The George Zimmerman ~ Kyle Rittenhouse Juxtaposition

I'm the type I surely feel sorry for both of them, both deserve prison, both are vigilantes.
The prisons are full of psychopath's, sociopath's and stupid people that do dumb things, should we let them all out of prison?

Neither was a vigilante at all.

What do you think someone should do in this kind of situation?

Mr. Rittenhouse had a gun pointed at him by a fucking criminal. Mr. Grosskreutz with his record had no business carrying a weapon, much less pointing it at a child. He got what was coming to him.

The argument that Rittenhouse had "no business" going to Kenosha is bullshit. Its a free country.

If I decided to go to the Pittsburgh ghetto today just to shop- do I forfeit my right to self defense? If I did, and someone pointed a gun at me, I'd shoot first if I could too.
Zimmerman is vastly different...
Zimmerman had little man syndrome...and has been in several more conflicts since that trial as a result.
I'm guessing but still assuming that Kyle is going to be out of town for a while but not doing anything untoward...for a long time.

He is honest to a fault...
Zimmerman has no such conscience.
"Little man syndrome" wasnt nearly as impactful on the events that night as Trayvons violent personality was.
Had Rittenhouse or Zimmermann not had a gun, then it would have been a fist fight. The person carrying a gun when the other guy is obviously unarmed carries the blame when they murder someone.
No, the idiot who tries to take a gun from someone holding it carries the blame when they get shot....common sense Dimmer.
Martin should have respected Zimmerman's authority as a block watch officer as well as an adult.

If he had he would be alive and probably chilling and enjoying life in the Florida penal system today.
He shouldnt have been casing those apartments either. Zimmerman had every reason to be suspicious of Trayvon walking through the lawn, looking in peoples apartment windows.
I do believe one of Rittenhouse's attackers had a gun, so that kind of goes out the window.
Two of them did... Ziminski and Grosskreutz.
It was a setup and an ambush.
The defense laid it out during closing arguments yesterday...
Ziminski, Huber, jump kick man, blue hoody, and Rosenbaum set things up to beat up Kyle because they thought that they could get his rifle away because of a kid's reluctance to shoot...

And when Kyle showed up with a fire extinguisher (by plan) they jumped him from all sides herding him into a corner to beat him senseless.

They didn't count on Kyle actually firing on more than one occasion and killing them. And several of those people involved have NOT come forward...for a reason.
There is no law requiring thatvthe victim of an attack allow themselves to be killed. Surviving an attack by a known criminal with a record is not breaking the law. It is a social faux pas.
What was Trayvon's criminal record and didn't Zimmerman have a criminal record.
What was Trayvon's criminal record and didn't Zimmerman have a criminal record.
Trayvon Martin had no criminal record due to a public policy of not prosecuting many crimes committed by a minor. He was suspended numerous times for petty crimes and was on suspension when he was shot for Marijuana use and possession of burglary tools.

George Zimmerman had no record either. A girlfriend called the police on a domestic abuse charge but dropped it.

Martin thought he could beat up the fat guy, like so many young blacks do. He just did not count on p the fat guy being armed. He chose poorly.
Trayvon Martin had no criminal record due to a public policy of not prosecuting many crimes committed by a minor. He was suspended numerous times for petty crimes and was on suspension when he was shot for Marijuana use and possession of burglary tools.

George Zimmerman had no record either. A girlfriend called the police on a domestic abuse charge but dropped it.

Martin thought he could beat up the fat guy, like so many young blacks do. He just did not count on p the fat guy being armed. He chose poorly.
So Trayvon doesn't have a record because they wanted to keep the numbers down, but Zimmerman who had a domestic violence incident against a woman and who attacked an off duty cop is a model citizen. How is it that a man with a history of violence can't handle a 160lb teenager without a gun, in an altercation that he initiated.
So Trayvon doesn't have a record because they wanted to keep the numbers down, but Zimmerman who had a domestic violence incident against a woman and who attacked an off duty cop is a model citizen. How is it that a man with a history of violence can't handle a 160lb teenager without a gun, in an altercation that he initiated.
Zimmerman just wasn't the kind of street fighter that Martin was. Zimmerman was not under any obligation to allow himself to be killed.
I'm the type I surely feel sorry for both of them, both deserve prison, both are vigilantes.
The prisons are full of psychopath's, sociopath's and stupid people that do dumb things, should we let them all out of prison?
Both cases there was not enough evidence to convict and the court of public opinion wanted them charged and tried.

Zimmerman walked because the prosecution tried to overcharged and fell way short of proving any case against Zimmerman. Do I like Zimmerman, nope, he is a clod, a rube, a total loser, however, eye witness evidence was Martin had pinned Zimmerman and Zimmerman retaliated. Zimmerman should of kept to his own business, however Martin should have not engaged with Zimmerman.

With the Rittenhouse case, again public pressure to overcharge and no evidence that supports anything about self defense. Should Rittenhouse have been there? Nope, but you can say that to all that were at the riot. When one goes to a riot, I would believe that there is a good chance you could get hurt. Also, when you chase a guy to try to kill him and he defends himself, what did you expect? To take a beating?

Two needless cases that should never have been prosecuted, just over eager prosecutions.
What was Trayvon's criminal record and didn't Zimmerman have a criminal record.
Both of them had criminal history, if I recall correctly, but that's not really relevant in that situation, is it?

No evidence suggested that Zimmerman attacked Trayvon. In fact, it was the exact opposite.

Attacking a man with a gun puts that man in imminent danger of death. Everyone seems to understand this but a select few.
Trayvon should have got on his knees and surrendered to Mr. Zimmerman and complied with his orders..

In fact, any kid who is walking thru their neighborhood should surrender themselves and obey orders from any adult that follows them..

That is the problem with people....they think they are allowed to walk around freely and they are not.... especially if they are unarmed...

The person with the gun is always the person in charge...obey them ...
Trayvon should have got on his knees and surrendered to Mr. Zimmerman and complied with his orders..

In fact, any kid who is walking thru their neighborhood should surrender themselves and obey orders from any adult that follows them..

That is the problem with people....they think they are allowed to walk around freely and they are not.... especially if they are unarmed...

The person with the gun is always the person in charge...obey them ...
Damn, thats what you got out of that incident? Its no wonder you people keep getting shot. You dont know how to behave. All Trayvon had to do was go home and not assault Zimmerman. Your low IQ community needs to come to the realization that you arent allowed to assault people, even if they are white.
George Zimmerman was not a police officer.
He was neighborhood watch.
He wanted to protect / defend his neighborhood.
He saw a stranger
He called it in to the police.
His job was done....but he decided to do more..
He decided to confront the perp....

Trayvon Martin was in a neighborhood not his own
He spotted Zimmerman
He decided to confront Zimmernan.
He decided to teach Zimmerman a lesson.
He hid, jumped out at Zimmerman

Martin & Zimmerman grappled for the gun.
Martin was killed in the struggle.

Had Zimmernan waited for the police
Had Zimmerman not chosen to confront Martin
Had Zimmerman not had a gun....

Had Martin not chosen to confront Zimmerman
Had Martin not had and lied In wait for Zimmerman
Had Martin just continued on his way home.

The incident was completely avoidable
No one Had to die
Both parties made decisions, foolish choices
Both sides are irreversibly, permanently affected
Zimmermann has to live with having killed a child
Martin's family must live with the loss of a child

All was a huge, miserable, avoidable tragedy....

So was the Rittenhouse incident.....

The rioters could have had a nice legal peaceful demonstration but they decided to loot and burn the city. But of course we can’t blame them. White people are supposed to apologize to to the rioters because they all are victims

The real victims are the owners of the stores and the property that was looted and destroyed.

Of course to be fair the liberal media lied about the incident to stir up the protestors. Of course they will get little blame and feel no shame.


Those who decided to attack Rittenhouse probably viewed him as a wimpy kid with a gun who probably had no idea how to use it or the guts to do so. An easy target.

Bad mistake.

Should Rittenhouse have been there to begin with?

I wouldn’t have been there as I don’t go looking for trouble as I have learned if you do it will find you. But then I am 75 years old.

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