Collins is a "NO"

McConnell is still working hard to help keep Trumps promise. Remember, McConnell's wife was given a job, and the Senate Leader promised to repeal and replace Obamacare.. His promise to Trump is more important to him than to the 22 million people who will lose health care in 2026.

CBO: Senate health bill leads to 22 million fewer insured Americans by 2026

You said that wrong.....first, the CBO is always wrong. Second....when you don't force people to buy insurance, a lot of them won't, especially if they know they are only forced to buy insurance to pay for those who can't pay for it themselves....

The CBO is not wrong. It is simple logic. If there are fewer healthy people then the rates go up. Then a reduction in the subsidies to 58% will leave low income individuals unable to pay their bill or the deductible is so high, it is useless. Also when medical inflation outstrips the money that is sent to states for Medicaid, states will be forced to kick individuals off of Medicaid. More people will lose coverage. The reason you but insurance is because you might be in the same position. You might lose your job or you might develop a condition that is not totally your fault.

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