Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

Gots examples, bro? :lol:
Curious as to why I should bother. You'd deny it, fling a few insults, and claim victory.

Nevertheless, you do take it very personally when Obama is criticized. This is undeniable, so don't bother denying it.

OK, you don't have examples. We got it and thanks for the admission.
The only thing I've admitted is that you're dishonest.
If people are acting like butts, whether to Obama or to Bush, I give it back just as hard.
Really? I don't recall ever seeing you get as emotionally worked up defending Bush as you do Obama.
Trying being nice. :lol:
You definition of "nice" being, of course, "immediately and unquestioningly agreeable with everything I say".
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says the jury verdict that freed George Zimmerman, the killer of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, was questionable. But he isn't sure it will have staying power in the public consciousness. Speaking on CBS's Face the Nation, Powell...

The media adores Powell. But, most of us who know the truth realize he is and always was a political hack who's only seeking personal gain from his actions. That he should side with the hateful race baiters doesn't surprise me. Read more @ Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

no need to read anymore of the article

it is clear he is a race baiter as well
Powell is just embarrassing himself playing up to the race hustlers in this country

but if that what he wants to make his life, he can take the people losing respect for him..
I've always liked General Powell even though I disagree with him on many things. This being one of those things. I have to say that if he were to run for President, I would consider voting for him. I said consider! I don't think he can possibly be worse than anyone else the parties are going to throw at us.

I don't hold his lie to the UN against him. It was politics and it was his job. I'd like to say, I would have behaved differently, but I don't think any of us knows what went through his mind in justifying his actions.

He should have stayed out of politics. He would have remained respectable had he done so. Instead, he got the shit all over himself and damaged his reputation.

Curious as to why I should bother. You'd deny it, fling a few insults, and claim victory.

Nevertheless, you do take it very personally when Obama is criticized. This is undeniable, so don't bother denying it.

OK, you don't have examples. We got it and thanks for the admission.
The only thing I've admitted is that you're dishonest.
If people are acting like butts, whether to Obama or to Bush, I give it back just as hard.
Really? I don't recall ever seeing you get as emotionally worked up defending Bush as you do Obama.
Trying being nice. :lol:
You definition of "nice" being, of course, "immediately and unquestioningly agreeable with everything I say".

Not at all, that's yours.

Be respectful, lay off personal attacks, believe the other person loves the country as much as you.

Give it a try.
Most of the race hustlers and race baiters in the country are located on the far right.

They far outnumber the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons and their followers.
Colin Powell has served this country more than any poster here and has earned the right that all Americans have and that right is to state his opinion, when asked.
We have posters on this board who demonize anyone who disagrees with their narrow view, no matter how much this person who disagrees with them has contributed to the USA, they get categorized, demonized. and of course pure hate is on display.
USMB is getting more and more disgusting.
Colin Powell has served this country more than any poster here and has earned the right that all Americans have and that right is to state his opinion, when asked.
We have posters on this board who demonize anyone who disagrees with their narrow view, no matter how much this person who disagrees with them has contributed to the USA, they get categorized, demonized. and of course pure hate is on display.
USMB is getting more and more disgusting.

no one is DEMONIZING him...get a grip...we also have a right to our opinions of things he says and does...He was a leader of this country at one time

now you need some cheese and tissues
Get whining, Steph, and be polite. You have a right to disagree agreeably in this forum.
OK, you don't have examples. We got it and thanks for the admission.
The only thing I've admitted is that you're dishonest.

Really? I don't recall ever seeing you get as emotionally worked up defending Bush as you do Obama.
Trying being nice. :lol:
You definition of "nice" being, of course, "immediately and unquestioningly agreeable with everything I say".

Not at all, that's yours.
Your Pee-Wee "I Know You Are But What Am I?" Hermann schtick is wearing thin.
Be respectful, lay off personal attacks, believe the other person loves the country as much as you.

Give it a try.
Odd how that doesn't seem to apply to you when there are conservatives about, isn't it?
daveman, while not a racist (I think), will set race bait rat traps.

Then he falls into them himself.

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