Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

Republicans, I hear Allen West is a much more docile and obedient black man. So switch your loyalty to him. Or that Scott fellow. Neither of them would dare contradict TheParty in any way, so they're examples of how the perfect GOP minority member behaves. You can be sure they won't have to be tossed under the bus for leaving the plantation, like Powell was.
:lol: The GOP is fully capable of choosing good candidates when we drop the reactionary right.
A black woman I worked with thought OJ was guilty and tsk tsk'd and shook her head when he got off. I, a white woman, on the other hand, didn't think they had a strong enough case against him.

People like you probably have a hard time understanding something like that.
I was walking out of a liquor store not to long ago, a black guy standing outside asked me if I had any "change to spare".

I reached in my pocket and started to pull some out, but then stopped and asked, "OJ, innocent or guilty?"

He replied, "Innocent!"

I said, "Aw man, you were that close!" (Put my hand back in my pocket and walked to my car).

As I was getting into my car, he was screaming, "That ain't right, man! That ain't right!"

That's a great example of how some people can't handle power well, get all off on it, and abuse it. Even pissy-ant little power like withholding some spare change from a homeless person because you don't like the way they answered a question. Even though their answer was legally the correct answer.

And you're proud of that?
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A black woman I worked with thought OJ was guilty and tsk tsk'd and shook her head when he got off. I, a white woman, on the other hand, didn't think they had a strong enough case against him.

People like you probably have a hard time understanding something like that.
I was walking out of a liquor store not to long ago, a black guy standing outside asked me if I had any "change to spare".

I reached in my pocket and started to pull some out, but then stopped and asked, "OJ, innocent or guilty?"

He replied, "Innocent!"

I said, "Aw man, you were that close!" (Put my hand back in my pocket and walked to my car).

As I was getting into my car, he was screaming, "That ain't right, man! That ain't right!"

That's a great example of how some people can't handle power well, get all off on it, and abuse it. Even pissy-ant little power like withholding some spare change from a homeless person because you don't like the way they answered a question. Even though their answer was legally the correct answer.

And you're proud of that?

Actually, the legally correct answer would be "not guilty".

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