College snowflakes now say the word "tiger" is racist. HAHAHA


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Another silly conspiracy theory from blacks. With all the welfare and affirmative action programs whites give them, they are desperate to find some way to justify their claims of victimhood.

Petition: LSU Tigers mascot a 'symbol of white oppression'

may 31 2017 An online petition is demanding that Louisiana State University change its “Tigers” mascot, calling the moniker “the most prevalent [C]onfederate symbol in the United States.”
The Louisiana Tigers was a nickname given to certain units from the state during the Civil War, and was adopted in 1895 because it evoked the hard-fighting reputation of those soldiers.
The petition's author also objects to the mascot because "it’s also cruel to cage a wild animal for the amusement of privileged white people."
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It appears these fools think the Civil War was about freeing the slaves!!! That's not just wrong - it's preposterous since

1. There were FOUR Union States (KY MD DE MO) that had legal slavery throughout the 4 year war with a total of 300,000 slaves

2. There were many NORTHERN generals who owned slaves throughout the war.
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If Lincoln was around now he'd be kicking himself.

Lincoln was a white supremacist and cared nothing for blacks though he did think slavery was wrong. All his adult life he fought for enticing blacks to return to africa.
Lincoln damn sure wasn't no anti slavery advocate.

He was gonna die from syphillis in 2 weeks if he wasn't killed.

Civil war wasn't over slavery, it was over southern resources.

That's what I said.
Another silly conspiracy theory from blacks. With all the welfare and affirmative action programs whites give them, they are desperate to find some way to justify their claims of victimhood.

Petition: LSU Tigers mascot a 'symbol of white oppression'

may 31 2017 An online petition is demanding that Louisiana State University change its “Tigers” mascot, calling the moniker “the most prevalent [C]onfederate symbol in the United States.”
The Louisiana Tigers was a nickname given to certain units from the state during the Civil War, and was adopted in 1895 because it evoked the hard-fighting reputation of those soldiers.
The petition's author also objects to the mascot because "it’s also cruel to cage a wild animal for the amusement of privileged white people."
Colleges are just left wing seminaries.
Riiiight, because all the historians are wrong and internet posters are right.

Civil war wasn't over slavery, it was over southern resources.


It was also about tariffs and state's rights and the right to secede and the simple fact that the north and south hated each other. Slavery was a very small part of the war and yet for 150 years the gover-media has said the CW was all about freeing the slaves.
So when North states impose a tariff on southern states shipping their goods to them just for why not, nobody's supposed to get pissed off, right?

Apparently no.

Yeah, well apparently somebody did.

BTW all you "confederate should wave the white flag"


Bitch I can climb 200 feet up a tree and hit you in the head from 200 yards.


You are pussies.

Just because Lee didn't want Sherman to be doing more atrocities does not make him a bad man.

You ask some old black woman in NC what she thinks of General Sherman.

You might be surprised. They ain't too happy.
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Another silly conspiracy theory from blacks. With all the welfare and affirmative action programs whites give them, they are desperate to find some way to justify their claims of victimhood.

Petition: LSU Tigers mascot a 'symbol of white oppression'

may 31 2017 An online petition is demanding that Louisiana State University change its “Tigers” mascot, calling the moniker “the most prevalent [C]onfederate symbol in the United States.”
The Louisiana Tigers was a nickname given to certain units from the state during the Civil War, and was adopted in 1895 because it evoked the hard-fighting reputation of those soldiers.
The petition's author also objects to the mascot because "it’s also cruel to cage a wild animal for the amusement of privileged white people."

We can tell how these colleges are a waste of money , and nothing more than an indoctrination cult. We can also see how their IQ's must be roughly the level of a four year olds. Why? Because, if these dumb asses can't figure out how the stripping away of this word is offensive, that word is offensive, this is racist , that is racist sooner or later these dumb asses will have the entire population walking around like stoned faced robots because everything and anything offends these losers.

What would be hysterically funny is if one of these snowflake losers ended up in prison where nobody gives a dam what the hell hurts your feelings LMAO.

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