Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

Questionable? How about 'wrong'? Six stupid Paula Deens on the jury were too racist to see the overwhelming evidence for a manslaughter conviction.

You are aware one of them was black right?

I'm still waiting to see this "overwhelming evidence for a manslaughter conviction." I watched almost the entire trial and saw no evidence of such. Must've been something I missed, please post it Cheesy.
The media adores Powell. But, most of us who know the truth realize he is and always was a political hack who's only seeking personal gain from his actions. That he should side with the hateful race baiters doesn't surprise me. Read more @ Colin Powell: George Zimmerman Verdict 'Questionable'

Colin Powel is a moron.


I don't believe he is a moron.

He is a fine human being, who has accomplished a great deal, but has the inherent weaknesses of ....human beings.
He can't take any more punishment.

The man took beating from Democrats, like the racist Clinton.....

… President Bill Clinton
argued that Colin Powell, promoted
to brigadier general during Mr.
Alexander’s tenure, was the product
of an affirmative action program.

...and from almost all blacks.

Including his family.

Now, he is doing his best to make his declining years livable.

How else to explain his looking at the abominable failures of Obama, with no improvements in the black community....and, yet, supporting

" Powell Says Obama’s Economic Policies Working" Colin Powell Says Obama?s Economic Policies Working: Blames Poverty On Lack Of Education

At this point in his life, it's all about skin color.

Post the quote from President Bill Clinton in context! And how do you know at this point in General Powell's life "it's all about skin color"?

If you don't respond with probative evidence others will know you're full of vile partisan shit.

The Lies of Colin Powell
A Tale of Two Generals

There are still a remarkable number of people who maintain illusions about Gen. Colin Powell, and believe he was really a "good guy" who tried his best to moderate the evil nature of the Bush administration but failed. As part of that, they actually give credence to Powell's recent "mea a little bit culpa" speech in which Powell asserted that his February, 2003 speech to the U.N. was now "painful" for him and a permanent "blot" on his record. Of course he hid behind the claim of having "been misled about the accuracy of the intelligence on which he relied" and didn't take any actual responsibility for what he said. This despite the fact that reports at the time (June, 2003) had Powell saying "I'm not reading this. This is bullshit," and removing "dozens of pages" of alleged evidence.

Supporters of Powell like to claim that Powell was just being a "good soldier," but a good soldier not only doesn't have to obey illegal orders but in fact is obliged to disobey them. From Powell's role in covering up the My Lai massacre, to his speech at the U.N. which even he recognized was filled with "bullshit," Powell has acted to promote illegal actions. In the latter case he played a key role in moving American "establishment" opinion to support the illegal invasion of Iraq, and the subsequent deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqis and Americans. Of particular interest are statements like these which Powell made in his U.N. presentation:

"My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we're giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence."

Such a statement takes on even more significance given today's revelation that reports as early as February, 2002 had indicated that key portions of the "intelligence" presented by Powell were sourced to a "likely fabricator."

Colin Powell is a free man and not only welcomed, but honored by "polite society." A war crimes trial for his role in selling an illegal war doesn't seem to be on the horizon. Meanwhile, another General, Iraqi Gen. Amer al-Saadi, sits in solitary confinement in a prison in Iraq, where he has been for the last 2 1/2 years. As with most prisoners held by the Americans, he has neither been convicted, tried, or even charged with any crime. Gen. al-Saadi, you'll remember, was the Iraqi liason to the weapons inspectors, the voice of Iraq when Iraq denied having any weapons of mass destruction or WMD programs. And just what was Gen. al-Saadi's crime? For all intents and purposes, it was speaking the truth to Powell's lies:

Read more here: David Sirota: A Reminder About Colin Powell...



Were it not for the fact that so many Americans are too ignorant, too dense, or too racially biased to understand the depth of Colin Powell's crime against this Nation, its People, and above all the soldiers who trusted him and who he knowingly and unnecessarily put in harm's way, would demand this reprehensible, lying, self-serving scoundrel be hanged.

The Lies of Colin Powell
A Tale of Two Generals

There are still a remarkable number of people who maintain illusions about Gen. Colin Powell, and believe he was really a "good guy" who tried his best to moderate the evil nature of the Bush administration but failed. As part of that, they actually give credence to Powell's recent "mea a little bit culpa" speech in which Powell asserted that his February, 2003 speech to the U.N. was now "painful" for him and a permanent "blot" on his record. Of course he hid behind the claim of having "been misled about the accuracy of the intelligence on which he relied" and didn't take any actual responsibility for what he said. This despite the fact that reports at the time (June, 2003) had Powell saying "I'm not reading this. This is bullshit," and removing "dozens of pages" of alleged evidence.

Supporters of Powell like to claim that Powell was just being a "good soldier," but a good soldier not only doesn't have to obey illegal orders but in fact is obliged to disobey them. From Powell's role in covering up the My Lai massacre, to his speech at the U.N. which even he recognized was filled with "bullshit," Powell has acted to promote illegal actions. In the latter case he played a key role in moving American "establishment" opinion to support the illegal invasion of Iraq, and the subsequent deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqis and Americans. Of particular interest are statements like these which Powell made in his U.N. presentation:

"My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we're giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence."

Such a statement takes on even more significance given today's revelation that reports as early as February, 2002 had indicated that key portions of the "intelligence" presented by Powell were sourced to a "likely fabricator."

Colin Powell is a free man and not only welcomed, but honored by "polite society." A war crimes trial for his role in selling an illegal war doesn't seem to be on the horizon. Meanwhile, another General, Iraqi Gen. Amer al-Saadi, sits in solitary confinement in a prison in Iraq, where he has been for the last 2 1/2 years. As with most prisoners held by the Americans, he has neither been convicted, tried, or even charged with any crime. Gen. al-Saadi, you'll remember, was the Iraqi liason to the weapons inspectors, the voice of Iraq when Iraq denied having any weapons of mass destruction or WMD programs. And just what was Gen. al-Saadi's crime? For all intents and purposes, it was speaking the truth to Powell's lies:

Read more here: David Sirota: A Reminder About Colin Powell...



Were it not for the fact that so many Americans are too ignorant, too dense, or too racially biased to understand the depth of Colin Powell's crime against this Nation, its People, and above all the soldiers who trusted him and who he knowingly and unnecessarily put in harm's way, would demand this reprehensible, lying, self-serving scoundrel be hanged.

And Bush and Cheney along with him.
The facts show Prefan is simply an ignorant reactionary who refuses the right of others to respectfully offer a disagreeing opinion.

That is one of the tremendous faults of the far reactionary right.

Hey moron, when did I refuse Powel's right to voice his opinion? Dumbass.

The qualifying word was "respectfully". Yours is worthless, yet I defend your right as well to issue it. You just have no class when you do it is the point.

Worthless disgusting reactionaries.
Colin Powel is a moron.


I don't believe he is a moron.

He is a fine human being, who has accomplished a great deal, but has the inherent weaknesses of ....human beings.
He can't take any more punishment.

The man took beating from Democrats, like the racist Clinton.....

… President Bill Clinton
argued that Colin Powell, promoted
to brigadier general during Mr.
Alexander’s tenure, was the product
of an affirmative action program.

...and from almost all blacks.

Including his family.

Now, he is doing his best to make his declining years livable.

How else to explain his looking at the abominable failures of Obama, with no improvements in the black community....and, yet, supporting

" Powell Says Obama’s Economic Policies Working" Colin Powell Says Obama?s Economic Policies Working: Blames Poverty On Lack Of Education

At this point in his life, it's all about skin color.

Post the quote from President Bill Clinton in context! And how do you know at this point in General Powell's life "it's all about skin color"?

If you don't respond with probative evidence others will know you're full of vile partisan shit.

Of course she is: she is a reactionary hack who cannot critically think and who is guilty of confirmation bias and misrecognition.

Ask her for context, and her eyes go blank.
Colin Powel is a moron.


I don't believe he is a moron.

He is a fine human being, who has accomplished a great deal, but has the inherent weaknesses of ....human beings.
He can't take any more punishment.

The man took beating from Democrats, like the racist Clinton.....

… President Bill Clinton
argued that Colin Powell, promoted
to brigadier general during Mr.
Alexander’s tenure, was the product
of an affirmative action program.

...and from almost all blacks.

Including his family.

Now, he is doing his best to make his declining years livable.

How else to explain his looking at the abominable failures of Obama, with no improvements in the black community....and, yet, supporting

" Powell Says Obama’s Economic Policies Working" Colin Powell Says Obama?s Economic Policies Working: Blames Poverty On Lack Of Education

At this point in his life, it's all about skin color.

Post the quote from President Bill Clinton in context! And how do you know at this point in General Powell's life "it's all about skin color"?

If you don't respond with probative evidence others will know you're full of vile partisan shit.

Do you understand what 'context' means, you moron???

The context is that the rapist Clinton was upset that a black army officer was a Republican.

So he attempted to use the same kinds of aspersion that you attempted in this post....and for the same reason: he's a lying, low-life, bottom-feeding, dumptster-diving, sniveling ungulate.....just as your are.

So....what is your condition today?
Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get my hopes up?
You don't understand nuance or context, PC.

You are guilty in all of your OPs of confirmation bias and misrecognition.

And all you can do when outed is attack personality.

Honey, simply, you are a reactionary loser. :lol:

I don't believe he is a moron.

He is a fine human being, who has accomplished a great deal, but has the inherent weaknesses of ....human beings.
He can't take any more punishment.

The man took beating from Democrats, like the racist Clinton.....

… President Bill Clinton
argued that Colin Powell, promoted
to brigadier general during Mr.
Alexander’s tenure, was the product
of an affirmative action program.

...and from almost all blacks.

Including his family.

Now, he is doing his best to make his declining years livable.

How else to explain his looking at the abominable failures of Obama, with no improvements in the black community....and, yet, supporting

" Powell Says Obama’s Economic Policies Working" Colin Powell Says Obama?s Economic Policies Working: Blames Poverty On Lack Of Education

At this point in his life, it's all about skin color.

Post the quote from President Bill Clinton in context! And how do you know at this point in General Powell's life "it's all about skin color"?

If you don't respond with probative evidence others will know you're full of vile partisan shit.

Of course she is: she is a reactionary hack who cannot critically think and who is guilty of confirmation bias and misrecognition.

Ask her for context, and her eyes go blank.

I am so looking forward to you two in a Mexican Midget Wrestling match!
Post the quote from President Bill Clinton in context! And how do you know at this point in General Powell's life "it's all about skin color"?

If you don't respond with probative evidence others will know you're full of vile partisan shit.

Of course she is: she is a reactionary hack who cannot critically think and who is guilty of confirmation bias and misrecognition.

Ask her for context, and her eyes go blank.

I am so looking forward to you two in a Mexican Midget Wrestling match!

you wild reactionary you. :lol:
You don't understand nuance or context, PC.

You are guilty in all of your OPs of confirmation bias and misrecognition.

And all you can do when outed is attack personality.

Honey, simply, you are a reactionary loser. :lol:

Confession is good for the soul.

Admit you are merely embarrassed that I've been putting you in your place regularly.

That's the truth, isn't it.

The problem is that you're.....what's that word....dopey.

I don't believe he is a moron.

He is a fine human being, who has accomplished a great deal, but has the inherent weaknesses of ....human beings.
He can't take any more punishment.

The man took beating from Democrats, like the racist Clinton.....

… President Bill Clinton
argued that Colin Powell, promoted
to brigadier general during Mr.
Alexander’s tenure, was the product
of an affirmative action program.

...and from almost all blacks.

Including his family.

Now, he is doing his best to make his declining years livable.

How else to explain his looking at the abominable failures of Obama, with no improvements in the black community....and, yet, supporting

" Powell Says Obama’s Economic Policies Working" Colin Powell Says Obama?s Economic Policies Working: Blames Poverty On Lack Of Education

At this point in his life, it's all about skin color.

Post the quote from President Bill Clinton in context! And how do you know at this point in General Powell's life "it's all about skin color"?

If you don't respond with probative evidence others will know you're full of vile partisan shit.

Do you understand what 'context' means, you moron???

The context is that the rapist Clinton was upset that a black army officer was a Republican.

So he attempted to use the same kinds of aspersion that you attempted in this post....and for the same reason: he's a lying, low-life, bottom-feeding, dumptster-diving, sniveling ungulate.....just as your are.

So....what is your condition today?
Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get my hopes up?

Of course I know the meaning of context; apparently you don't, or choose to deflect 'cause you're a liar.

You got busted and defaulted to your usual response when called out - personal attacks. Anyone who doubts that's your MO need only to read anyone of your threads.

Answer the questions or be known as a LIAR!
The facts show Prefan is simply an ignorant reactionary who refuses the right of others to respectfully offer a disagreeing opinion.

That is one of the tremendous faults of the far reactionary right.
...he said, as he refuses the right of others to offer a disagreeing opinion.

You don't even see the hypocrisy, do you?

"Respectfully" is the qualifier here, daveman, and I have always told you that if you act respectfully you get the same from me.

Say your piece and expect to get treated how you say it.

...until someone disagrees with Obama. Then you're not so respectful, are you? :lol:
I watched almost all of the trial. What "overwhelming" evidence have you got? The forensic evidence shows that Trayvon was shot while on top of and leaning over Zimmerman. The eye witness evidence has Trayvon on top of Zimmerman pummeling him MMA style. Yeah, the prosecution tried to prove and actually did prove that Zimmerman took MMA classes, unfortunately, when redirected by the defense it came out that he'd never partnered up with another person and when rating his athletic ability in those classes the instructor barely gave him a one on a scale of one to ten.

So, I'm curious, what overwhelming evidence did you see for a manslaughter conviction? Because I missed it.
"Zimmerman is white, and Martin is black."

Seriously -- that's all the evidence people like velvtacheeze need. And they have to make up half of it. :cool:

Zimmerman is Hispanic. He has a black great grandfather, which it used to be, if I get my math right, made him black himself, especially in the south. 1/32nd black was considered to be all black. And that as late as the 70's.
Which shows how silly the claim that Z is white is.

Some people can't see anything but race. And in light of the anniversary of the March on DC, it's particularly pathetic.
Gots examples, bro? :lol:
Curious as to why I should bother. You'd deny it, fling a few insults, and claim victory.

Nevertheless, you do take it very personally when Obama is criticized. This is undeniable, so don't bother denying it.
Gots examples, bro? :lol:
Curious as to why I should bother. You'd deny it, fling a few insults, and claim victory.

Nevertheless, you do take it very personally when Obama is criticized. This is undeniable, so don't bother denying it.

OK, you don't have examples. We got it and thanks for the admission.

If people are acting like butts, whether to Obama or to Bush, I give it back just as hard.

Trying being nice. :lol:
Post the quote from President Bill Clinton in context! And how do you know at this point in General Powell's life "it's all about skin color"?

If you don't respond with probative evidence others will know you're full of vile partisan shit.

Do you understand what 'context' means, you moron???

The context is that the rapist Clinton was upset that a black army officer was a Republican.

So he attempted to use the same kinds of aspersion that you attempted in this post....and for the same reason: he's a lying, low-life, bottom-feeding, dumptster-diving, sniveling ungulate.....just as your are.

So....what is your condition today?
Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get my hopes up?

Of course I know the meaning of context; apparently you don't, or choose to deflect 'cause you're a liar.

You got busted and defaulted to your usual response when called out - personal attacks. Anyone who doubts that's your MO need only to read anyone of your threads.

Answer the questions or be known as a LIAR!

They're not personal attacks.....they're accurate descriptions.

The context is that the rapist Clinton was upset that a black army officer was a Republican.
Powell is black and lacks the courage to disagree with other blackness. No matter what he really thinks, he is forced to raise questions to keep his own credibility with his own people going. If he didn't he would be another Alan West and he's not prepared to do that.

That's an ignorant statement and assumption on your part. He doesn't need to answer or address the zimmerman trial to keep his credibility with "his people" (whatever the heck that means), "his people" are the American people he served throught the years of his military and government service. General Powell is his own man.

“From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him…against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason, ” said West in March last year.

"“It was going to be hard to prove that second degree murder [charge],” West added. “I think that if we had less of those external voices coming down, maybe the system of Justice could have worked out in the proper way

“First of all, if all that has been reported is accurate, the Sanford Police Chief should be relieved of his duties due to what appears to be a mishandling of this shooting in its early stages. The US Navy SEALS identified Osama Bin Laden within hours, while this young man laid on a morgue slab for three days. The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder…I have signed a letter supporting a DOJ investigation.”-Allen West (Front Page Magazine 7/8/2013) - See more at: Allen West Supports DOJ Civil Rights Probe Into Zimmerman, Carson Supports Murder Charge - The Shark Tank - The Shark Tank

Read more at: Allen West Supports DOJ Civil Rights Probe Into Zimmerman, Carson Supports Murder Charge - The Shark Tank - The Shark Tank | The Shark Tank

Does the same apply to Alan West and his "blackness"? Is Alan West "to keep his own credibility with his own people going."? :lol:

^^^^ Well? :lol:

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