Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the jury verdict that freed George Zimmerman, the killer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, was questionable. But he isn't sure it will have staying power in the public consciousness. Speaking on CBS's Face the Nation, Powell...

The media adores Powell. But, most of us who know the truth realize he is and always was a political hack who's only seeking personal gain from his actions. That he should side with the hateful race baiters doesn't surprise me. Read more @ Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the jury verdict that freed George Zimmerman, the killer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, was questionable. But he isn't sure it will have staying power in the public consciousness. Speaking on CBS's Face the Nation, Powell...

The media adores Powell. But, most of us who know the truth realize he is and always was a political hack who's only seeking personal gain from his actions. That he should side with the hateful race baiters doesn't surprise me. Read more @ Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

His relationship with that Bulgarian hottie is questionable too. He needs to STFU.
Powell is black and lacks the courage to disagree with other blackness. No matter what he really thinks, he is forced to raise questions to keep his own credibility with his own people going. If he didn't he would be another Alan West and he's not prepared to do that.
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the jury verdict that freed George Zimmerman, the killer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, was questionable. But he isn't sure it will have staying power in the public consciousness. Speaking on CBS's Face the Nation, Powell...

The media adores Powell. But, most of us who know the truth realize he is and always was a political hack who's only seeking personal gain from his actions. That he should side with the hateful race baiters doesn't surprise me. Read more @ Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

His relationship with that Bulgarian hottie is questionable too. He needs to STFU.

Your relationship with the truth is not in question, maybe you ought to STFU. Even if you had evidence of an 'improper relationship' what does that have to do with his expression of an opinion? Not a damn thing other than character assassination, which is the default position for dirt bags like you.
Questionable? How about 'wrong'? Six stupid Paula Deens on the jury were too racist to see the overwhelming evidence for a manslaughter conviction.
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the jury verdict that freed George Zimmerman, the killer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, was questionable. But he isn't sure it will have staying power in the public consciousness. Speaking on CBS's Face the Nation, Powell...

The media adores Powell. But, most of us who know the truth realize he is and always was a political hack who's only seeking personal gain from his actions. That he should side with the hateful race baiters doesn't surprise me. Read more @ Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

Colin Powel is a moron.
Powell is black and lacks the courage to disagree with other blackness. No matter what he really thinks, he is forced to raise questions to keep his own credibility with his own people going. If he didn't he would be another Alan West and he's not prepared to do that.

Oh my, he's a black RINO (I wonder, are you that old ignorant women who John McCain shut down when she (you?) call Sen. Obama an Arab?)
Powell is black and lacks the courage to disagree with other blackness. No matter what he really thinks, he is forced to raise questions to keep his own credibility with his own people going. If he didn't he would be another Alan West and he's not prepared to do that.

That's an ignorant statement and assumption on your part. He doesn't need to answer or address the zimmerman trial to keep his credibility with "his people" (whatever the heck that means), "his people" are the American people he served throught the years of his military and government service. General Powell is his own man.

“From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him…against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason, ” said West in March last year.

"“It was going to be hard to prove that second degree murder [charge],” West added. “I think that if we had less of those external voices coming down, maybe the system of Justice could have worked out in the proper way

“First of all, if all that has been reported is accurate, the Sanford Police Chief should be relieved of his duties due to what appears to be a mishandling of this shooting in its early stages. The US Navy SEALS identified Osama Bin Laden within hours, while this young man laid on a morgue slab for three days. The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder…I have signed a letter supporting a DOJ investigation.”-Allen West (Front Page Magazine 7/8/2013) - See more at: Allen West Supports DOJ Civil Rights Probe Into Zimmerman, Carson Supports Murder Charge - The Shark Tank - The Shark Tank

Read more at: Allen West Supports DOJ Civil Rights Probe Into Zimmerman, Carson Supports Murder Charge - The Shark Tank - The Shark Tank | The Shark Tank

Does the same apply to Alan West and his "blackness"? Is Alan West "to keep his own credibility with his own people going."? :lol:
he's turned out to be a big disappointment...he must be bucking to run for President as Obama the second.
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the jury verdict that freed George Zimmerman, the killer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, was questionable. But he isn't sure it will have staying power in the public consciousness. Speaking on CBS's Face the Nation, Powell...

The media adores Powell. But, most of us who know the truth realize he is and always was a political hack who's only seeking personal gain from his actions. That he should side with the hateful race baiters doesn't surprise me. Read more @ Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

He along with the other race baiters, Oprah, will do their damnest to make sure that whites are accused as having open season on blacks, although Zimmerman is a Hispanic.
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the jury verdict that freed George Zimmerman, the killer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, was questionable. But he isn't sure it will have staying power in the public consciousness. Speaking on CBS's Face the Nation, Powell...

The media adores Powell. But, most of us who know the truth realize he is and always was a political hack who's only seeking personal gain from his actions. That he should side with the hateful race baiters doesn't surprise me. Read more @ Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

He's wrong on both counts. Others have correctly addressed the first. As for the second, this case will be trotted out by the race-baiters for years and years.
Questionable? How about 'wrong'? Six stupid Paula Deens on the jury were too racist to see the overwhelming evidence for a manslaughter conviction.

did you say the same thing about the OJ vote or the Casey Anthony vote? Of course not-----you are a hypocrite.
General Powell in terms of honor and character obviously shines a light on the lack of character and decency of the reactionaries on this Board.

Thank you, General, for your service, you should know very few of your detractors here were ever patriotic enough to join the service and give honorable duty.

I disagree with your opinion because the jury has spoken, but your right to your opinion is sacrosanct.
did they whine about the OJ Simpson verdict being questionable...

crickets chirping is all I heard and blocking off streets with adoring cheering crowds
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the jury verdict that freed George Zimmerman, the killer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, was questionable. But he isn't sure it will have staying power in the public consciousness. Speaking on CBS's Face the Nation, Powell...

The media adores Powell. But, most of us who know the truth realize he is and always was a political hack who's only seeking personal gain from his actions. That he should side with the hateful race baiters doesn't surprise me. Read more @ Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

Gosh, the same people who didn't believe him when he said Iraq had WMD, now are using him to prove Zimmerman was guilty? Face it, Colin Powell lost his credibility when he stood before the UN and LIED for President Bush.
But the General still has the right to his opinion and to make it public.
Questionable? How about 'wrong'? Six stupid Paula Deens on the jury were too racist to see the overwhelming evidence for a manslaughter conviction.

I watched almost all of the trial. What "overwhelming" evidence have you got? The forensic evidence shows that Trayvon was shot while on top of and leaning over Zimmerman. The eye witness evidence has Trayvon on top of Zimmerman pummeling him MMA style. Yeah, the prosecution tried to prove and actually did prove that Zimmerman took MMA classes, unfortunately, when redirected by the defense it came out that he'd never partnered up with another person and when rating his athletic ability in those classes the instructor barely gave him a one on a scale of one to ten.

So, I'm curious, what overwhelming evidence did you see for a manslaughter conviction? Because I missed it.
It seem Powell has decided to throw away any honor he had being in the military...questioning our legal and jury system now..
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the jury verdict that freed George Zimmerman, the killer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, was questionable. But he isn't sure it will have staying power in the public consciousness. Speaking on CBS's Face the Nation, Powell...

The media adores Powell. But, most of us who know the truth realize he is and always was a political hack who's only seeking personal gain from his actions. That he should side with the hateful race baiters doesn't surprise me. Read more @ Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

He's wrong on both counts. Others have correctly addressed the first. As for the second, this case will be trotted out by the race-baiters for years and years.

At least until the second coming of li'l Trayvon.

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