Colorado recall effort underway

Nancy Lanza's "right" enabled the mass slaughter of kids in their school. Try keeping that in perspective.

If liberals had their way on gun control, these massacres wouldn't be happening.

Apparently, the blood soaked policies of conservatives in healthcare and foreign policy doesn't sate their blood lust enough, and their gun policies must also lead to death and suffering too.

What a hypocritical post.

If Liberals were so concerned about stopping massacres, they would be stopping the 300,000 abortions that Planned Parenthood performs every year.

When are conservatives gonna get over the fact that women want to have sex without it ending up with a pregnancy? The 1950s are over, and what's more, they looked like they sucked. I'm glad the changes of the 1960s and 1970s came. They've been positive for America.

There's this thing called "contraception" that doesn't involve killing little kids, you dolt.
As for your assertion about Australia, that has been disproven many times. Further Australians do not have a 2A right to own guns. We do.
Apparently, the blood soaked policies of conservatives in healthcare and foreign policy doesn't sate their blood lust enough, and their gun policies must also lead to death and suffering too.

And the Left's bloodlust on Abortion let Kermit the Gosnell get away with his butchery for so long.
What part of "infringe" do you not get, cheesehead?
Besides, it doesnt matter. If the legislators passed something contrary to what their constitutents wanted they have every right to recall them. Interestingly not every state has a recall provision. THat was added in the 19th century by the progressives.

The part of "infringe" that I do not get is the part where Adam Lanza shoots little kids at will in their school. Why can't the NRA-enabled Adam Lanzas of America be infringed from doing that?

What law would have stopped him, cheesebreath? He was not a prohibited person. He stole the guns (illegal), shot his mother to death (illegal), carried the guns on school property (illegal) and shot a bunch of people (illegal). What law would you have proposed?
You do not get "infringe."

Canada, the UK and Australia all have successful, popular laws upon which we could rely.

We need to release the crime scene photographs from Newtown so Americans can see what violence and bloodshed the NRA/GOP has enabled with their disgraceful policies.
I suspect some liberals are fairly well educated but they still can't understand the concept that laws don't stop anything. They just allow you too punish the offended. The goal here isn't to stop murders as they claim. The goal is to set up panels to predict human behavior and use those predictions to control them.
The part of "infringe" that I do not get is the part where Adam Lanza shoots little kids at will in their school. Why can't the NRA-enabled Adam Lanzas of America be infringed from doing that?

What law would have stopped him, cheesebreath? He was not a prohibited person. He stole the guns (illegal), shot his mother to death (illegal), carried the guns on school property (illegal) and shot a bunch of people (illegal). What law would you have proposed?
You do not get "infringe."

Canada, the UK and Australia all have successful, popular laws upon which we could rely.

We need to release the crime scene photographs from Newtown so Americans can see what violence and bloodshed the NRA/GOP has enabled with their disgraceful policies.
Quit deflecting you gay piece of crap. What law would have prevented Adam Lanza's attack? Be specific here.
Nobodies rights to own a gun has been violated in Colorado. What part of "control" don't you bumpkins get? It's not "gun ban", but "control". Duh.

What part of "infringe" do you not get, cheesehead?
Besides, it doesnt matter. If the legislators passed something contrary to what their constitutents wanted they have every right to recall them. Interestingly not every state has a recall provision. THat was added in the 19th century by the progressives.

The part of "infringe" that I do not get is the part where Adam Lanza shoots little kids at will in their school. Why can't the NRA-enabled Adam Lanzas of America be infringed from doing that?

FYI: The Columbine massacre occured while we had an assault weapons ban.
What part of "infringe" do you not get, cheesehead?
Besides, it doesnt matter. If the legislators passed something contrary to what their constitutents wanted they have every right to recall them. Interestingly not every state has a recall provision. THat was added in the 19th century by the progressives.

The part of "infringe" that I do not get is the part where Adam Lanza shoots little kids at will in their school. Why can't the NRA-enabled Adam Lanzas of America be infringed from doing that?

FYI: The Columbine massacre occured while we had an assault weapons ban.

Well, it needed to be strengthened then. Release the Newtown crime scene photographs.
The part of "infringe" that I do not get is the part where Adam Lanza shoots little kids at will in their school. Why can't the NRA-enabled Adam Lanzas of America be infringed from doing that?

FYI: The Columbine massacre occured while we had an assault weapons ban.

Well, it needed to be strengthened then. Release the Newtown crime scene photographs.

What law would have prevented Lanza's killing? Why are you not answering that, you dishonest hack?
Nancy Lanza's "right" enabled the mass slaughter of kids in their school. Try keeping that in perspective.

If liberals had their way on gun control, these massacres wouldn't be happening.

Apparently, the blood soaked policies of conservatives in healthcare and foreign policy doesn't sate their blood lust enough, and their gun policies must also lead to death and suffering too.

What a hypocritical post.

If Liberals were so concerned about stopping massacres, they would be stopping the 300,000 abortions that Planned Parenthood performs every year.

When are conservatives gonna get over the fact that women want to have sex without it ending up with a pregnancy? The 1950s are over, and what's more, they looked like they sucked. I'm glad the changes of the 1960s and 1970s came. They've been positive for America.

When are Liberals gonna get over the fact that 99.9% of all gun owners never commit a crime and that taking away their enumerated Constitutionally protected right is not the way to stop criminals from killing other people?

Liberals love to say that gun ownership has responsibilities that must be endured, yet they don't want to say that having sex also has responsibilities. 300,000 deaths a year mean less to them as long as they can get the women's vote.
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What a hypocritical post.

If Liberals were so concerned about stopping massacres, they would be stopping the 300,000 abortions that Planned Parenthood performs every year.

When are conservatives gonna get over the fact that women want to have sex without it ending up with a pregnancy? The 1950s are over, and what's more, they looked like they sucked. I'm glad the changes of the 1960s and 1970s came. They've been positive for America.

When are Liberals gonna get over the fact that 99.9% of all gun owners never commit a crime and that taking away their enumerated Constitutionally protected right is not the way to stop criminals from killing other people?

Never--they are irrational.
this should be interesting

deadline is May 21

Colorado Democratic lawmakers who recently helped pass some of the toughest gun-control laws in the country now face the political backlash of recall efforts.
Two groups are targeting state Rep. Mike McLachlan and state Sens. Angela Giron, Evie Hudak and John Morse.

The Democrat-controlled legislature passed bills that ban magazines holding more than 15 rounds and require background checks for all gun transfers. They were signed into law in March by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper.

Morse, the Senate president, pushed a more far-reaching proposal that called for holding owners, sellers and makers of assault-type weapons liable for havoc inflicted by their guns.
He pulled the bill upon realizing he didn’t have enough votes. But his efforts have still drawn the ire of the groups.

The petition drives are being organized by the organizations Pueblo Freedom and Rights Group. They will need signatures from 25 percent of the vote in each lawmaker’s district to trigger a special election.

Colorado Democratic lawmakers face recall efforts for votes on gun control | Fox News


So I guess some people don't like having their Constitutional rights voted away.

odd, no one in NY cares

Maybe CO will move back into the red, now that many have learned their lesson
this should be interesting

deadline is May 21

Colorado Democratic lawmakers who recently helped pass some of the toughest gun-control laws in the country now face the political backlash of recall efforts.
Two groups are targeting state Rep. Mike McLachlan and state Sens. Angela Giron, Evie Hudak and John Morse.

The Democrat-controlled legislature passed bills that ban magazines holding more than 15 rounds and require background checks for all gun transfers. They were signed into law in March by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper.

Morse, the Senate president, pushed a more far-reaching proposal that called for holding owners, sellers and makers of assault-type weapons liable for havoc inflicted by their guns.
He pulled the bill upon realizing he didn’t have enough votes. But his efforts have still drawn the ire of the groups.

The petition drives are being organized by the organizations Pueblo Freedom and Rights Group. They will need signatures from 25 percent of the vote in each lawmaker’s district to trigger a special election.

Colorado Democratic lawmakers face recall efforts for votes on gun control | Fox News

Nobodies rights to own a gun has been violated in Colorado. What part of "control" don't you bumpkins get? It's not "gun ban", but "control". Duh.

What part of "shall not be infringed" evades cavern-headed liberals? Do they need to consult a "constitutional scholar" to understand the phrase?
this should be interesting

deadline is May 21

Colorado Democratic lawmakers who recently helped pass some of the toughest gun-control laws in the country now face the political backlash of recall efforts.
Two groups are targeting state Rep. Mike McLachlan and state Sens. Angela Giron, Evie Hudak and John Morse.

The Democrat-controlled legislature passed bills that ban magazines holding more than 15 rounds and require background checks for all gun transfers. They were signed into law in March by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper.

Morse, the Senate president, pushed a more far-reaching proposal that called for holding owners, sellers and makers of assault-type weapons liable for havoc inflicted by their guns.
He pulled the bill upon realizing he didn’t have enough votes. But his efforts have still drawn the ire of the groups.

The petition drives are being organized by the organizations Pueblo Freedom and Rights Group. They will need signatures from 25 percent of the vote in each lawmaker’s district to trigger a special election.

Colorado Democratic lawmakers face recall efforts for votes on gun control | Fox News

Nobodies rights to own a gun has been violated in Colorado. What part of "control" don't you bumpkins get? It's not "gun ban", but "control". Duh.

"Shall not be infringed"

grats, you are an anticonstitutionalists.
this should be interesting

deadline is May 21

Colorado Democratic lawmakers who recently helped pass some of the toughest gun-control laws in the country now face the political backlash of recall efforts.
Two groups are targeting state Rep. Mike McLachlan and state Sens. Angela Giron, Evie Hudak and John Morse.

The Democrat-controlled legislature passed bills that ban magazines holding more than 15 rounds and require background checks for all gun transfers. They were signed into law in March by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper.

Morse, the Senate president, pushed a more far-reaching proposal that called for holding owners, sellers and makers of assault-type weapons liable for havoc inflicted by their guns.
He pulled the bill upon realizing he didn’t have enough votes. But his efforts have still drawn the ire of the groups.

The petition drives are being organized by the organizations Pueblo Freedom and Rights Group. They will need signatures from 25 percent of the vote in each lawmaker’s district to trigger a special election.

Colorado Democratic lawmakers face recall efforts for votes on gun control | Fox News

Nobodies rights to own a gun has been violated in Colorado. What part of "control" don't you bumpkins get? It's not "gun ban", but "control". Duh.

"Shall not be infringed"

grats, you are an anticonstitutionalists.

Adam Lanza and James Holmes shall not be infringed? Well, you got your way. Look at the blood-soaked results.
Nobodies rights to own a gun has been violated in Colorado. What part of "control" don't you bumpkins get? It's not "gun ban", but "control". Duh.

What part of "infringe" do you not get, cheesehead?
Besides, it doesnt matter. If the legislators passed something contrary to what their constitutents wanted they have every right to recall them. Interestingly not every state has a recall provision. THat was added in the 19th century by the progressives.

The part of "infringe" that I do not get is the part where Adam Lanza shoots little kids at will in their school. Why can't the NRA-enabled Adam Lanzas of America be infringed from doing that?

so your argument is idiocy

were you one of these people?

[ame=]Americans sign petition to repeal the First Amendment - YouTube[/ame]
Nobodies rights to own a gun has been violated in Colorado. What part of "control" don't you bumpkins get? It's not "gun ban", but "control". Duh.

"Shall not be infringed"

grats, you are an anticonstitutionalists.

Adam Lanza and James Holmes shall not be infringed? Well, you got your way. Look at the blood-soaked results.

So taking everyones right away will magically stop crime.

You truly are an ignoranus.
"Shall not be infringed"

grats, you are an anticonstitutionalists.

Adam Lanza and James Holmes shall not be infringed? Well, you got your way. Look at the blood-soaked results.

Blood soaked ? How dramatic. :eek:

This is a guy who thinks we should publish photos of Newtown. Next he'll want to mail body parts from the kids to legislators. It's a substitute for reasoned thought, which he is incapable of.
Adam Lanza and James Holmes shall not be infringed? Well, you got your way. Look at the blood-soaked results.

Blood soaked ? How dramatic. :eek:

This is a guy who thinks we should publish photos of Newtown. Next he'll want to mail body parts from the kids to legislators. It's a substitute for reasoned thought, which he is incapable of.

No, I'm willing to stop at releasing the crime scene photos of Newtown. Your attempt to make a point through exaggeration has flopped, much like "Benghazigate" is flopping outside of the Faux News Propaganda Network.

If you oppose releasing the photos, I don't blame you. The aftermath wouldn't go well for the gun nutters.

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