Colorado appeals court backs gay couple in wedding cake dispute

People, bake the damn cake, it's not hard. And the Supremes have already rejected crap like this, as they should.
Probably so, I would think, De. While it has solid feet, the possibility the conservatives may drag Kennedy back with the argument "somewhere a person's conscience has to be protected", but that then leads to the KY issue of a county clerk refusing to issue marriage certificates based on her conscious conflict between law and her religion. The narrow path would be to say private business folks have certain rights, but government employees do not have those right.
Probably so, I would think, De. While it has solid feet, the possibility the conservatives may drag Kennedy back with the argument "somewhere a person's conscience has to be protected", but that then leads to the KY issue of a county clerk refusing to issue marriage certificates based on her conscious conflict between law and her religion. The narrow path would be to say private business folks have certain rights, but government employees do not have those right.

Drawing that fine line means overturning PA laws and prior court decisions.

That would be one more bad decision for the Roberts court. I don't think he wants that on his record so I suspect that he will vote against Cert and I suspect that Kennedy will too if the final decision to reach them is against the baker.

If it is in favor of the baker I suspect that Roberts will cast the deciding vote against him if Kennedy wavers but otherwise it will be 6-3 against.
What else do we have to do for other people? Is the government going to force us to smile at a "gay wedding"? I'm just kind of curious how far can the government go in forcing us to do things. Do ring makers have to make gay wedding bans? This whole thing is f'n stupid but we have to make a cake. Better get making a cake or else!
People, bake the damn cake, it's not hard. And the Supremes have already rejected crap like this, as they should.

I'm sure it is crap because it is racist....wait....just about everything is racist now....can't persuade people....just call them racist until they comply.
What business is it of a baker where his cake is going to be used? There is no sacred religious meaning to a wedding cake. There is no valid religious grounds for refusing to make one. His refusal to serve these peoples' order was descriminatory towards them because or their sexual orientation.

The appeals court is correct.
So here are the people protected by Colorado's public accommodation laws- which 'bakers' can't refuse cakes to just because they are 'X'-

Do you think Bakers should be able to refuse to sell someone a cake because of a persons:

  1. disability,
  2. race,
  3. creed,
  4. color,
  5. sex,
  6. sexual orientation,
  7. marital status,
  8. family status,
  9. religion,
  10. national origin,
  11. or ancestry
So here are the people protected by Colorado's public accommodation laws- which 'bakers' can't refuse cakes to just because they are 'X'-

Do you think Bakers should be able to refuse to sell someone a cake because of a persons:

  1. disability,
  2. race,
  3. creed,
  4. color,
  5. sex,
  6. sexual orientation,
  7. marital status,
  8. family status,
  9. religion,
  10. national origin,
  11. or ancestry
What else do we have to do for other people? Is the government going to force us to smile at a "gay wedding"? I'm just kind of curious how far can the government go in forcing us to do things. Do ring makers have to make gay wedding bans? This whole thing is f'n stupid but we have to make a cake. Better get making a cake or else!
Red herring fallacy, slippery slope fallacy.
People, bake the damn cake, it's not hard. And the Supremes have already rejected crap like this, as they should.

So you believe in forced labor.

Good to know.

According to Colorado law you can't refuse to do labor that you would normally do on account of objecting to the would be client's sexual orientation.

How about because they just disgust you.
Nothing is stopping you from being 'disgusted.'

'"Nothing in the record supports the conclusion that a reasonable observer would interpret Masterpiece's providing a wedding cake for a same-sex couple as an endorsement of same-sex marriage rather than a reflection of its desire to conduct business in accordance with Colorado's public accommodations law," it added.

It said the bakery remains free to continue espousing its beliefs, including opposition to gay marriage.

"However, if it wishes to operate as a public accommodation and conduct business within the State of Colorado, CADA prohibits it from picking and choosing customers based on their sexual orientation," the court wrote.'

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