Colorado Springs police say 5 people are dead and 18 injured in a Colorado nightclub shooting, it's a gay nightclub that has drag shows

"You spew lies".....are you kidding. That's ALL the Left does. Like you just did about me.
You turning a blind eye to the false narrative of the right is the driving factor in these nutcases going postal. Democrats are normal folks. The right wing is loaded with abnormal murderous liars and fools of conspiracy theories used to motivate them to vote against their best interests. You are too wrapped up in culture wars to see how the republicans are fleecing America for companies and the wealthy.
Democrats are normal folks.
Normal folk do not think that it's OK to groom young children into depraved sexual perversions, such as homosexuality, transsexuality, and such.

Pedophiles, groomers, and their allies think that.
a lot of people supported them before they found out what was going on. Supported it is a pretty damn strong word. A lot of the GOP base supported Hitler for quite a while or were isolationists, they're always a disgrace.
haha wow…actually it was the dems that supported hitler and his national socialist policies.
Of course you are totally wrong, gays don't commit commit pedophilia anymore than anybody else does.

Faggots make up less than 4% of the population, yet little boys are sexually abused almost as often as girls.

Less than 4% of the population making up almost half of all childfuckers pretty solidly proves that there is something very wrong with that less than 4%.

You can lie all you want, to try to deny this fact, but you are not fooling anyone.
LGBTQ is pushing too hard towards children. That's what leads up to all this shooting stuff. LEAVE KIDS ALONE. Wanna pretend to be a woman and sashay around in a dress while still having your junk to show little kids? Do it at your drag show that is geared for adults. NOT children. Once that shit stops so will the violence.
What kind of shitty excuse for a father must you be, if you think that it's OK to drag children into this sick shit?
My track record of discerning what’s important speaks for itself. My oldest is in medical school and volunteers on Mission trips with our church. The rest are still in school doing very well and are faithful Christians not bigots. A drag show never shot anyone.
LGBTQ is pushing too hard towards children. That's what leads up to all this shooting stuff. LEAVE KIDS ALONE. Wanna pretend to be a woman and sashay around in a dress while still having your junk to show little kids? Do it at your drag show that is geared for adults. NOT children. Once that shit stops so will the violence.

I don't see any basis in claiming that that will stop the violence, but certainly, those who try to sexualize young children are bringing all sorts of backlash against themselves, and rightfully so. Any parent of any worth is certainly going to be very motivated to protect his own children from such perverts, and nearly all decent people are going to be inclined to want to protect children in general.

Any sick pervert who tries to drag children into his depraved fetishes fully deserves anything that anyone does to him as a result. We would be a healthier society, by far, if decent people had more courage and freedom to go after these sick fucks, and put them down like rabid animals.
Republicans would have been worse to the Japanese... Woodrow Wilson I do not defend lol. I have not been alive that long.
Republicans would of been worst? That proves that all you say is nothing more than conjecture and opinion.

We have history, and if you could give an example of a racist republican, I can still use the fact that the current democratic president voted to make a kkk leader, leader of the senate.

Today's democratic president. Not yesterdays.
a lot of people supported them before they found out what was going on. Supported it is a pretty damn strong word. A lot of the GOP base supported Hitler for quite a while or were isolationists, they're always a disgrace.
Isolationist? The GOP base supported Hitler, you just make things up.

Isolationist, that takes us to World War 1. You stated you did not support Woodrow Wilson? That would put you on the side of the isolationists, meanong the men who did not want to be part of the league of nations.

Not being a part of one world government is a good thing
Your statement is a great example of bigotry. I guess you most likely are speaking for yourself.
Look at this thread. The vile tone and outright bigotry is evident itself. If you dont want to go to drag shows, don’t. If you don’t want to be gay, don’t. To demonize those choices leads to violence. Always does.
Look at this thread. The vile tone and outright bigotry is evident itself. If you dont [sic] want to go to drag shows, don’t. If you don’t want to be gay, don’t. To demonize those choices leads to violence. Always does.

Choosing to sexually abuse and exploit children •IS• violence, and those who engage in such behavior ought to expect violence in return.

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