Come Back!

I'm not a fan of boycotting businesses unless there is a pattern of deception or wrong doing. Anyone who's been an owner or partner in a small business like I was knows how hard it is to make it work. If that bar keeps poking their customers with the woke stick, they will drive themselves out of business no boycott required.
Which is fine, but not applicable here.
The owner literally said people who don't agree with his support of Dylan are not welcome in his bar.
Sooo.... yeah.
Sounds like this bar is regretting a very poor business decision.

Went woke and now going broke

Bar that kicked out customers after Bud Light controversy makes desperate plea to win back business

They should be men and women enough to stick to their guns - and go out of business for their beliefs. Otherwise, they should have kept their mouths shut right from the beginning. Business is business. Politics is politics.

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