Colorado School Shooter a Socialist... and "Bullied"

It's a sad state of affairs when school/public shootings are so common in this country that the country has become numb to stories about them.

It's even worse that we (you) feel compelled to politicize them. Death is a racket for those with an agenda.

You know, it's with no surprise whatsoever that you are too stupid to see that the politicizing in this thread began in the first post,

by the equally stupid author of this thread.

You two should get together and form a wholewit.
It's a sad state of affairs when school/public shootings are so common in this country that the country has become numb to stories about them.

It's even worse that we (you) feel compelled to politicize them. Death is a racket for those with an agenda.

Good point. It's pretty heartless of me to not want children shot in the face at school.
Maybe if the far left media would not make such a big deal out these and then turn it into political grand standing many people would not have this problem.

Maybe the far left media should treat these as they do the knock out game incidents.

Right, we shouldn't make a big deal out of children being shot in school. That's what get for not being armed themselves, right?

The point is this....

Our way worked -- Armed Deputy in the school = Dead communist scumbag.

One down, 20 Million to go

So we just need an armed deputy in every school and public space and problem solved....right?
Support the NRA, they are correct! Understand the full context of what they do, not a limited, stupid mantra about their helping gun manufacturers!
Maybe we should outlaw certain points of view.


H/T Ace of Spades HQ

Are you a moron? I know, stupid question...

Nobody wants to outlaw guns, we want to outlaw psychopaths like you owning them.

Too late bitch.

And the psychopaths? How come they're all from your side of the political spectrum? This latest one was an avowed communist and ANTI-GUN nutter.

Explain that one.
Maybe if the far left media would not make such a big deal out these and then turn it into political grand standing many people would not have this problem.

Maybe the far left media should treat these as they do the knock out game incidents.

Another dopey rightwing talking point. Could you at least try to contribute something intelligent?
And what the fuck is so redeeming about YOUR "contribution" there, COCK IN MOUTH?

Wow, the defender boyfriend shows up. lol.
I also started a thread on this shooting seems the topic in that thread is focusing on the teacher.

so it turns out that the teacher that ran away abandoning the children

was not the hero

the hero was a good guy with a gun

that stopped this from becoming a bigger tragedy

Didn't the 18-year-old Socialist Punk end up Cobaining himself?...



he did

however an armed resource officer had him contained

Once he learned of the threat, he ran - accompanied by an unarmed school security officer and two administrators - from the cafeteria to the library, Robinson said. "It's a fairly long hallway, but the deputy sheriff got there very quickly."
The deputy was yelling for people to get down and identified himself as a county deputy sheriff, Robinson said. "We know for a fact that the shooter knew that the deputy was in the immediate area and, while the deputy was containing the shooter, the shooter took his own life."

Colorado's school shooting -- over in 80 seconds -

it was over in 80 seconds thanks to this guy

Amen... Faggoty Liberal took the Pussy way out... All over "Debate".

It's really too bad that the Deputy didn't get to Frag him.


Maybe we should outlaw certain points of view.


H/T Ace of Spades HQ

Are you a moron? I know, stupid question...

Nobody wants to outlaw guns, we want to outlaw psychopaths like you owning them.

Too late bitch.

And the psychopaths? How come they're all from your side of the political spectrum? This latest one was an avowed communist and ANTI-GUN nutter.

Explain that one.

I will.

Examples of domestic rightwing terrorism/murder/etc.:

July 28, 1995
Antigovernment extremist Charles Ray Polk is arrested after trying to purchase a machine gun from an undercover police officer, and is later indicted by federal grand jury for plotting to blow up the Internal Revenue Service building in Austin, Texas. At the time of his arrest, Polk is trying to purchase plastic explosives to add to the already huge arsenal he's amassed. Polk is sentenced to almost 21 years in federal prison.

October 9, 1995
Saboteurs derail an Amtrak passenger train near Hyder, Ariz., killing one person and injuring about 70 others. Several antigovernment messages, signed by the "Sons of Gestapo," are left behind. The perpetrators remain at large.

November 9, 1995
Oklahoma Constitutional Militia leader Willie Ray Lampley, his wife Cecilia and another man, John Dare Baird, are arrested as they prepare explosives to bomb numerous targets, including the Southern Poverty Law Center, gay bars and abortion clinics. The three, along with another suspect arrested later, are sentenced to terms of up to 11 years in 1996. Cecilia Lampley is released in 2000, while Baird and Willie Lampley &#8212; who wrote letters from prison urging others to violence &#8212; are freed in 2004 and 2006, respectively.

December 18, 1995
An Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employee discovers a plastic drum packed with ammonium nitrate and fuel oil in a parking lot behind the IRS building in Reno, Nev. The device failed to explode a day earlier when a three-foot fuse went out prematurely. Ten days later, tax protester Joseph Martin Bailie is arrested. Bailie is eventually sentenced to 36 years in federal prison, with a release date of 2027. An accomplice, Ellis Edward Hurst, is released in 2004.

Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material.
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Bottom line: Our way works. Armed guard in the school and the commie punk killed himself. Oh well, like libturds being cowards is a surprise? :lmao:

Mall murderer of two is confronted by armed citizen, immediately kills himself.

Our way works.

Got a commie in your school? A libturd who won't shut the fuck up?

THOSE are the people we need to watch. Not the Patriots.

As to the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM? Lying cocksuckers. No wonder you love them

Denver Post Edited Their Own Story To Remove ID Of Colorado School Shooter As “Socialist”…Update: We Edited What Student Said About Shooter Because He Probably Didn’t Understand What That Meant

On the evening of December 13, in which 18-year-old Karl Pierson entered Arapahoe High School and shot two students, The Denver Post published a description of the teen as a “very opinionated socialist.” However, by the next day, the description merely read that he was “very opinionated.” The word “socialist” was scrubbed without explanation.

The story written for the Post by Zahira Torres and Yesenia Robles initially buried the fact that the young man was identified as a socialist in the 13th paragraph.

In the first paragraph the paper noted that Pierson was “outspoken about politics,” and in the third quoted a friend who said that the shooter “had very strong beliefs about gun laws and stuff.”

But readers had to wait until the 13th paragraph to read what direction those outspoken political views took.

That paragraph originally read: “Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with Pierson, described him as very opinionated Socialist.”

But by Saturday morning, the Post had quietly sent the word “socialist” down the Internet memory hole. The revised paragraph simply reported that Pierson was very opinionated.

The new paragraph read: “Thomas Conrad, who had an economics class with Pierson, described him as very opinionated.”

^^NOT News Worthy^^​

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. ALL of them

Oh, didja hear, libturds...? It snowed in Cairo for the first in 112 years?

Cairo snow: Egyptian capital sees snowfall for the first time in 112 YEARS - Mirror Online

And kids are snow boarding in Jerasulem this morning.
^^not available for comment^^

That one's all over the Front Page of every rag in the Country, too I betcha.

Fuck the LSM and FUCK dimocrap scum. Lying knob-gobbling scumbags. All of them
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Maybe we should outlaw certain points of view.

Funny how I can't find a thread dedicated to the latest School Shooting.

That doesn't mean there isn't one, just means I haven't found it.

Turns out the latest school shooting was carried out by an avowed communist.

School gunman Karl Pierson liked debate, running, but acted "weird" -

"He was a weird kid," Davis said. "He's a self-proclaimed communist, just wears Soviet shirts all the time."

And to make matters even less newsworthy, the reason there weren't more casualties?

There was an armed Sheriff's Deputy on the scene.

GOOD GUY WITH A GUN: Armed school officer stopped Arapahoe High School shooting

The rampage might have resulted in many more casualties had it not been for the quick response of a deputy sheriff who was working as a school resource officer at the school, Robinson said.

Once he learned of the threat, he ran - accompanied by an unarmed school security officer and two administrators - from the cafeteria to the library, Robinson said. "It's a fairly long hallway, but the deputy sheriff got there very quickly."

The deputy was yelling for people to get down and identified himself as a county deputy sheriff, Robinson said. "We know for a fact that the shooter knew that the deputy was in the immediate area and, while the deputy was containing the shooter, the shooter took his own life."

He praised the deputy's response as "a critical element to the shooter's decision" to kill himself, and lauded his response to hearing gunshots. "He went to the thunder," he said. "He heard the noise of gunshot and, when many would run away from it, he ran toward it to make other people safe."

How many of you are having this thrown in your face every night on the Evening News? I bet you're tired of hearing about how an armed guard ended the School Shooting carried out by an avowed communist who also happened to be...... Are you ready?

ANTI-GUN!!! :lmao:

You can always count on the LSM to get it wrong...

July 2012: James Holmes shoots up theater in Aurora, CO. Brian Ross suggests he's a TPer on live TV. (Just another unmedicated nutter.)

Aug 2012: Floyd Lee Corkins shoots up @FRCdc based on @SPLCenter's "target list." Media: [crickets]. h/t @JammieWF

April 2013: Tsarnaev bros bomb Boston Marathon. Media suggests RWNJ commemorating "Patriot's Day." (Actually, just more jihadist scum.)

Sept 2009: census-taker Bill Sparkman found hanged in rural Kentucky. Media speculated it was Tea Party. (He killed himself.)

Feb 2010: Joe Stack flies small plane into an IRS building. Anti-tax TP rhetoric blamed. (He quoted from the Communist Manifesto.)

Feb 2010: Amy Bishop shoots colleagues at University of Alabama faculty meeting. Gun-loving Tea Party suspected. (She was an Obama voter.)

March 2010: John Patrick Bedell shot two Pentagon security. A right-wing extremist, media asked? (A registered Democrat and 9/11 Truther.)

May 2010: massive Times Square car bomb found. Bloomberg speculates it's someone upset about ACA. (Actually, plain vanilla jihadist scum.)

August 2010: Amid GZM debate, Muslim cabbie stabbed in NYC. Media speculates: a RWNJ? (Actually, a Lefty art student off his meds.)

Sept 2010: James Lee takes hostages at Discovery Chan HQ. Media speculates: climate change denier? (An environmentalist who hates humans.)

Jan 2011: Jared Lee Loughner shoots up campaign event of Rep. Giffords. Media: TP rhetoric is to blame. (An apolitical conspiracy theorist.)

Oct. 2013: Media retroactively blames right wing for JFK assassination. (Actually, LHO was a communist defector.)

Anybody else starting to see a pattern here? :dunno:

H/T Ace of Spades HQ

Herein is the rest of the story. Before the armed deputy was able to be on station at the school he took a written test which he passed, went through at least two (in my agency three) interviews, took written psychological examinations and was interviewed by a psychologist at least twice, had a full background investigation including criminal, civil and financial, and served a year under the guidance of a field training officer before he was given permanent employment. He was also required to follow a written use of force policy, use a weapon and ammunition approved by his agency, and take quarterly firearms training from a range master and the agency training officer.
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Wonder where he learned to hate so very much at such a young age?

Pierson also appears to mock Republicans on another Facebook post, writing "you republicans are so cute" and posting an image that reads: "The Republican Party: Health Care: Let 'em Die, Climate Change: Let 'em Die, Gun Violence: Let 'em Die, Women's Rights: Let 'em Die, More War: Let 'em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?"

Arapahoe High gunman held strong political beliefs, classmates said - The Denver Post
Apparently he did. So....tell us. What conclusions do you draw from this?

I realize that his anti conservative views weren't the motive for the shooting (he was going after the school librarian/debate coach to kill him for getting him suspended), but just the depth of his feelings at such a young age has just made me wonder how on earth does a young man from a good home develop such hatred at an early age over political views.

I haven't been able to draw any conclusions. Just makes me wonder.
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Apparently he did. So....tell us. What conclusions do you draw from this?

I realize that his anti conservative views weren't the motive for the shooting (he was going after the school librarian to kill him for getting him suspended), but just the depth of his feelings at such a young age has just made me wonder how on earth does a young man from a good home develop such hatred at an early age over political views.

I haven't been able to draw any conclusions. Just makes me wonder.

It's possible he learned them from his parents who divorced two years ago, approximately. Familial upset can be very hard for all kids but especially sensitive ones who feel hopeless and kill someone before I turn the gun on myself to escape my misplaced hatred and anxieties.

Sickness running rampant. :(

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