Colorado School Shooter a Socialist... and "Bullied"

I assure you if this 18-year-old had been a Bible Thumping, Right Wing Zealot who had links on his Facebook page to Rush Limbaugh there would be quite a few Board Liberals this Thread right now. :thup:



I also started a thread on this shooting seems the topic in that thread is focusing on the teacher.

I also started a thread on this shooting seems the topic in that thread is focusing on the teacher.

so it turns out that the teacher that ran away abandoning the children

was not the hero

the hero was a good guy with a gun

that stopped this from becoming a bigger tragedy
I assure you if this 18-year-old had been a Bible Thumping, Right Wing Zealot who had links on his Facebook page to Rush Limbaugh there would be quite a few Board Liberals this Thread right now. :thup:



I also started a thread on this shooting seems the topic in that thread is focusing on the teacher.

I also started a thread on this shooting seems the topic in that thread is focusing on the teacher.

so it turns out that the teacher that ran away abandoning the children

was not the hero

the hero was a good guy with a gun

that stopped this from becoming a bigger tragedy

Didn't the 18-year-old Socialist Punk end up Cobaining himself?...


I also started a thread on this shooting seems the topic in that thread is focusing on the teacher.

I also started a thread on this shooting seems the topic in that thread is focusing on the teacher.

so it turns out that the teacher that ran away abandoning the children

was not the hero

the hero was a good guy with a gun

that stopped this from becoming a bigger tragedy

Didn't the 18-year-old Socialist Punk end up Cobaining himself?...



he did

however an armed resource officer had him contained

Once he learned of the threat, he ran - accompanied by an unarmed school security officer and two administrators - from the cafeteria to the library, Robinson said. "It's a fairly long hallway, but the deputy sheriff got there very quickly."
The deputy was yelling for people to get down and identified himself as a county deputy sheriff, Robinson said. "We know for a fact that the shooter knew that the deputy was in the immediate area and, while the deputy was containing the shooter, the shooter took his own life."

Colorado's school shooting -- over in 80 seconds -

it was over in 80 seconds thanks to this guy
Maybe we should outlaw certain points of view.

Funny how I can't find a thread dedicated to the latest School Shooting.

That doesn't mean there isn't one, just means I haven't found it.

Turns out the latest school shooting was carried out by an avowed communist.

School gunman Karl Pierson liked debate, running, but acted "weird" -

"He was a weird kid," Davis said. "He's a self-proclaimed communist, just wears Soviet shirts all the time."

And to make matters even less newsworthy, the reason there weren't more casualties?

There was an armed Sheriff's Deputy on the scene.

GOOD GUY WITH A GUN: Armed school officer stopped Arapahoe High School shooting

The rampage might have resulted in many more casualties had it not been for the quick response of a deputy sheriff who was working as a school resource officer at the school, Robinson said.

Once he learned of the threat, he ran - accompanied by an unarmed school security officer and two administrators - from the cafeteria to the library, Robinson said. "It's a fairly long hallway, but the deputy sheriff got there very quickly."

The deputy was yelling for people to get down and identified himself as a county deputy sheriff, Robinson said. "We know for a fact that the shooter knew that the deputy was in the immediate area and, while the deputy was containing the shooter, the shooter took his own life."

He praised the deputy's response as "a critical element to the shooter's decision" to kill himself, and lauded his response to hearing gunshots. "He went to the thunder," he said. "He heard the noise of gunshot and, when many would run away from it, he ran toward it to make other people safe."

How many of you are having this thrown in your face every night on the Evening News? I bet you're tired of hearing about how an armed guard ended the School Shooting carried out by an avowed communist who also happened to be...... Are you ready?

ANTI-GUN!!! :lmao:

You can always count on the LSM to get it wrong...

July 2012: James Holmes shoots up theater in Aurora, CO. Brian Ross suggests he's a TPer on live TV. (Just another unmedicated nutter.)

Aug 2012: Floyd Lee Corkins shoots up @FRCdc based on @SPLCenter's "target list." Media: [crickets]. h/t @JammieWF

April 2013: Tsarnaev bros bomb Boston Marathon. Media suggests RWNJ commemorating "Patriot's Day." (Actually, just more jihadist scum.)

Sept 2009: census-taker Bill Sparkman found hanged in rural Kentucky. Media speculated it was Tea Party. (He killed himself.)

Feb 2010: Joe Stack flies small plane into an IRS building. Anti-tax TP rhetoric blamed. (He quoted from the Communist Manifesto.)

Feb 2010: Amy Bishop shoots colleagues at University of Alabama faculty meeting. Gun-loving Tea Party suspected. (She was an Obama voter.)

March 2010: John Patrick Bedell shot two Pentagon security. A right-wing extremist, media asked? (A registered Democrat and 9/11 Truther.)

May 2010: massive Times Square car bomb found. Bloomberg speculates it's someone upset about ACA. (Actually, plain vanilla jihadist scum.)

August 2010: Amid GZM debate, Muslim cabbie stabbed in NYC. Media speculates: a RWNJ? (Actually, a Lefty art student off his meds.)

Sept 2010: James Lee takes hostages at Discovery Chan HQ. Media speculates: climate change denier? (An environmentalist who hates humans.)

Jan 2011: Jared Lee Loughner shoots up campaign event of Rep. Giffords. Media: TP rhetoric is to blame. (An apolitical conspiracy theorist.)

Oct. 2013: Media retroactively blames right wing for JFK assassination. (Actually, LHO was a communist defector.)

Anybody else starting to see a pattern here? :dunno:

H/T Ace of Spades HQ
Maybe we should outlaw certain points of view.

Funny how I can't find a thread dedicated to the latest School Shooting.

That doesn't mean there isn't one, just means I haven't found it.

Turns out the latest school shooting was carried out by an avowed communist.

School gunman Karl Pierson liked debate, running, but acted "weird" -

"He was a weird kid," Davis said. "He's a self-proclaimed communist, just wears Soviet shirts all the time."

And to make matters even less newsworthy, the reason there weren't more casualties?

There was an armed Sheriff's Deputy on the scene.

GOOD GUY WITH A GUN: Armed school officer stopped Arapahoe High School shooting

The rampage might have resulted in many more casualties had it not been for the quick response of a deputy sheriff who was working as a school resource officer at the school, Robinson said.

Once he learned of the threat, he ran - accompanied by an unarmed school security officer and two administrators - from the cafeteria to the library, Robinson said. "It's a fairly long hallway, but the deputy sheriff got there very quickly."

The deputy was yelling for people to get down and identified himself as a county deputy sheriff, Robinson said. "We know for a fact that the shooter knew that the deputy was in the immediate area and, while the deputy was containing the shooter, the shooter took his own life."

He praised the deputy's response as "a critical element to the shooter's decision" to kill himself, and lauded his response to hearing gunshots. "He went to the thunder," he said. "He heard the noise of gunshot and, when many would run away from it, he ran toward it to make other people safe."

How many of you are having this thrown in your face every night on the Evening News? I bet you're tired of hearing about how an armed guard ended the School Shooting carried out by an avowed communist who also happened to be...... Are you ready?

ANTI-GUN!!! :lmao:

You can always count on the LSM to get it wrong...

July 2012: James Holmes shoots up theater in Aurora, CO. Brian Ross suggests he's a TPer on live TV. (Just another unmedicated nutter.)

Aug 2012: Floyd Lee Corkins shoots up @FRCdc based on @SPLCenter's "target list." Media: [crickets]. h/t @JammieWF

April 2013: Tsarnaev bros bomb Boston Marathon. Media suggests RWNJ commemorating "Patriot's Day." (Actually, just more jihadist scum.)

Sept 2009: census-taker Bill Sparkman found hanged in rural Kentucky. Media speculated it was Tea Party. (He killed himself.)

Feb 2010: Joe Stack flies small plane into an IRS building. Anti-tax TP rhetoric blamed. (He quoted from the Communist Manifesto.)

Feb 2010: Amy Bishop shoots colleagues at University of Alabama faculty meeting. Gun-loving Tea Party suspected. (She was an Obama voter.)

March 2010: John Patrick Bedell shot two Pentagon security. A right-wing extremist, media asked? (A registered Democrat and 9/11 Truther.)

May 2010: massive Times Square car bomb found. Bloomberg speculates it's someone upset about ACA. (Actually, plain vanilla jihadist scum.)

August 2010: Amid GZM debate, Muslim cabbie stabbed in NYC. Media speculates: a RWNJ? (Actually, a Lefty art student off his meds.)

Sept 2010: James Lee takes hostages at Discovery Chan HQ. Media speculates: climate change denier? (An environmentalist who hates humans.)

Jan 2011: Jared Lee Loughner shoots up campaign event of Rep. Giffords. Media: TP rhetoric is to blame. (An apolitical conspiracy theorist.)

Oct. 2013: Media retroactively blames right wing for JFK assassination. (Actually, LHO was a communist defector.)

Anybody else starting to see a pattern here? :dunno:

H/T Ace of Spades HQ

dropped like a hot potato
It's a sad state of affairs when school/public shootings are so common in this country that the country has become numb to stories about them.
Yeah, remember the Clackamas Mall shooting?

Of course you don't. The killer (he'd already killed two people) was confronted by an armed Citizen and rather than face an actual armed man, as opposed to innocent women, children and unarmed men.....

He killed himself.

Funny how things like that just don't seem to interest the National media

The LSM in this Country is a joke. A sick joke.

No wonder they're part of the dimocrap machine
It's a sad state of affairs when school/public shootings are so common in this country that the country has become numb to stories about them.

What you talking about? "Numb to them"

Didn't you hear or read about the Newtown anniversary? Where were you, out of the Country?

Obama marks Newtown anniversary with call for action on gun control

Somber remembrances in Newtown, at White House on anniversary of Sandy Hook shooting - U.S. News

I'd hardly call that 'numb'

The problem is that the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM has an agenda and things that don't meet the criteria of their agenda get ignored.

It's called 'censorship by omission'
It's a sad state of affairs when school/public shootings are so common in this country that the country has become numb to stories about them.

What you talking about? "Numb to them"

Didn't you hear or read about the Newtown anniversary? Where were you, out of the Country?

Obama marks Newtown anniversary with call for action on gun control

Somber remembrances in Newtown, at White House on anniversary of Sandy Hook shooting - U.S. News

I'd hardly call that 'numb'

The problem is that the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM has an agenda and things that don't meet the criteria of their agenda get ignored.

It's called 'censorship by omission'

Read what I actually wrote and trying thinking of a response that actually aligns with what I said this time.
It's a sad state of affairs when school/public shootings are so common in this country that the country has become numb to stories about them.

Maybe if the far left media would not make such a big deal out these and then turn it into political grand standing many people would not have this problem.

Maybe the far left media should treat these as they do the knock out game incidents.
It's a sad state of affairs when school/public shootings are so common in this country that the country has become numb to stories about them.

Maybe if the far left media would not make such a big deal out these and then turn it into political grand standing many people would not have this problem.

Maybe the far left media should treat these as they do the knock out game incidents.

Another dopey rightwing talking point. Could you at least try to contribute something intelligent?
It's a sad state of affairs when school/public shootings are so common in this country that the country has become numb to stories about them.

What you talking about? "Numb to them"

He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. He has no legitimate response so he's just throwing out his lame bull shit. "Rules for Radicals" don't ya know.
It's a sad state of affairs when school/public shootings are so common in this country that the country has become numb to stories about them.

Maybe if the far left media would not make such a big deal out these and then turn it into political grand standing many people would not have this problem.

Maybe the far left media should treat these as they do the knock out game incidents.

Another dopey rightwing talking point. Could you at least try to contribute something intelligent?
And what the fuck is so redeeming about YOUR "contribution" there, COCK IN MOUTH?
It's a sad state of affairs when school/public shootings are so common in this country that the country has become numb to stories about them.

Maybe if the far left media would not make such a big deal out these and then turn it into political grand standing many people would not have this problem.

Maybe the far left media should treat these as they do the knock out game incidents.

Right, we shouldn't make a big deal out of children being shot in school. That's what get for not being armed themselves, right?
It's a sad state of affairs when school/public shootings are so common in this country that the country has become numb to stories about them.

What you talking about? "Numb to them"

He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. He has no legitimate response so he's just throwing out his lame bull shit. "Rules for Radicals" don't ya know.

And here is the perfect example of someone that shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.
It's a sad state of affairs when school/public shootings are so common in this country that the country has become numb to stories about them.

Maybe if the far left media would not make such a big deal out these and then turn it into political grand standing many people would not have this problem.

Maybe the far left media should treat these as they do the knock out game incidents.

Right, we shouldn't make a big deal out of children being shot in school. That's what get for not being armed themselves, right?

The point is this....

Our way worked -- Armed Deputy in the school = Dead communist scumbag.

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