Come on America, we have to be able to do better than Trump vs Biden in 2024

Only in the minds of the Trump minions. And very small minds, they are.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump sealed the border, lowered taxes, had energy independence, increased family income, brought American jobs home, didn't start a goddamn war, had low unemployment and hardly any inflation. He managed the Pandemic at Federal level without shutting down the US like the filthy Democrats wanted. Great president.

Meanwhile with the Potatohead piece of shit we have massive inflation, massive debt with nothing to show for it, high energy prices, decreased family income, increased taxes and millions of goddamn Illegals flooding across the border. Worst President ever.
Job #1 is to get elected. Trump and J6 left a bad taste in too many voter's mouths. My wife's for example.

I agree that the deep state needs to be rolled back, and Trump would be the best at "retribution", but I need a candidate that can beat Biden.
I'm tired of electing people who are not effective and disappoint me. I don't know that the deep state will allow anybody to beat Biden but that's pure speculation. But for sure nobody will beat Biden if we split the GOP vote.

I will get behind the GOP nominee whomever it is. But right now Trump leads the pack and leads everybody by double digits, even DeSantis.

And, as I said, for anybody who loves America and the MAGA vision, Trump earned another four years. If we allow single issues or personality or propaganda to dictate our vote, Biden wins easily.

So if we don't want Biden for another four years, I suggest everybody get behind Trump. If we split the GOP vote, Biden wins easily.
The unelected swamp creatures pick our presidents up until when Trump won... and that's why they all turned on him.... and will continue to lie about him and take him to court...
I'm tired of electing people who are not effective and disappoint me. I don't know that the deep state will allow anybody to beat Biden but that's pure speculation. But for sure nobody will beat Biden if we split the GOP vote.

I will get behind the GOP nominee whomever it is. But right now Trump leads the pack and leads everybody by double digits, even DeSantis.

And, as I said, for anybody who loves America and the MAGA vision, Trump earned another four years. If we allow single issues or personality or propaganda to dictate our vote, Biden wins easily.

So if we don't want Biden for another four years, I suggest everybody get behind Trump. If we split the GOP vote, Biden wins easily.
Agreed. I'd vote for Trump in the general if he's the nominee, but IMHO any other Republican would do better in the general, Trump has too much baggage.
Mostly it's Trump Trump but the unfortunate truth is that even democrats are concerned about the current president but they don't have the balls to deal with reality. A lot can happen when a doddering old fool has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button.
Agreed. I'd vote for Trump in the general if he's the nominee, but IMHO any other Republican would do better in the general, Trump has too much baggage.
Baggage doesn't matter. The corrupt MSM doesn't care about baggage but they will exploit what they more often than not dishonestly exploit as baggage and, as we saw in 2016 and during the Trump presidency, if they can't find any real baggage, they'll invent/manufacture/make it up and push it on Americans as real.

Do you honestly think Trump is the only one they would do that to?
I'm still hoping for Desantis v _____________.
Then you're going to get whoever the Democrat candidate is. Trump has been put through so much shit for so long that there is no way he doesn't run. He will pull 30% MINIMUM of the "Republican" vote and if the RINOs insist on running DeSantis, they elect the Democrat BUT they also destroy themselves down ballot. If they hate him enough to commit long term self destruction then they're feckin' crazy and that will prove beyond any doubt that we are under the boot of a media-protected uniparty that needs to be overthrown by any means necessary.
Who in their right mind would want the
position of 'leader' with more strings than a puppet?

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump sealed the border, lowered taxes, had energy independence, increased family income, brought American jobs home, didn't start a goddamn war, had low unemployment and hardly any inflation. He managed the Pandemic at Federal level without shutting down the US like the filthy Democrats wanted. Great president.

Meanwhile with the Potatohead piece of shit we have massive inflation, massive debt with nothing to show for it, high energy prices, decreased family income, increased taxes and millions of goddamn Illegals flooding across the border. Worst President ever.
Trump trained monkeys never disappoint.
Come on America, we have to be able to do better than Trump vs Biden in 2024.
The fact Trump is leading with Republicans and Biden is leading with Democrats indicates a major fault in our political system.
Neither man is fit to lead our nation in 2024.
That is what happens when you defraud the American people.
Come on America, we have to be able to do better than Trump vs Biden in 2024.
The fact Trump is leading with Republicans and Biden is leading with Democrats indicates a major fault in our political system.
Neither man is fit to lead our nation in 2024.
Well, the US political system. It's like a rollercoaster ride that you never really asked for but somehow ended up on anyway.

One minute you're at the top of the hill enjoying the scenery and the next thing you know, you're plummeting towards earth wondering if your life insurance is paid up.

In all seriousness though, it can be a bit of a mess sometimes. With two major parties constantly bickering like toddlers over who has the best toys in the sandbox, it can often feel like nothing ever gets done.

And let's not even get started on all those special interest groups constantly poking their grubby little fingers into everything.

But despite all its flaws and shortcomings (and there are plenty), Americans have to give credit where credit is due: it's still one of the most stable democracies on this blue planet.

So hey, maybe it's not perfect, but you'll take what you can get! :)
Yet another leftist telling us who we as conservatives should vote for.
Here's an idea....go fuck yourself and worry about who you want to run on your side.
It's obviously not biden so dig up another left wing idiot to support.
Will you admit that Trump was thwarted by the liberals and RINOs in everything he tried to do?
He mostly got in his own way. He's still doing it. He's never had any firm ideological or political principles. His morals and ethics have alwys been in the gutter and the toilet.


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