Colorado shooter Holmes poisoned by anti-psychotic drugs?

ok, here's my new conspiracy theory.

Bright student, james holmes starts his ph.d. Studies in neuro-science at the university of colorado's*aurora*campus but holmes's arrogant, know-it-all attitude annoys someone he works with, perhaps one of the university staff who is a professor or a lecturer or a fellow student who has access to anti-psychotic drugs used to "treat" mental patients. This hypothetical person who has taken a severe dislike to holmes i will refer to as "holmes's secret enemy" or hse.

In an evil, secret lone-wolf science experiment, hse targets holmes to poison him with anti-psychotic drugs to see what happens and for the wicked pleasure of doing evil to a perceived enemy.

So one day, hse slips some anti-psychotic pills into holmes's coffee. "here you james, it's with sugar, i hope that's ok?"
holmes barely looking up from his text books says, "yeh, thanks" and drinks the poisoned coffee.

The effect of the anti-psychotic drugs is to make holmes apathetic, the next week or so he sleeps in, he doesn't turn up for work at the university, and administrators expel him from university. Holmes drops out.

Then slowly over a number of weeks, the anti-psychotics wear off and for a brief time holmes returns to his normal self but then quickly the effect of the withdrawal symptoms from the anti-psychotic drugs kicks in, which is the opposite effect to that when initially taking anti-psychotics - the effect of withdrawal from these anti-psychotic drugs is to induce a psychotic breakdown which holmes has.

As a result of the withdrawal from the poisoning, the psychotic holmes plans his lone-wolf shooting massacre.

Deep in his subconscious, as a final plea for help, holmes writes to his former university professor, a psychiatrist who holmes still trusts, perhaps naively for all we know, because the psychiatrist professor holmes writes to could be none other than "hse" the person who poisoned holmes and caused his psychosis? Perhaps not. This is only a theory.

Holmes writes to the psychiatrist professor but gets no reply so he reverts to his plan and goes through with the aurora theater attack.

This conspiracy theory is hard to prove or disprove but it looks like my conspiracy theory fits the facts.

Whether or not this theory is true, it certainly is true that these anti-psychotic drugs are very dangerous, as dangerous as firearms in their own way.

peter - do you even have a life? How many forums are you registered at? I have so far come across you at at least 6 other forums. You seem to spend your life posting mindless dribble across multiple websites.

so you spend your life trolling for peter on multiple web sites to read dribble you say ?... Interesting pastime...

Lol no, I have just been at a number of sites in the past and he always seems to be a fixture at most of them.

Google his name and enjoy reading.
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Since we can't reconcile the simple fact that sometimes people do horrible and evil things to innocent people without any logical motive or reason, we are left to create wild conspiracy theories.....

I recently had occasion to take Xanax, first time, just to calm me down during a procedure. I can see how these drugs can contribute to a psychotic episode especially when you are coming off of them.

I don't want him getting off because of this theory though. It is only a theory and I feel with the orange hair, strange look on his face and what not, he is attempting to play this out so that he won't have to spend time in a prison or get the death penalty. That guy is a menace to society no matter what the reason. I'm sure he would prefer a nice mental institution to a hard time prison. I'm for the latter.
Any current drug that is addictive and causes withdrawal ( and I am not even sure if there are any anymore)) require time to work, time to become addictive and time to build up in ones system to create a withdrawal symptom.

Some of the older meds might qualify but they are seldom used and are tightly controlled, not to mention the ones you would need have obvious effects that would not go unnoticed.


The new hip in drug is bath salts.
Interesting and creative theory.

Do you suppose the same kind of conspriracy explains all these spress killings?

List of rampage killers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't think so.

I think that some tiny percentage of the population just gets so filled with psychiatirically induced rage that they start killing people out of sheer frustration.

I think these events stem from some kind of organic brain syndrome.

Their selection of victims MIGHT have something to do with their life or political POV, but those things don't CAUSE the problem, those things merely influence the nature of their spree and the victims they might seek out.
"Naturalnews"? Seriously? This is why we don't take you guys seriously?

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Skeptoid is a weekly science podcast dedicated to furthering knowledge by blasting away the widespread pseudosciences that infect popular culture, and replacing them with way cooler reality.

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If I recall correctly Geauxto is being trained in Western Medicine which is :

1. Cut (surgery)
2. Burn (Radiation)
3. Poison (Drug)

Then whatever else he doesn't understand he'll blame on "genetics".


The next time I am in on resuscitating a guy who just got shot and has a bp of 60/nothing, I guess I'll consider homeopathy or some naturalistic bullshit as opposed to giving a 2 liter saline bolus, sticking in a chest tube, or decompressing a pneumothorax.

You know, all the silly stuff that is actually works because it actually deals with physiology and anatomy and all the other silly stuff western medicine is based on.
the drug companies had to put the warning on just as they did with cigarettes.. Because after great resistance the evidence became talk like a pharmaceutics rep

I talk like a scientifically minded person, because that is what I am trained to do.

You should try it sometime. Avoid the hype and nonsense.

Do SSRIs cause suicide in children? The evide... [J Clin Psychol. 2006] - PubMed - NCBI

you do not speak anything like a scientifically minded person

You wouldn't know one if they smacked you in the face.

You ignored the article.
Since we can't reconcile the simple fact that sometimes people do horrible and evil things to innocent people without any logical motive or reason, we are left to create wild conspiracy theories.....

I recently had occasion to take Xanax, first time, just to calm me down during a procedure. I can see how these drugs can contribute to a psychotic episode especially when you are coming off of them.

I don't want him getting off because of this theory though. It is only a theory and I feel with the orange hair, strange look on his face and what not, he is attempting to play this out so that he won't have to spend time in a prison or get the death penalty. That guy is a menace to society no matter what the reason. I'm sure he would prefer a nice mental institution to a hard time prison. I'm for the latter.

Xanax isn't an antipsychotic.

I doubht he'll get off. He had a plan and an elaborate booby trap for the police in his apartment. He will be hard pressed to claim he didn't know what he was doing.
Here's the thing...nuts can do bad things, too.

Clearly the man knew what he was doing.

He was not out of touch with reality... not even if he IS crazy.
Here's the thing...nuts can do bad things, too.

Clearly the man knew what he was doing.

He was not out of touch with reality... not even if he IS crazy.

ya he wasn't full zombie face eater crazy..thats true..but he is some kind of crazy
OK, here's my new conspiracy theory.

Bright student, James Holmes starts his Ph.D. studies in Neuro-Science at the University of Colorado's*Aurora*campus but Holmes's arrogant, know-it-all attitude annoys someone he works with, perhaps one of the university staff who is a professor or a lecturer or a fellow student who has access to anti-psychotic drugs used to "treat" mental patients. This hypothetical person who has taken a severe dislike to Holmes I will refer to as "Holmes's secret enemy" or HSE.

In an evil, secret lone-wolf science experiment, HSE targets Holmes to poison him with anti-psychotic drugs to see what happens and for the wicked pleasure of doing evil to a perceived enemy.

So one day, HSE slips some anti-psychotic pills into Holmes's coffee. "Here you James, it's with sugar, I hope that's OK?"
Holmes barely looking up from his text books says, "Yeh, thanks" and drinks the poisoned coffee.

The effect of the anti-psychotic drugs is to make Holmes apathetic, the next week or so he sleeps in, he doesn't turn up for work at the university, and administrators expel him from university. Holmes drops out.

Then slowly over a number of weeks, the anti-psychotics wear off and for a brief time Holmes returns to his normal self but then quickly the effect of the withdrawal symptoms from the anti-psychotic drugs kicks in, which is the opposite effect to that when initially taking anti-psychotics - the effect of withdrawal from these anti-psychotic drugs is to induce a psychotic breakdown which Holmes has.

As a result of the withdrawal from the poisoning, the psychotic Holmes plans his lone-wolf shooting massacre.

Deep in his subconscious, as a final plea for help, Holmes writes to his former University professor, a psychiatrist who Holmes still trusts, perhaps naively for all we know, because the psychiatrist professor Holmes writes to could be none other than "HSE" the person who poisoned Holmes and caused his psychosis? Perhaps not. This is only a theory.

Holmes writes to the psychiatrist professor but gets no reply so he reverts to his plan and goes through with the Aurora Theater attack.

This conspiracy theory is hard to prove or disprove but it looks like my conspiracy theory fits the facts.

Whether or not this theory is true, it certainly is true that these anti-psychotic drugs are very dangerous, as dangerous as firearms in their own way.

very strong possiblity.I dont want to jump the gun and say right now that there was some conspiracy in this.its possible that he may have just been a delusional crazed nutcase.You have to believe though another strong possibility based on past events and our history that he was part of a CIA mind program which we already know existed with the CIA called MK ULTRA.

Im not saying this is what happened,I want to make that perfectly clear, but you got to be open to the possibility that he was mind controlled by the CIA to do this like sirhan sirhan was in the RFK assassination.sirhans post behaviour after being arrested was that of mind control.when the police questioned him when they first arressted him,he just had a blank stare on his face staring out into space with nothing to say for hours.and when they arrested him,he demonstrated incredible strength for such a tiny man. Then when he came around,when questioned why he killed RFK, he said he could not remember and never could remember why he did it.thats typical of someone mind controlled that the CIA has experimented on.

again not saying this is what happened here.I would like to know first if that guy remembered why he did it after being questioned and if he had a blank stare on his face and said nothing at first for the first few hours before saying he was CIA mind programmed so the government could pass anti gun laws against us.

Skeptoid is a weekly science podcast dedicated to furthering knowledge by blasting away the widespread pseudosciences that infect popular culture, and replacing them with way cooler reality.

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If I recall correctly Geauxto is being trained in Western Medicine which is :

1. Cut (surgery)
2. Burn (Radiation)
3. Poison (Drug)

Then whatever else he doesn't understand he'll blame on "genetics".


The next time I am in on resuscitating a guy who just got shot and has a bp of 60/nothing, I guess I'll consider homeopathy or some naturalistic bullshit as opposed to giving a 2 liter saline bolus, sticking in a chest tube, or decompressing a pneumothorax.

You know, all the silly stuff that is actually works because it actually deals with physiology and anatomy and all the other silly stuff western medicine is based on.

there you go again pretending psychiatry is based on medical science or is in anyway comparable to treating traumatic physical injury
The next time I am in on resuscitating a guy who just got shot and has a bp of 60/nothing, I guess I'll consider a unidentifiable chemical imbalance psychiatric bullshit as opposed to giving a 2 liter saline bolus, sticking in a chest tube, or decompressing a pneumothorax.

[ame=]Peter Breggin, MD: Do You Have a Biochemical Imbalance? Simple Truths About Psychiatry - YouTube[/ame]

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