Colorado Springs police say 5 people are dead and 18 injured in a Colorado nightclub shooting, it's a gay nightclub that has drag shows

Jesus. Solar panels cover 0.000001% of the earth.
so we should spend a 1000x's what we would normaly spend?

How much of the earth, in rhode island is being covered in solar panels compared to what they are using to build houses

solar panels are covering the earth by the square mile, not one square mile, not ten square miles, not even a hundred square miles, but by the thousands.

And the cost is in the trillions. $100 trillion or more, most likely more.

You dont know jack shit but you can dismiss it like it is nothing. $100 trillion dollars and an area bigger than four states. And at that, it wont be enough, but that is okay, because you bow to the democrat god.
I'd like to thank some of you for proving once again that humans are worthless non compassionate slugs with no redeemable qualities.
a lot of people supported them before they found out what was going on. Supported it is a pretty damn strong word. A lot of the GOP base supported Hitler for quite a while or were isolationists, they're always a disgrace.
They're trying to make a case against Democrats that they're the molesters is all this crap when in fact everyone knows that people who manipulate and groom children are "Alpha " males. These types consider themselves leaders and the ones who have access to children, like priests, pastors, coaches and teachers. Except for the teachers, most of these people are Republicans if they are politically affiliated at all.
They're trying to make a case against Democrats that they're the molesters is all this crap when in fact everyone knows that people who manipulate and groom children are "Alpha " males. These types consider themselves leaders and the ones who have access to children, like priests, pastors, coaches and teachers. Except for the teachers, most of these people are Republicans if they are politically affiliated at all.

The GOP base are pedophilia freaks lol OMG what the ****
They're trying to make a case against Democrats that they're the molesters is all this crap when in fact everyone knows that people who manipulate and groom children are "Alpha " males. These types consider themselves leaders and the ones who have access to children, like priests, pastors, coaches and teachers. Except for the teachers, most of these people are Republicans if they are politically affiliated at all.

Those are not Republicans, conservatives, or “alpha males” who are brainwashing children in public schools with the faggot/tranny/pedophile agenda.

Nor is it Republicans, conservatives, or “alpha males” that are running “Drag Queen Story Hour” events, or taking children to faggot pride events.
well that's never going to happen great job. We need a lot of these people in fact there was getting to be a shortage of workers for the kind of jobs Americans don't want to do. That's why you need an ID work card and some organization. It cost a little bit of money but saves billions and you need to tax the rich and invest in America in so many ways it's ridiculous. We're close to a Banana Republic. 60% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck before the pandemic. That's excellent and great job! That's 35 years now since Reagan gave us a 28% top tax rate and screwed the country. Luckily the GOP base doesn't know about it lol. But they know everything about the imaginary election steal vax and global warming hoaxes pedophilia explosion.
We dont need any of the millions of migrants biden has imported since taking office
Joe Kennedy, and a lot of other Irish, were big Hitler fans.
So were a lot of Republicans, but let's not talk about them in a bad light. Now let's fast forward to today, because we can't fix the problems of yesterday.>politics>House GOP candidate called Hitler " the kind of leader we need " in 2021. June 9th., 2022. That was Carl Paladino, a candidate endorsed by a member of the House GOP leadership.
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So were a lot of Republicans, but let's not talk about them in a bad light. Now let's fast forward to today, because we can't fix the problems of yesterday.>politics>House GOP candidate called Hitler " the kind of leader we need " in 2021. June 9th., 2022. That was Carl Paladino, a candidate endorsed by a member of the House GOP leadership.

And so what? 1934 was a lot different than 1938. Your sniveling doesn't really have any point other than deflections from your Party of perverts and sociopaths. And, I'm not a Republican, so you're going to have to invent some other strawmen to beat on. I'm one of those Evul FDR and LBJ fans.
And so what? 1934 was a lot different than 1938. Your sniveling doesn't really have any point other than deflections from your Party of perverts and sociopaths. And, I'm not a Republican, so you're going to have to invent some other strawmen to beat on. I'm one of those Evul FDR and LBJ fans.
You're claiming that the Democrats are perverts and sociopaths. The inability to accept the truth has been witnessed widely throughout the Republican party. In response they prefer to pervert the truth rather than admit what the truth is. And talk about sociopaths, your leader trump is definitely at least a sociopathic if not a psychopath complete with meltdowns, tantrums and of course the inability to accept the truth. I believe you're talking about your own party.
You're claiming that the Democrats are perverts and sociopaths.

You're claiming they aren't, which of course is a blatant lie. The rest of your post is just you sniveling and trying to deflect attention from your Party's pandering to scumbag perverts.
You're claiming they aren't, which of course is a blatant lie. The rest of your post is just you sniveling and trying to deflect attention from your Party's pandering to scumbag perverts.
I'm sure some of them are; just like some Republicans are, but probably a greater percentage of Republicans are perverts and sociopaths. Which I've already pointed out.

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