Come Back!

The simple fact of the matter is that Bud Light is kryptonite to better than half of the beer drinking country now.

A-B would be better off just killing the brand off before it kills them.....They could rename it "Clydesdale's Best". ;)
The simple fact of the matter is that Bud Light is kryptonite to better than half of the beer drinking country now.

A-B would be better off just killing the brand off before it kills them.....They could rename it "Clydesdale's Best". ;)
In a few months the culture warriors will move on to some other outrage. I think A-B will survive.
I have no sympathy for them. They stepped in their own pile, when the story broke they were all smug and confident

Now they have their tails between their legs and are groveling
i think they can change to a gay tranny bar...i'm serious........they've advertised themselves to the world so take advantage of your fuck up.......sometimes ones fuck ups are the best thing that happened to them...lolol
Sounds like this bar is regretting a very poor business decision.

Went woke and now going broke

Bar that kicked out customers after Bud Light controversy makes desperate plea to win back business

His mistake was underestimating the number of fragile males in Indiana.
A rightwing baker refuses to make a wedding cake for sodomites and the case goes to the Supreme Court but a left wing bar gets to kick out legal customers because they disagree with the Bud Lite campaign? Sumthin ain't right.
Me too. He's not doing well. But I'm tickled he made his return to the program he built
That was an awesome moment. I admit my eyes were not dry.
The media were so brutal with this man because they hated what he stood for.
In the middle of an era of colleges, even the top ones, especially the top ones, were ALL cheating the system... then there was Indiana University. A spectacular winning tradition with absolutely zero cheating and one of the highest graduating records in the country.
They hated him for it.
That was an awesome moment. I admit my eyes were not dry.
The media were so brutal with this man because they hated what he stood for.
In the middle of an era of colleges, even the top ones, especially the top ones, were ALL cheating the system... then there was Indiana University. A spectacular winning tradition with absolutely zero cheating and one of the highest graduating records in the country.
They hated him for it.

The General coached... but he made men

I'd have been proud if our sons played for him
Sounds like this bar is regretting a very poor business decision.

Went woke and now going broke

Bar that kicked out customers after Bud Light controversy makes desperate plea to win back business

Hahaha. Love it! Plenty of good bars in the area. Continue boycotting this idiot. A message should be sent to him as well as other "woke" idiots who mess with the wrong crowd.
I noticed that FOX ''journalists'' who write on their web site continue to consistently refer to Dylan Mulvaney as ''her.''

Of course, the FOX readership largely disagree with appeasing a biological male's feelings and influencing the whole ''trans' agenda.

But...FOX web site ''journalists'' still routinely refer to him as a her. In doing so the platform is actually operating as an influencer of the agenda. What's that tell you?

Like..fuck our readership. They're a given. They're gonna read what we write regardless, so long as we play the divide and conquer game well enough in our writing. We're appeasing him and in doing so we're running interference for the agenda. Screw the readership. And biology. And reality. They aren't smart enough to figure out what we're doing anyway. Just tie the carrot to the stick and wait. Basically.

They're all on the same team, folks. And they don't respect your intelligence. In fact, they;re likely laughing their asses off at you. By consistently refering to this biologica l male as ''her'' they're demonstrating support for the agenda and operating as influencers of the agenda but then they write this stuff to get you all worked up because you're their cash cow. They're playing both sides of the fence. That's how divide and conquer works. Duh.

Don't fall for the illusion of difference...
Another good reason to boycott FAUX "news." Anyone who calls a male "her" is part of the problem. Granted ... Mulvaney is more of an "it" than a "him" ... but "he's" by no means a "she." Quit acquiescing in this nonsense. Call a spade a spade and a dude a dude.
Another good reason to boycott FAUX "news." Anyone who calls a male "her" is part of the problem. Granted ... Mulvaney is more of an "it" than a "him" ... but "he's" by no means a "she." Quit acquiescing in this nonsense. Call a spade a spade and a dude a dude.

Uh oh... you're a .... wait for it... transphobe
Hahaha. And proud of it! Although ... phobe indicates "fear" which would be a misnomer in my case. Disgust is a better adjective. It's like a bucket of vomit ... I don't fear it, but I'm disgusted by it and avoid it.

I'm not apt to listen to some dude trying to convince me he's a female
I'm not a fan of boycotting businesses unless there is a pattern of deception or wrong doing. Anyone who's been an owner or partner in a small business like I was knows how hard it is to make it work. If that bar keeps poking their customers with the woke stick, they will drive themselves out of business no boycott required.
The General coached... but he made men

I'd have been proud if our sons played for him
My Dad was the worlds biggest Bob Knight fan, and as soon as he was gone I missed winning. But Coach Knight was a very base person. He was good for one thing. Period. I don't think his antics made men.

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