Columbus OH city council breaks state law and ignores judge

Nothing here changes the fact you don't care about people you don't agree with.
Own it. Be proud.

I can very quickly write them off. Most of the people I disagree with, my brothers rich republican friends or my aunt, I just don't argue about it. Or when I do, I give in because I want to maintain a relationship. But knowing they are Republican dicks, yea, I guess if something bad happens to them and for example, they don't have healthcare and it costs them a fortune. It's hard to not think "I told you so you stupid mother fucker".

I have a friend who I grew up with but we don't hang out. But we stay in touch. Die hard Republican. Always loved to argue for the Republican way. On every issue. He owned his own business. One day he starts a go fund me page and hosts a party/fundraiser for his $7000 deductable. His wife got breast cancer. I certainly didn't go donate. Fuck that. He didn't want healthcare reform. He liked his low cost insurance. He didn't realize if something bad happened, there'd be a $7000 yearly deductable. Sorry Mr Republican. Personal responsibility. I certainly am not going to pay his deductible.

Now a liberal friend or friend who isn't political, sure.

So depends on how unagreeable you are.
So not only do you not care about people you don't agree with, you write them off.
Good to know.
I think everyone is quick to write people off. It's in our nature. In fact, I was that kid in school who befriended the new kid. You weren't.
Good to know you;re willing to own the fact you don't care about people you do not agree with.
I don't get the feeling you Republicans care about people you disagree with either. Look how you treat the black community, gay community, pro choice community, scientific community, the media, liberals, immigrants,
Columbus City Council should be held accountable and in contempt. However, one of my complaints while living in Ohio, now in Arizona and reading about legislation in other states is how Republicans just as much as Democrats believe in nanny state control over issues that should remain local.
Nothing here changes the fact you admit you don't care about people you do not agree with.
I don't care what you think about this that's for sure. It's not that simple but you're simple minded so let's leave it at that.
So here we have a band of Democrats willfully breaking laws and ignoring rulings from the court.

The closer to the people, the more authority.
So municipal is always superior to county, which is always superior to state.

What is WRONG is when larger and more impersonal levels of government try to over ride the local choices that better reflect the will of the people.
Like all federal gun laws should not even exist at all, and it should be primarily local, and then some generic state laws.

Wrong. All power in a State flows from the State Constitution, which then delegates certain home rule aspects of government to the various local subdivisions.

You are a citizen of the US, and a citizen of the State you are in. You are not a citizen of a given county, township, or city.

There are State Constitutions only, below that level there is only home rule laws passed by the State legislature based on the home rule provisions found in said State Constitution.
An Ohio court stayed the enforcement of the Columbus ordnance, pending a hearing.

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