rigged the wiring to fool the ammeters, and just used electric heating to heat the thing up. And did a little sleight-of-hand with the nickel sample.

I especially like how the fusion reaction creates no gamma, alpha or beta radiation. Which, in a fusion reaction, is what gets converted to heat. So where's the heat supposed to be coming from? Magic!

are you saying that the 3rd party investigators and/or their universities are in cahoots with Rossi?
I was around the University of Utah when this cold fusion thing got a good start and was ultimately disproven in the 1980-1990's. One of the major problems was the man refused to share his information which would make it possible for third party replication. Kind of like Michale Mann's deception and tree ring bull shit CAGW.

After reading the article my skepticism remains. There are some very basic isotope changes that appear questionable. Until I can understand the process by which they dislodged tightly held molecules and the fusions process to incorporate them in other molecules I will with hold judgment.
I'm saying they got snookered by a con man.

However, if you disagree, you are free to invest your cash with Rossi. He'd be happy to take it.

I hear ya. thats why I made my comment on magicians.

read the comments from here. E-Cat Report Released 8216 Not a Conventional Source of Energy 8217 Cold Fusion LENR Confirmed

the extra heat is coming from somewhere but it is hard to figure out how Rossi is pulling a scam. perhaps he has an insider but even then it seems implausible for the observers to be tricked.
Same old same old. He rigged the wiring to fool the ammeters, and just used electric heating to heat the thing up. And did a little sleight-of-hand with the nickel sample.

I especially like how the fusion reaction creates no gamma, alpha or beta radiation. Which, in a fusion reaction, is what gets converted to heat. So where's the heat supposed to be coming from? Magic!

...the cold fusion computer models show how that works

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Thank God Taptalk picks up the slack, eh? :biggrin:

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