Columbia professor says he does heroin regularly for 'work-life balance'

That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal
Well let's be honest. Sure it's "illegal", but so is illegal immigration. So although it is illegal on the books, it's not really.

I had to laugh at that, as it's an interesting way to look at it, though not wholly inaccurate.

I'm a believer that a fully functioning adult with all his/her faculties should make their own decisions. They know it's bad for them on many levels, and of course, he shouldn't be driving or teaching his class while high as a kite. Not just for moral reasons, but, students pay for quality education.

Ultimately, I think morality laws are usually going to be a grey area as long as it isn't impacting anyone else. Most know a double decker burger with bacon and cheese isn't good for your arteries, but, we eat it anyways. Ditto for too much pizza, sweets or alcohol.

As for the illegal immigration problem, that's one that is going to impact ANY nation negatively in the long run. The arguments for it rarely make sense to me.
Students pay thousands of dollars a quarter in college to learn that they should undergo gender reassignment, to learn that God is dead, and that their only hope in life is a Left wing government with Dementia Joe as their lord and savior. Then at the end of the day, they understandably turn to hard drugs, professors as well.

I don't really blame them.
That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal

Then why did we have our military protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan?

Once again you're off on tangents.

If the military is protecting it, how can it be bad?

You keep on trying to divert...I have no interest in it. You know it's bad and you're trying to justify a professor doing something really stupid

It seems he is meeting all qualifications for doing his job. Can you show where he is being less responsible than the guy who shows up hung over?

Is alcohol illegal?

Watches you scratch your stupid ass
That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal

Then why did we have our military protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan?

Once again you're off on tangents.

If the military is protecting it, how can it be bad?

You keep on trying to divert...I have no interest in it. You know it's bad and you're trying to justify a professor doing something really stupid

It seems he is meeting all qualifications for doing his job. Can you show where he is being less responsible than the guy who shows up hung over?

Is alcohol illegal?

Watches you scratch your stupid ass

No, which is kinda the point. Why is it any of your business if he is able to meet all expectations?
That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal

Then why did we have our military protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan?
Why do we give pilots meth to fly long missions?

My brother-in-law flys United, almost exclusively to England, Switzerland, Israel. I don't believe you, but I'll ask him before I call you on your bullshit...
Amphetamines, a prescription drug, are known on the street as uppers or speed. ... Yet, a 20/20 investigation has found, the amphetamines, the speed pills, are now standard issue to U.S. Air Force combat pilots, to help them stay awake on long combat sorties.Jan 5, 2006
That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal

Then why did we have our military protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan?

Once again you're off on tangents.

If the military is protecting it, how can it be bad?

You keep on trying to divert...I have no interest in it. You know it's bad and you're trying to justify a professor doing something really stupid

It seems he is meeting all qualifications for doing his job. Can you show where he is being less responsible than the guy who shows up hung over?

Is alcohol illegal?

Watches you scratch your stupid ass

That isn't the question is it? Adults get to make their own decisions. Personally I'd rather have a professor who did illegal drugs in moderation the night before, than one who shows up pie-eyed and hung over as hell.
No need to graduate any higher, you're near the top of the mountain already. Then I read the article and I find he's going even further with his experimentation.

Where in the hell does he obtain this stuff? Are Profs heading down to Junkie BLVD. to get their fix?

Carl Hart is a Columbia University professor of psychology and neuroscience. He chairs the psych department and has a fondness for heroin – not only as a subject of scholarly pursuit but also as a substance for personal use.

At 54, the married father of three has snorted small amounts of heroin for as many as 10 days in a row and enjoyed it mightily – even if, as he recalls in his new book "Drug Use for Grown-ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear" (Penguin Press), he’s experienced mild withdrawal symptoms "12 to 16 hours after the last dose."

But, as Hart sees it, the discomfort is a worthwhile trade-off.

"There aren’t many things in life that I enjoy more than a few lines by the fireplace at the end of the day," he writes, pointing out that the experience leaves him "refreshed" and "prepared to face another day."

Hart, who studies the effects of psychoactive drugs on humans, finds his use of the narcotic to be "as rational as my alcohol use. Like vacation, sex and the arts, heroin is one of the tools that I use to maintain my work-life balance."

I call bullshit. Heroin creates constipation, and that requires anyone addicted to stop cold turkey. It ain't pretty, as anyone who has worked in a county jail can testify.
That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal

Then why did we have our military protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan?
Why do we give pilots meth to fly long missions?

My brother-in-law flys United, almost exclusively to England, Switzerland, Israel. I don't believe you, but I'll ask him before I call you on your bullshit...
Amphetamines, a prescription drug, are known on the street as uppers or speed. ... Yet, a 20/20 investigation has found, the amphetamines, the speed pills, are now standard issue to U.S. Air Force combat pilots, to help them stay awake on long combat sorties.Jan 5, 2006
I knew that Nazis used meth for their soldiers. It allowed them to fight longer, and without any inhibition's.

Hitler also took it himself when people had no idea as to the damage it does, not that Hitler cared what happened to his own people.

But I reckon the US government today is no different, other than knowing how it destroys people and not caring what it is doing to military personelle.

But then, they piss on veterans at the VA as well, with a long history of subpar care or not even treating soldiers with such things as Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam or soldiers coming back from the deserts with a Gulf War Syndrome the government tries to say does not really exist, etc.

Not to worry though, I'm sure once the government gets full control of health care they will all change on a dime!

Good times.
That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal

Then why did we have our military protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan?
Why do we give pilots meth to fly long missions?

My brother-in-law flys United, almost exclusively to England, Switzerland, Israel. I don't believe you, but I'll ask him before I call you on your bullshit...
Amphetamines, a prescription drug, are known on the street as uppers or speed. ... Yet, a 20/20 investigation has found, the amphetamines, the speed pills, are now standard issue to U.S. Air Force combat pilots, to help them stay awake on long combat sorties.Jan 5, 2006
I knew that Nazis used meth for their soldiers. It allowed them to fight longer, and without any inhibition's.

Hitler also took it himself when people had no idea as to the damage it does, not that Hitler cared what happened to his own people.

But I reckon the US government today is no different, other than knowing how it destroys people and not caring what it is doing to military personelle.

But then, they piss on veterans at the VA as well, with a long history of subpar care or not even treating soldiers with such things as Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam or soldiers coming back from the deserts with a Gulf War Syndrome the government tries to say does not really exist, etc.

Not to worry though, I'm sure once the government gets full control of health care they will all change on a dime!

Good times.
Also depends which VA you go to.
That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal

Then why did we have our military protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan?
Why do we give pilots meth to fly long missions?

My brother-in-law flys United, almost exclusively to England, Switzerland, Israel. I don't believe you, but I'll ask him before I call you on your bullshit...
Amphetamines, a prescription drug, are known on the street as uppers or speed. ... Yet, a 20/20 investigation has found, the amphetamines, the speed pills, are now standard issue to U.S. Air Force combat pilots, to help them stay awake on long combat sorties.Jan 5, 2006
I knew that Nazis used meth for their soldiers. It allowed them to fight longer, and without any inhibition's.

Hitler also took it himself when people had no idea as to the damage it does, not that Hitler cared what happened to his own people.

But I reckon the US government today is no different, other than knowing how it destroys people and not caring what it is doing to military personelle.

But then, they piss on veterans at the VA as well, with a long history of subpar care or not even treating soldiers with such things as Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam or soldiers coming back from the deserts with a Gulf War Syndrome the government tries to say does not really exist, etc.

Not to worry though, I'm sure once the government gets full control of health care they will all change on a dime!

Good times.
Also depends which VA you go to.
By all means, let's send our children to be coached by a drug addled professor extolling the pleasures of heroin addictions.
PARENTS, This is your fault if you allow it...
Yes, but it is okay if they take Adderall if prescribed.......
If you think these two are the same you are lying to yourself. I say this as a person who takes Adderall daily and has for 13 years. You and people like you are misinformed on what Adderall does and doesnt do.
By all means, let's send our children to be coached by a drug addled professor extolling the pleasures of heroin addictions.
PARENTS, This is your fault if you allow it...
Yes, but it is okay if they take Adderall if prescribed.......
If you think these two are the same you are lying to yourself. I say this as a person who takes Adderall daily and has for 13 years. You and people like you are misinformed on what Adderall does and doesnt do.
Depends what one is taking it for. Just because a human takes a drug doesn't mean that drug doesn't allow that human to function.
By all means, let's send our children to be coached by a drug addled professor extolling the pleasures of heroin addictions.
PARENTS, This is your fault if you allow it...
Yes, but it is okay if they take Adderall if prescribed.......
If you think these two are the same you are lying to yourself. I say this as a person who takes Adderall daily and has for 13 years. You and people like you are misinformed on what Adderall does and doesnt do.

Does it prepare you to face the day?
“Drug users thought that drugs would grant them the plane, when in fact the plane must instill its own drugs, remaining master of speeds and proximities” (A Thousand Plateaus). An information-compromised academic joneses for recognition, and evokes “balance.” Unfortunately, it is a balance that can only be partially obtained, because of the unwieldy nature of the drug assemblage (the hit, the dose, the dealer, etc.). If he attempts to pass counterfeit and is held down by the police, will American infrastructure get busted up again?
That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal

Then why did we have our military protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan?

Once again you're off on tangents.

If the military is protecting it, how can it be bad?

You keep on trying to divert...I have no interest in it. You know it's bad and you're trying to justify a professor doing something really stupid

It seems he is meeting all qualifications for doing his job. Can you show where he is being less responsible than the guy who shows up hung over?

Is alcohol illegal?

Watches you scratch your stupid ass

No, which is kinda the point. Why is it any of your business if he is able to meet all expectations?

You really think usage of illegal drugs is meeting expectations? Really?

You're ridiculous like that Rump Ranger Runt
That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal

Then why did we have our military protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan?

Once again you're off on tangents.

If the military is protecting it, how can it be bad?

You keep on trying to divert...I have no interest in it. You know it's bad and you're trying to justify a professor doing something really stupid

It seems he is meeting all qualifications for doing his job. Can you show where he is being less responsible than the guy who shows up hung over?

Is alcohol illegal?

Watches you scratch your stupid ass

No, which is kinda the point. Why is it any of your business if he is able to meet all expectations?

You really think usage of illegal drugs is meeting expectations? Really?

You're ridiculous like that Rump Ranger Runt

There is no indications he is not.
That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal

Then why did we have our military protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan?

Once again you're off on tangents.

If the military is protecting it, how can it be bad?

You keep on trying to divert...I have no interest in it. You know it's bad and you're trying to justify a professor doing something really stupid

It seems he is meeting all qualifications for doing his job. Can you show where he is being less responsible than the guy who shows up hung over?

Is alcohol illegal?

Watches you scratch your stupid ass

No, which is kinda the point. Why is it any of your business if he is able to meet all expectations?

You really think usage of illegal drugs is meeting expectations? Really?

You're ridiculous like that Rump Ranger Runt

There is no indications he is not.

Listen up Nincompoop, I have no desire to have some drug addled professor anywhere near my children, the fact you support it speaks volumes....if by some slim chance you are a parent.

Now sit the fuck down and cease thinking anyone with an ounce of sense is buying into your latest attempt to look really really ridiculous. Just stop assuming you're all that, you're not
No need to graduate any higher, you're near the top of the mountain already. Then I read the article and I find he's going even further with his experimentation.

Where in the hell does he obtain this stuff? Are Profs heading down to Junkie BLVD. to get their fix?

Carl Hart is a Columbia University professor of psychology and neuroscience. He chairs the psych department and has a fondness for heroin – not only as a subject of scholarly pursuit but also as a substance for personal use.

At 54, the married father of three has snorted small amounts of heroin for as many as 10 days in a row and enjoyed it mightily – even if, as he recalls in his new book "Drug Use for Grown-ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear" (Penguin Press), he’s experienced mild withdrawal symptoms "12 to 16 hours after the last dose."

But, as Hart sees it, the discomfort is a worthwhile trade-off.

"There aren’t many things in life that I enjoy more than a few lines by the fireplace at the end of the day," he writes, pointing out that the experience leaves him "refreshed" and "prepared to face another day."

Hart, who studies the effects of psychoactive drugs on humans, finds his use of the narcotic to be "as rational as my alcohol use. Like vacation, sex and the arts, heroin is one of the tools that I use to maintain my work-life balance."
1. he's a DUMBASS!!!!!...celebrities have been dying from drugs before and after MMonroe--and the DUMBASSES keep taking drugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
very, very stupid
.. they die every year from drugs
2. your body is not made for ingestion of foreign substances = bad if you take them
That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal
Only because people like you support the police state and the corporate camps of subjugation.
there's no police state
That explains university education these days

No wonder they're stupid as stumps
What is your excuse? Many people can function just as well as other people while using substances that the centralized corporate powers don't want you to do.

You never fail to look ridiculous

Hint: it's illegal

Then why did we have our military protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan?

Once again you're off on tangents.

If the military is protecting it, how can it be bad?

You keep on trying to divert...I have no interest in it. You know it's bad and you're trying to justify a professor doing something really stupid

It seems he is meeting all qualifications for doing his job. Can you show where he is being less responsible than the guy who shows up hung over?

Is alcohol illegal?

Watches you scratch your stupid ass

No, which is kinda the point. Why is it any of your business if he is able to meet all expectations?

You really think usage of illegal drugs is meeting expectations? Really?

You're ridiculous like that Rump Ranger Runt

There is no indications he is not.

Listen up Nincompoop, I have no desire to have some drug addled professor anywhere near my children, the fact you support it speaks volumes....if by some slim chance you are a parent.

Support it? I say it's none of my business. BTW, my youngest daughter is currently in college.

Is it OK if a professor is on Prozac?

Now sit the fuck down and cease thinking anyone with an ounce of sense is buying into your latest attempt to look really really ridiculous. Just stop assuming you're all that, you're not

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