Colorado School Shooter a Socialist... and "Bullied"

Apparently he did. So....tell us. What conclusions do you draw from this?

I realize that his anti conservative views weren't the motive for the shooting (he was going after the school librarian to kill him for getting him suspended), but just the depth of his feelings at such a young age has just made me wonder how on earth does a young man from a good home develop such hatred at an early age over political views.

I haven't been able to draw any conclusions. Just makes me wonder.

It's possible he learned them from his parents who divorced two years ago, approximately. Familial upset can be very hard for all kids but especially sensitive ones who feel hopeless and kill someone before I turn the gun on myself to escape my misplaced hatred and anxieties.

Sickness running rampant. :(

Or he might have spent the last couple of years watching MSNBC.
Wonder where he learned to hate so very much at such a young age?

Reading this board will do it.

The dirty little secret is that very freaking mass shooter in modern history is a screaming liberal or the offspring of screaming liberals.

Really idiotic lies like this one, for example.

Let's discuss the political affiliation of modern mass shooters. Shall we start with the jihad Major Nadal? How about the dyed red headed freakazoid who shot up the movie theater or the nut case Korean who murdered students at Va. Tech? Anybody want to estimate what political party the parents of the Columbine massacre were affiliated with? You can bet your ass that Huffinton would have a hundred blogs if any one of the modern mass shooters was part of that the radical left likes to call the alleged rural gun culture but it ain't true.
If the only qualifier for a mass shooter is to be liberal, then one would have to be a real fucking moron to piss one off.
Liberals have been saying they want to redo the French Revolution for years. This kid just took it seriously. He thought he was going to lead an uprising of the oppressed singing a song of angry men. He was wrong.
Wonder where he learned to hate so very much at such a young age?

Pierson also appears to mock Republicans on another Facebook post, writing "you republicans are so cute" and posting an image that reads: "The Republican Party: Health Care: Let 'em Die, Climate Change: Let 'em Die, Gun Violence: Let 'em Die, Women's Rights: Let 'em Die, More War: Let 'em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?"

Arapahoe High gunman held strong political beliefs, classmates said - The Denver Post

Very telling

He left out....NRA, let em die
No, I didn't.

You should see all the pos reps I got for that, lol. I'm not alone in my evaluation.
Yeah it only took 5 posts for me to see this forum is a real Pavlov's wet dream for righty's. That's good though politically for Democrats, you reenforce each other to stay crazy. True you're not alone, as for your thinking you're Borg, Republican Borg. If I want your opinion, I can ask any other righty for it and it'd be right on.
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No, I didn't.

You should see all the pos reps I got for that, lol. I'm not alone in my evaluation.
Yeah it only took 5 posts for me to see this forum is a real Pavlov's wet dream for righty's. That's good though politically for Democrats, you reenforce each other to stay crazy.

And yet in every mass shooting the lame stream media claims a republican or a tea party person or some other right winger did the shooting. And in every case they were wrong.
Where was the security?

Deputy moved in on the teen as fast as possible. And the shooter had more than the shotgun, he had molotov cocktails and a machete.

The rampage might have resulted in many more casualties had it not been for the quick response of a deputy sheriff who was working as a school resource officer at the school, [Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson] Robinson said.

Once he learned of the threat, he ran — accompanied by an unarmed school security officer and two administrators — from the cafeteria to the library, Robinson said. “It’s a fairly long hallway, but the deputy sheriff got there very quickly.”

The deputy was yelling for people to get down and identified himself as a county deputy sheriff, Robinson said. “We know for a fact that the shooter knew that the deputy was in the immediate area and, while the deputy was containing the shooter, the shooter took his own life.”

He praised the deputy’s response as “a critical element to the shooter’s decision” to kill himself, and lauded his response to hearing gunshots.

“He went to the thunder,” he said. “He heard the noise of gunshot and, when many would run away from it, he ran toward it to make other people safe.

The highly inconvenient Arapahoe High School shooter | Human Events
Wonder where he learned to hate so very much at such a young age?

Reading this board will do it.

The dirty little secret is that very freaking mass shooter in modern history is a screaming liberal or the offspring of screaming liberals.

Really idiotic lies like this one, for example.

You have tried unsuccessfully to claim every mass shooting in the last 4 years was carried out by a rightwinger. You are just upset you can not make the same claim here.

No, I am making a claim that every single mass shooting was committed by a registered democrat or the stupid offspring of registered democrats. Prove me wrong?
Apparently he did. So....tell us. What conclusions do you draw from this?

I realize that his anti conservative views weren't the motive for the shooting (he was going after the school librarian/debate coach to kill him for getting him suspended), but just the depth of his feelings at such a young age has just made me wonder how on earth does a young man from a good home develop such hatred at an early age over political views.

I haven't been able to draw any conclusions. Just makes me wonder.

And yet you needed to prove you are a piece of trash.
Wonder where he learned to hate so very much at such a young age?

Pierson also appears to mock Republicans on another Facebook post, writing "you republicans are so cute" and posting an image that reads: "The Republican Party: Health Care: Let 'em Die, Climate Change: Let 'em Die, Gun Violence: Let 'em Die, Women's Rights: Let 'em Die, More War: Let 'em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?"

Arapahoe High gunman held strong political beliefs, classmates said - The Denver Post

How is repeating what Republicans say hating them? I pity them. And I'm sad at what they have done to the country.

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Apparently he did. So....tell us. What conclusions do you draw from this?

I realize that his anti conservative views weren't the motive for the shooting (he was going after the school librarian/debate coach to kill him for getting him suspended), but just the depth of his feelings at such a young age has just made me wonder how on earth does a young man from a good home develop such hatred at an early age over political views.

I haven't been able to draw any conclusions. Just makes me wonder.

And yet you needed to prove you are a piece of trash.

For wondering what drove this young man to this act? And to hate so young in life over politics?

Not a loner. No drugs. No drinking. Highly intelligent from what I've read. He doesn't fit your "joe average kook" shooter at all.
I haven't followed this story closely.

And I think this is my first comment on this particular outrage.

All I came here to say is that I had noted the mention that he might have been (he IS dead, right???) a Socialist.

However, they just said on the NBC evening news that he was coming to shoot the debate team coach/teacher who'd dismissed him from the team, IIRC.

When I heard that I KNEW he was a Left Winger of some sort.

Crime of passion, no matter how much 'stuff' he might have been packing when he began shooting, that's a Leftist, politically.

Generally speaking.

But I felt I HAD to add this to the discussion.

Lefties are emotional, impulsive, hot tempered, bleeding hearts.

This shooter is the latest evidence of it.

The prisons are mostly populated by impulsive, violent, emotionally driven, con men, abusers and liars who I'd bet are mostly Leftists.
Reading this board will do it.

Really idiotic lies like this one, for example.

You have tried unsuccessfully to claim every mass shooting in the last 4 years was carried out by a rightwinger. You are just upset you can not make the same claim here.

No, I am making a claim that every single mass shooting was committed by a registered democrat or the stupid offspring of registered democrats. Prove me wrong?

No, YOU made the statement. The way it works on message boards is a poster makes a statement, he then must be able to back it up.
I asked you earlier to at least post some links. You ignored the request by trying to pass on the responsibility of your claims on to others.
The ball is in your court, either back your statements or admit you made the whole thing up. It's that simple.
Just saw THIS thread after I posted in another thread that he exhibited a 'textbook' symptom of Liberalism.:

I realize that his anti conservative views weren't the motive for the shooting (he was going after the school librarian/debate coach to kill him for getting him suspended), but just the depth of his feelings at such a young age has just made me wonder how on earth does a young man from a good home develop such hatred at an early age over political views.

I haven't been able to draw any conclusions. Just makes me wonder.

And yet you needed to prove you are a piece of trash.

For wondering what drove this young man to this act? And to hate so young in life over politics?

Not a loner. No drugs. No drinking. Highly intelligent from what I've read. He doesn't fit your "joe average kook" shooter at all.

So him not like Republicans made him go shoot in a school.........zzzzzzz...

You wanted an easy way to attack the will usr anything in order to do it. This is ehy you are scum.
I realize that his anti conservative views weren't the motive for the shooting (he was going after the school librarian/debate coach to kill him for getting him suspended), but just the depth of his feelings at such a young age has just made me wonder how on earth does a young man from a good home develop such hatred at an early age over political views.

I haven't been able to draw any conclusions. Just makes me wonder.

And yet you needed to prove you are a piece of trash.

For wondering what drove this young man to this act? And to hate so young in life over politics?

Not a loner. No drugs. No drinking. Highly intelligent from what I've read. He doesn't fit your "joe average kook" shooter at all.

I just heard on the NBC Nightly News that he was upset about being dismissed from the Debate Team and was gunning for the Teacher/Coach.

Impulsive Liberalitis.
And yet you needed to prove you are a piece of trash.

For wondering what drove this young man to this act? And to hate so young in life over politics?

Not a loner. No drugs. No drinking. Highly intelligent from what I've read. He doesn't fit your "joe average kook" shooter at all.

So him not like Republicans made him go shoot in a school.........zzzzzzz...

You wanted an easy way to attack the will usr anything in order to do it. This is ehy you are scum.

It's low hanging fruit.

Impulsiveness most ALWAYS = Leftist.

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