College gal films porn in campus library

A former Oregon State University student is facing a public lewdness charge after she filmed an X-rated video in the school’s library, a clip that has circulated widely on campus.
Kendra Sunderland, 19, was arrested Tuesday in connection with the video shot in the school’s sprawling Valley Library. Sunderland, seated at a table in the library, is seen exposing her breasts and vagina, while also licking and touching herself in the 31-minute video (screen grabs from which can be seen above and below).
The video was shot with Sunderland’s laptop and it appears she is exchanging typed messages with someone watching her exploits in real time. In fact, it seems that Sunderland’s performance was part of a webcam show. Other photos and videos found online depict the teenager–who uses an alias–engaged in similar lewd acts, all of which transpire in what appears to be her residence.
Woman 19 Arrested For Filming X-Rated Webcam Performance Inside Oregon State University Library The Smoking Gun
Sunderland faces a maximum one-year prison term and a $6250 fine. She may earn more and avoid the sentence easily. American youth is absolutely shameless. They don't respect any moral or social norms. Moreover they know the price of moral and ethics. 6250$ is not too much honestly.
American teens make their living as they can. But unfortunately authorities didn't understand them and fined.
Where will they get more 6250$? It is hard to imagine smth. more savoury.
A former Oregon State University student is facing a public lewdness charge after she filmed an X-rated video in the school’s library, a clip that has circulated widely on campus.
Kendra Sunderland, 19, was arrested Tuesday in connection with the video shot in the school’s sprawling Valley Library. Sunderland, seated at a table in the library, is seen exposing her breasts and vagina, while also licking and touching herself in the 31-minute video (screen grabs from which can be seen above and below).
The video was shot with Sunderland’s laptop and it appears she is exchanging typed messages with someone watching her exploits in real time. In fact, it seems that Sunderland’s performance was part of a webcam show. Other photos and videos found online depict the teenager–who uses an alias–engaged in similar lewd acts, all of which transpire in what appears to be her residence.
Woman 19 Arrested For Filming X-Rated Webcam Performance Inside Oregon State University Library The Smoking Gun
Sunderland faces a maximum one-year prison term and a $6250 fine. She may earn more and avoid the sentence easily. American youth is absolutely shameless. They don't respect any moral or social norms. Moreover they know the price of moral and ethics. 6250$ is not too much honestly.
American teens make their living as they can. But unfortunately authorities didn't understand them and fined.
Where will they get more 6250$? It is hard to imagine smth. more savoury.

Hopefully, most have more values than that and would not make money in such a way. Money is NOT the most important thing. Having self worth and self respect is priceless. Now, those pictures of her are out there FOREVER. Once you post something like that on the internet, it never goes away. Now, her family, her future children, her future husband could see her acting like a skank. Horrible decision. I don't think she should go to jail, but she isn't very bright.
She could us this to launch a career as a celebrity with no talent if she plays her cards right. It worked for Kim Kardashian.
The entire video is online. I skimmed thru it and it seems pretty tame compared to a lot of webcam things. Yeah, it was stupid to do it in a library. She also seems to spend a fair amount of time looking around so she won't get caught. It didn't seem crowded, from what little I saw. But some people get off of possibly being caught.

This girl was not risking pregnancy, STDs or being raped. She was having fun. Until the video was released, no one knew except whomever she was sharing it with. No one in the library saw her.

Make her pay a fine? Maybe. Jail? No way.
What some people will do for attention.

Either that or what they will do for excitement. I remember fooling around in the stacks when I was at UA. And that was a LONG time ago. The technology is new, but the adventures are as old as humanity.
What some people will do for attention.

Either that or what they will do for excitement. I remember fooling around in the stacks when I was at UA. And that was a LONG time ago. The technology is new, but the adventures are as old as humanity.

She's your kind of skank, huh? Lol.

Why is she a skank? Why the negative?

How did she harm anyone? She enjoys her sexuality. Why is that bad? She looked like she was careful to avoid being seen by others in the library. What exactly did she do wrong? Is it that she didn't wait until her wedding night to do anything sexual?
What some people will do for attention.

Either that or what they will do for excitement. I remember fooling around in the stacks when I was at UA. And that was a LONG time ago. The technology is new, but the adventures are as old as humanity.

She's your kind of skank, huh? Lol.

Why is she a skank? Why the negative?

How did she harm anyone? She enjoys her sexuality. Why is that bad? She looked like she was careful to avoid being seen by others in the library. What exactly did she do wrong? Is it that she didn't wait until her wedding night to do anything sexual?

I already explained that in one of my other posts.
What some people will do for attention.

Either that or what they will do for excitement. I remember fooling around in the stacks when I was at UA. And that was a LONG time ago. The technology is new, but the adventures are as old as humanity.

She's your kind of skank, huh? Lol.

Why is she a skank? Why the negative?

How did she harm anyone? She enjoys her sexuality. Why is that bad? She looked like she was careful to avoid being seen by others in the library. What exactly did she do wrong? Is it that she didn't wait until her wedding night to do anything sexual?

Let's put it to you this way. Would you want a girlfriend/wife who shared her body with every other man on the planet? Or would you like that to be just for you?
What some people will do for attention.

Either that or what they will do for excitement. I remember fooling around in the stacks when I was at UA. And that was a LONG time ago. The technology is new, but the adventures are as old as humanity.

She's your kind of skank, huh? Lol.

Why is she a skank? Why the negative?

How did she harm anyone? She enjoys her sexuality. Why is that bad? She looked like she was careful to avoid being seen by others in the library. What exactly did she do wrong? Is it that she didn't wait until her wedding night to do anything sexual?

Let's put it to you this way. Would you want a girlfriend/wife who shared her body with every other man on the planet? Or would you like that to be just for you?

I enjoy women who enjoy their sexuality. I have no interest in a virgin, since they likely have no clue what they are doing.

Do you want a man who had zero experience?
What some people will do for attention.

Either that or what they will do for excitement. I remember fooling around in the stacks when I was at UA. And that was a LONG time ago. The technology is new, but the adventures are as old as humanity.

She's your kind of skank, huh? Lol.

Why is she a skank? Why the negative?

How did she harm anyone? She enjoys her sexuality. Why is that bad? She looked like she was careful to avoid being seen by others in the library. What exactly did she do wrong? Is it that she didn't wait until her wedding night to do anything sexual?

Let's put it to you this way. Would you want a girlfriend/wife who shared her body with every other man on the planet? Or would you like that to be just for you?

I enjoy women who enjoy their sexuality. I have no interest in a virgin, since they likely have no clue what they are doing.

Do you want a man who had zero experience?

I said nothing of virgins. Lol. It's the idea that all kinds of other men have seen your girlfriend/wife nude and masturbate over her. That's okay with you? If so, then whatever, but I think most men would not really appreciate that, and I can't say that I would blame them one bit.

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