Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

Powell is black and lacks the courage to disagree with other blackness. No matter what he really thinks, he is forced to raise questions to keep his own credibility with his own people going. If he didn't he would be another Alan West and he's not prepared to do that.

Sooooo...he didnt work with Bush? He turned down his position under him to "keep it real" with blacks?

Help me out here. Him and Condelezza?
Questionable? How about 'wrong'? Six stupid Paula Deens on the jury were too racist to see the overwhelming evidence for a manslaughter conviction.

You are aware one of them was black right?

I'm still waiting to see this "overwhelming evidence for a manslaughter conviction." I watched almost the entire trial and saw no evidence of such. Must've been something I missed, please post it Cheesy.

See my post, #82.
Last I heard Powell was a retired US Army General with an MBA degree. I guess he is qualified to second guess the administration's strategy in the Mid East and Afghanistan but he seems reluctant to comment on the things he knows about if it tends to cause discomfort to the Hussein administration. His opinion about the judicial system is no more valuable than any one of the thousands of kids who graduate from law school every year.
General Powell in terms of honor and character obviously shines a light on the lack of character and decency of the reactionaries on this Board.

Thank you, General, for your service, you should know very few of your detractors here were ever patriotic enough to join the service and give honorable duty.

I disagree with your opinion because the jury has spoken, but your right to your opinion is sacrosanct.

Yeah, he was a "hero" in 'Nam for "saving" his commanding general from a burning chopper.

But, he quickly became a "political general" as outline @ Colin Powell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Powell should of stayed out of all this..He is showing his racial bias..which a shame...
General Powell in terms of honor and character obviously shines a light on the lack of character and decency of the reactionaries on this Board.

Thank you, General, for your service, you should know very few of your detractors here were ever patriotic enough to join the service and give honorable duty.

I disagree with your opinion because the jury has spoken, but your right to your opinion is sacrosanct.

Yeah, he was a "hero" in 'Nam for "saving" his commanding general from a burning chopper.

But, he quickly became a "political general" as outline @ Colin Powell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You are babbling.
Didn't take much prompting for the right to toss Powell under the bus. He only had to disagree once. The GOP requires its minority members do as they're told, and Powell didn't want to play along.
Not all Republican blacks kow tow to the far right, but they pay for it when they don't.
"Race Baiter"; notice how often this word shows up in posts by the far right?

If the far left would stop race-baiting, I guarantee you'd never see it again.

Ball's in your court.

Second Race Baiting comment on this thread. Seems like Hannity or Limbaugh set the theme.
When you think of Colin Powell, I GUARANTEE your first thought is "black guy".

The left can't help but think in terms of race. That's because you have a difficult time seeing people as individuals and not as faceless members of a voting bloc.
Didn't take much prompting for the right to toss Powell under the bus. He only had to disagree once. The GOP requires its minority members do as they're told, and Powell didn't want to play along.
You have a habit of projecting the left's attitudes on the right. :lol:
Didn't take much prompting for the right to toss Powell under the bus. He only had to disagree once. The GOP requires its minority members do as they're told, and Powell didn't want to play along.
You have a habit of projecting the left's attitudes on the right. :lol:

NO KIDDING, when he was with Bush they couldn't stand his they wuve him...

liberalism is a mental disorder in case you all didn't know that BY NOW
did they whine about the OJ Simpson verdict being questionable...

crickets chirping is all I heard and blocking off streets with adoring cheering crowds

I thought the OJ verdict was wrong and that the prosecutors really screwed up.

Which OJ verdict are you talking about?
daveman believes the reactionary far right has all the answers, when in fact it has very few minimally good ones. The ones the do have are firmly conservative.
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