Colorado recall effort underway

No, I'm willing to stop at releasing the crime scene photos of Newtown. Your attempt to make a point through exaggeration has flopped, much like "Benghazigate" is flopping outside of the Faux News Propaganda Network.

If you oppose releasing the photos, I don't blame you. The aftermath wouldn't go well for the gun nutters.

Gun nutters ? You mean the people that are afraid of them and want to ban them ?

Ban? Where do you gomers keep getting the idea that control equals ban?

when the control is established and not much changes then comes the attempts to steps....
You don't pass laws to prevent crime. You pass laws to be able to prosecute those who commit crimes.
Passing a law to ban a gun or a magazine size will not prevent crime and it doesn't have any effect on murder because if someone commits murder they are not going to add the charge of "illegal gun" or "illegal magazine" to the murder charge. The law is completely without cause. We have laws in place to prosecute murderers. We have laws in place to prosecute the criminally insane. We don't need laws that restrict the exercise of our rights.

The next Newtown-style mass shooting will be your fault too.

Release the Newtown crime photos so Americans can see the results of our lax gun laws.

Another false statement. You're batting 0/1000.
You don't pass laws to prevent crime. You pass laws to be able to prosecute those who commit crimes.
Passing a law to ban a gun or a magazine size will not prevent crime and it doesn't have any effect on murder because if someone commits murder they are not going to add the charge of "illegal gun" or "illegal magazine" to the murder charge. The law is completely without cause. We have laws in place to prosecute murderers. We have laws in place to prosecute the criminally insane. We don't need laws that restrict the exercise of our rights.

The next Newtown-style mass shooting will be your fault too.

Release the Newtown crime photos so Americans can see the results of our lax gun laws.

Another false statement. You're batting 0/1000.

the pictures would be a testament

to the dangers of gun free zones
Nobodies rights to own a gun has been violated in Colorado. What part of "control" don't you bumpkins get? It's not "gun ban", but "control". Duh.

What part of "infringe" do you not get, cheesehead?
Besides, it doesnt matter. If the legislators passed something contrary to what their constitutents wanted they have every right to recall them. Interestingly not every state has a recall provision. THat was added in the 19th century by the progressives.

The part of "infringe" that I do not get is the part where Adam Lanza shoots little kids at will in their school. Why can't the NRA-enabled Adam Lanzas of America be infringed from doing that?

When you, or anyone else, comes up with a logical means of stopping an Adam Lanza from offing six year olds in an elementary school, by all means, let us know and you might have our support. Until then, you are just an asshole using the deaths of those children to further you desires to punish lawful gun owners.
The part of "infringe" that I do not get is the part where Adam Lanza shoots little kids at will in their school. Why can't the NRA-enabled Adam Lanzas of America be infringed from doing that?

The right to murder is already pretty severely infringed. We're talking about owning a gun here. Try to keep this in perspective.

Nancy Lanza's "right" enabled the mass slaughter of kids in their school. Try keeping that in perspective.

If liberals had their way on gun control, these massacres wouldn't be happening.

Apparently, the blood soaked policies of conservatives in healthcare and foreign policy doesn't sate their blood lust enough, and their gun policies must also lead to death and suffering too.

What bullshit, they pass laws that wouldnt have stopped sandy hook. And thank you for pointing out they are for gun bans, because that's the only way you could do it....and I doubt that would work. We cant ban meth, which makes you look like a zombie and go crazy
The right to murder is already pretty severely infringed. We're talking about owning a gun here. Try to keep this in perspective.

Nancy Lanza's "right" enabled the mass slaughter of kids in their school. Try keeping that in perspective.

If liberals had their way on gun control, these massacres wouldn't be happening.

Apparently, the blood soaked policies of conservatives in healthcare and foreign policy doesn't sate their blood lust enough, and their gun policies must also lead to death and suffering too.

What bullshit, they pass laws that wouldnt have stopped sandy hook. And thank you for pointing out they are for gun bans, because that's the only way you could do it....and I doubt that would work. We cant ban meth, which makes you look like a zombie and go crazy

Meth is banned. It's just another case where "bans" don't work. We are watching liberal arguments at their finest.
this should be interesting

deadline is May 21

Colorado Democratic lawmakers who recently helped pass some of the toughest gun-control laws in the country now face the political backlash of recall efforts.
Two groups are targeting state Rep. Mike McLachlan and state Sens. Angela Giron, Evie Hudak and John Morse.

The Democrat-controlled legislature passed bills that ban magazines holding more than 15 rounds and require background checks for all gun transfers. They were signed into law in March by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper.

Morse, the Senate president, pushed a more far-reaching proposal that called for holding owners, sellers and makers of assault-type weapons liable for havoc inflicted by their guns.
He pulled the bill upon realizing he didn’t have enough votes. But his efforts have still drawn the ire of the groups.

The petition drives are being organized by the organizations Pueblo Freedom and Rights Group. They will need signatures from 25 percent of the vote in each lawmaker’s district to trigger a special election.

Colorado Democratic lawmakers face recall efforts for votes on gun control | Fox News

Nobodies rights to own a gun has been violated in Colorado. What part of "control" don't you bumpkins get? It's not "gun ban", but "control". Duh.

Do you actually believe that a magazine is not part of a gun?
Nobodies rights to own a gun has been violated in Colorado. What part of "control" don't you bumpkins get? It's not "gun ban", but "control". Duh.

"Shall not be infringed"

grats, you are an anticonstitutionalists.

Adam Lanza and James Holmes shall not be infringed? Well, you got your way. Look at the blood-soaked results.

Holmes' shrink told the police that he was a ticking time bomb. Where were they?
You don't pass laws to prevent crime. You pass laws to be able to prosecute those who commit crimes.
Passing a law to ban a gun or a magazine size will not prevent crime and it doesn't have any effect on murder because if someone commits murder they are not going to add the charge of "illegal gun" or "illegal magazine" to the murder charge. The law is completely without cause. We have laws in place to prosecute murderers. We have laws in place to prosecute the criminally insane. We don't need laws that restrict the exercise of our rights.

Release the Newtown crime photos so Americans can see the results of our lax gun laws.

Lax gun laws? Connecticut already had strict gun laws on the books before the Newtown shooting. Guess that didn't do any good, now did it?

Texas has lax gun laws. How come there aren't so many massacres there? In fact, last month in Houston, a guy went on a rampage with a knife. Not a gun...a KNIFE. That of course received only 2 days of attention by the Left-run media. It wasn't as bloody as they would've liked it and no gun was used, so it wasn't interesting to them.
this should be interesting

deadline is May 21

Colorado Democratic lawmakers who recently helped pass some of the toughest gun-control laws in the country now face the political backlash of recall efforts.
Two groups are targeting state Rep. Mike McLachlan and state Sens. Angela Giron, Evie Hudak and John Morse.

The Democrat-controlled legislature passed bills that ban magazines holding more than 15 rounds and require background checks for all gun transfers. They were signed into law in March by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper.

Morse, the Senate president, pushed a more far-reaching proposal that called for holding owners, sellers and makers of assault-type weapons liable for havoc inflicted by their guns.
He pulled the bill upon realizing he didn’t have enough votes. But his efforts have still drawn the ire of the groups.

The petition drives are being organized by the organizations Pueblo Freedom and Rights Group. They will need signatures from 25 percent of the vote in each lawmaker’s district to trigger a special election.

Colorado Democratic lawmakers face recall efforts for votes on gun control | Fox News

Nobodies rights to own a gun has been violated in Colorado. What part of "control" don't you bumpkins get? It's not "gun ban", but "control". Duh.

Do you know that over the last 30 years an average of two mass shootings occur per year with an average of 4 people killed in the mass shootings?
SOURCE:A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

8 people a year and gun-banners go berserk wanting all guns banned.
Why? 8 people a year.

Why not ban these types of women from murdering 700,000 people a year?
44.7% abortions by women with 1 or more previous abortions. These women callously got pregnant again KNOWING they will kill their baby!
  • 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
  • 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
  • 44.7% or nearly half by women who are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control AND SHOULD BE STERILIZED if they continue to act as animals!
Yet anti-gunners responding to 8 deaths a year have no problem with these women having multiple abortions!
These women after their 2nd abortion should have their tubes tied as they can't seem to practice birth control!

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