Comcast Sucks


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Comcast really sucks lately. I am having problems with my cable since the "upgrade," and my "high-speed" Internet has been poking along at times lately. Also, the Internet has been cutting out for 20-30 minutes every few days.

Anyone else having these problems?

We had horrible problems nearly all of this year, and placed repeated calls regarding slow and timed out service. The service techs came to the house a few times. We replace our modem, paid for a booster, and on and on...still the problems persisted.

One of our neighbors runs a small business out of his home. He handles a lot of images, and needs bandwidth. He became so frustrated that he switched to he highest bandwidth package - which solved nothing. The techs came to his house and determined that there was something wrong with the network loop in our neighborhood. They escalated the problem to the proper group...which promptly DID NOTHING.

Weeks and weeks went by. We each kept escalating the problem. Finally, one day, I achieved a break through by being sent to some special group that handles "issues". The two people I talked to took responsibility for investigating. They discovered that dozens and dozens of calls had been placed from our neighborhood; and that the networking group had declared there was no problem. They connected us with a local service rep who installed a special tracking modem on Mr. Boe's computer (and put one on the neighbor's too). When we experienced the problem, we printed out screen shots of the pings.

The network group continued to deny there was a problem; but did show up one day to speak with Mr. Boe. They went around the neighborhood checking equipment, and did find one area that was so filthy and covered with junk that it was part of the problem. They also went house to house and found two morons who had split their lines and were feeding tons of noise back into the network...and one guy who was STEALING SERVICE. These folks were the real problem. This THIEF was hogging the neighborhood's bandwidth with massive uploads and downloads - and the morons had polluted everyone with noise. The network guys were very happy to bust the Thief.

We still have small issues with internet noise, but it is vastly improved over The Period of Excessive Annoyances.

The End.
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The network group continued to deny there was a problem; but did show up one day to speak with Mr. Boe. They went around the neighborhood checking equipment, and did find one area that was so filthy and covered with junk that it was part of the problem. They also went house to house and found two morons who had split their lines and were feeding tons of noise back into the network...and one guy who was STEALING SERVICE. These folks were the real problem. This THIEF was hogging the neighborhood's bandwidth with massive uploads and downloads - and the morons had polluted everyone with noise. The network guys were very happy to bust the Thief.

We still have small issues with internet noise, but it is vastly improved over The Period of Excessive Annoyances.

The End.
Well, I would say that's more a problem with the hackers and bandwidth thieves than Comcast.

Personally, my experiences with them have been great...But they've been in a rural area where there aren't a lot of bandwidth hogs.
Comcast could have investigated the problem and nailed the hackers and thieves much earlier. The fact that it took months for them to take the problem seriously does bother me. It demonstrates a lack of regard for customer service.
We had someone tap our cable with Cox. We called to complain about a decrease in picture quality and someone came out the next day, found the problem, fixed it, and upgraded to lock on the box.

Last week my Internet dropped. I called Cox when nobody should be awake and the guy on the phone did this whole diagnostics thing (removing and re-adding me from the network, pinging my modem and stuff I didn't quite understand) to get it working again before ending the call.

Give 'em a call. Fcuk Comcast.
Charter sucks but it's the only game in town around here. At& T sucks but it's the only phone company around here.

Whatever happened to competition?
I can't.

Comcast has an exclusive franchise for cable in our area. We can't even get AT&T Uverse.
Government sponsored Monopolies are not capitalism, troll.
Government sponsored Monopolies are not capitalism, troll.

Yes, they are.

[ame=""]In fact, it's been the capitalist game for over 100 years.[/ame]

The corporation becomes the government- that's the aim of capitalism, as it the way in which you prevent socialist reforms and secure your success to maximize profits.
Big Government Corporatism is not Free Market Capitalism, regardless of how the haters of the latter try to spin it.
Big Government Corporatism is not Free Market Capitalism, regardless of how the haters of the latter try to spin it.

Fascism is the end result of 'free market capitalism'

The 'free market' is a market void of competition, which gives rise to monopolies and trusts that invariably use their power and power and wealth to control governments in order to maximize profits (see: Mineral Management Service)

That's why markets must be regulated, why the State must force businesses to be transparent, why Citizens United is a nail in this republic's coffin
ComCast Cable internet through my LinkSys WiFi to my Acer Laptop upstairs:

Downstairs in front of the TV about 10 feet from the device:

No problems with it cutting out.
Comcast really sucks lately. I am having problems with my cable since the "upgrade," and my "high-speed" Internet has been poking along at times lately. Also, the Internet has been cutting out for 20-30 minutes every few days.

Anyone else having these problems?

The interwebz hasn't been cutting out completely, but it's sloggy sometimes and it didn't used to be that way. Their customer "service" blows massive chunks too, when we were getting the upgrade. I wish there was another option for provider in the area that isn't satellite... although we are seriously considering the potential possibility of going to DirecTV maybe. :eusa_think:
Toro, I don't mean to be a smart ass but Madeline is right comcast is and always has been grossly undercapitalized, its losing customers and with HDTV multiplexing it is probably best described as an increasingly unnecessary service. I would look for alternative solutions.
Comcast really sucks lately. I am having problems with my cable since the "upgrade," and my "high-speed" Internet has been poking along at times lately. Also, the Internet has been cutting out for 20-30 minutes every few days.

Anyone else having these problems?
Here is a link to a site that will help you test your connection and provide some analysis of the results. If you have a router, run the tests with and without the router to eliminate it as the source of the problem.

Hope it helps.

MyConnection Server, speed testing, Video and IPTV testing, speed capacity testing, network assessment testing, network route performance, VoIP quality testing

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