Colonel Douglas Macgregor: "I Don't Think We'll Ever Get To The 2024 Election."

Full transcript:

I don't think we'll ever get to the 2024 election.
I think things are going to implode in Washington before then.
I think our economic Financial condition is fragile - it's going to come home to roost in ugly ways.
Now I will tell you I don't know exactly how it will happen, but I think we're going to end up in a situation where we find out the banks are closed for two or three weeks, and nobody can get into them.
I think we're going to run into something like that.
I also think that the levels of violence and criminality in our cities is so high that it's going to spill over into other places in society.
People that normally think they can live remote from the problem are now beginning to be touched by the problem.
Then I look at this thing in Ukraine.
I think Ukraine is going to lose catastrophically - it's going to be a complete collapse and that too is going to have an effect here at home because people are going to say, well, wait a minute everybody told us Ukraine was winning, everybody told us X Y and Z.
I mean sort of the the Russian hoax on steroids.
All of those things are going to come together or converge in some way that's going to prevent us from reaching you know the status quo. Oh. another election... Oh, another set of campaigns... And so forth...
Nobody — with the possible exception of Putin himself — has been more wrong in his predictions since Feb. 2022 about the Ukraine War. Retired Colonel MacGregor has been preaching that Russia was imminently about to crush Ukraine ever since Feb. 2022 — even after the Russians failed in taking Kiev and were humiliated and driven out of Kharkiv and Northeast Ukraine he continued making excuses and repeating the same delusions. Now at least he’s been forced to back up and say only that Russia will “eventually” win!

Also, maybe to cover up for all his predictions going up in smoke, he now predicts imminent U.S. economic and political apocalypse. He is a typical conman — earning a few bucks from FOX while throwing smoke in the eyes of naive citizens.

This fool speaks no Russian or Ukrainian and half the time shows he has no idea of what is actually happening there. His views are completely ignorant, with nothing to guide him but his prejudices and his hope to get a future job in the DOD if Republicans win in 2024. That Fox uses him as a a supposed “expert” on the Russian / Ukrainian conflict … is a joke.

That doesn’t mean Zelensky’s military will succeed in driving Russia completely out of Ukraine and Crimea, or that there should not be a ceasefire and peace treaty to end the war … but putting any faith in Douglas MacGregor’s economic, political, or military views on Putin, Russia, the U.S. or Ukraine — no way!
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His views are completely ignorant, with nothing to guide him but his prejudices
So his views are based on the same level of solid truth and evidence as EVERY OTHER REPORTER of what's going down in Ukraine? Here's the thing, Tom, you might be correct, I don't have any way of knowing. No one here or in any other media site has a pipeline to accuracy in that war. ALL info is manipulated and people choose what they want to believe to be true.

When that season in hell for the Ukrainians began, I was all on board for seeing the Russians defeated for the evil they were doing. Then it slowly began to dawn on me that the very same sources of info that had been blatantly lying about Trump for over 5 years, were the ones I was trying to trust to tell me the truth about Russia's actions and motives. As far as I'm concerned, a retired colonel who fought in a couple of wars and commanded thousands of men in combat is someone I'll trust every time compared to some reporter or pundit du jour.
Things are turning for the Left, and not in a good way--and they can feel it. Thus, even with their cheating, they might LOSE, and they can't afford that.

Therefore, what he says is possible. They can't invoke another Covid for '24, but may try something else.

Their problem is: too many of us understand them too well now, and trust their govt not at all.

Let's get this started, IOW.
Nobody — with the possible exception of Putin himself — has been more wrong in his predictions since Feb. 2022 about the Ukraine War. Retired Colonel MacGregor has been preaching that Russia was imminently about to crush Ukraine ever since Feb. 2022 — even after the Russians failed in taking Kiev and were humiliated and driven out of Kharkiv and Northeast Ukraine he continued making excuses and repeating the same delusions. Now at least he’s been forced to back up and say only that Russia will “eventually” win!

Also, maybe to cover up for all his predictions going up in smoke, he now predicts imminent U.S. economic and political apocalypse. He is a typical conman — earning a few bucks from FOX while throwing smoke in the eyes of naive citizens.

This fool speaks no Russian or Ukrainian and half the time shows he has no idea of what is actually happening there. His views are completely ignorant, with nothing to guide him but his prejudices and his hope to get a future job in the DOD if Republicans win in 2024. That Fox uses him as a a supposed “expert” on the Russian / Ukrainian conflict … is a joke.

That doesn’t mean Zelensky’s military will succeed in driving Russia completely out of Ukraine and Crimea, or that there should not be a ceasefire and peace treaty to end the war … but putting any faith in Douglas MacGregor’s economic, political, or military views on Putin, Russia, the U.S. or Ukraine — no way!
Exactly the opposite is true .And this featured video speculation is just a small part of a very wide ranging and carefully considered long rage possible outcome . Love it when baby neocon types desperately twist the truth to preserve some sort of standing in a conflict where so far the Kyiv Nazis have been overwhelmed , out thought and out fought .
… people choose what they want to believe to be true.
That is true of most of the fools here. I believe that one needs to look carefully at all sources to figure out who is lying and how, and that most reporters themselves just repeat partisan propaganda. As they say, “the first casualty of war is truth.”

If one looks for “absolute truth” about events or causes or “prophecies” for the future, and expects to find it in “news reports” on Fox or CNN or from their “talking heads” … then one is just a sap.

There is nothing wrong with distrusting politicians, being skeptical of news sources, or admitting one’s ignorance … we cannot be “experts” in everything, and many matters are by their nature really complex.

But to put faith in people like MacGregor, who has constantly been wrong on Ukraine & Russia and now makes hysterical predictions about subjects he has no expertise in whatever like economics, or to allow yourself to make up your mind by simply choosing to believe “what you want to believe is true” … is madness.

People do do that all the time. They scream about their beliefs when they know very little and believe “what they want to believe” or what they hear on their favorite TV station. Not saying this is what you normally do. Just saying we need to consciously avoid doing this.
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Things are turning for the Left, and not in a good way--and they can feel it. Thus, even with their cheating, they might LOSE, and they can't afford that.

Therefore, what he says is possible. They can't invoke another Covid for '24, but may try something else.

Their problem is: too many of us understand them too well now, and trust their govt not at all.

Let's get this started, IOW.

That's why they squeal so loud.

I love the sound.

I agree with the Colonel in this!

I posted only some part of the interview should watch it all

My respect for Colonel MacGregor is huge! Bless him.

He’s my go to guy and should either be Trumps VP or head up Joint Chiefs

He’s said we need to retire all current 4 star generals. We only had 11 during WWII, today we have 44
So his views are based on the same level of solid truth and evidence as EVERY OTHER REPORTER of what's going down in Ukraine? Here's the thing, Tom, you might be correct, I don't have any way of knowing. No one here or in any other media site has a pipeline to accuracy in that war. ALL info is manipulated and people choose what they want to believe to be true.

When that season in hell for the Ukrainians began, I was all on board for seeing the Russians defeated for the evil they were doing. Then it slowly began to dawn on me that the very same sources of info that had been blatantly lying about Trump for over 5 years, were the ones I was trying to trust to tell me the truth about Russia's actions and motives. As far as I'm concerned, a retired colonel who fought in a couple of wars and commanded thousands of men in combat is someone I'll trust every time compared to some reporter or pundit du jour.
The MSM lost me on Day 3 of the conflict when their reporter was at a airport saying it was firmly in the control of the Ukes only to find out the guys she was interviewing were Org troops that were occupied it.

I believe it was less than a week later when they were reporting on all these Uke "bodies" under sheets when one of them "came to life" and pulled his covering back over him when the wind blew it off.

I'm of the belief that one morning we will wake up and find one side or the other victorious and it will be a complete surprise.
The MacGregor video is filled with absurdities. It is truly shameful … in countless ways. Sure, not everything he says is a lie. But it is fundamentally nothing but … pathetic reactionary pro-Putin propaganda.
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He’s said we need to retire all current 4 star generals. We only had 11 during WWII, today we have 44
how many did we go thru in Iraq Frank?

Nobody — with the possible exception of Putin himself — has been more wrong in his predictions since Feb. 2022 about the Ukraine War. Retired Colonel MacGregor has been preaching that Russia was imminently about to crush Ukraine ever since Feb. 2022 — even after the Russians failed in taking Kiev and were humiliated and driven out of Kharkiv and Northeast Ukraine he continued making excuses and repeating the same delusions. Now at least he’s been forced to back up and say only that Russia will “eventually” win!

Also, maybe to cover up for all his predictions going up in smoke, he now predicts imminent U.S. economic and political apocalypse. He is a typical conman — earning a few bucks from FOX while throwing smoke in the eyes of naive citizens.

This fool speaks no Russian or Ukrainian and half the time shows he has no idea of what is actually happening there. His views are completely ignorant, with nothing to guide him but his prejudices and his hope to get a future job in the DOD if Republicans win in 2024. That Fox uses him as a a supposed “expert” on the Russian / Ukrainian conflict … is a joke.

That doesn’t mean Zelensky’s military will succeed in driving Russia completely out of Ukraine and Crimea, or that there should not be a ceasefire and peace treaty to end the war … but putting any faith in Douglas MacGregor’s economic, political, or military views on Putin, Russia, the U.S. or Ukraine — no way!

:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:

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