
Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Don't be fooled by the strange bravado aimed at his pursuer:

“The AG should stop sliming his own Department,” Comey tweeted. “If there are bad facts, show us, or search for them professionally and then tell us what you found.

“An AG must act like the leader of the Department of Justice, an organization based on truth,” he said. “Donald Trump has enough spokespeo

His treasonous plot against the President is being peeled back one layer at a time and he knows it. The IG report, Nunes' criminal referral on him, and Barr's willingness to already name names. has Comey in full panic-mode. Like the old saying goes, the louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons. :lol:


James Comey blasts AG Barr, accuses him of ‘sliming his own department’
Comey is safe, he did his part to get Trump elected, they will not touch him
Of course Comey believes the Rats will race to his side when he's indicted, forgetting they hate his guts for supposedly handing the election to Trump by reopening emailgate. The Rats however, will remain quiet until they see what Barr has in store for him....they got stung bad by Avenatti and may be a little more careful cuddling up to known sociopaths.
When Comey first started on the talk show circuit, he looked absolutely terrified. Perhaps he knows too much and is afraid the pantsuit mafia is going to murder him.
Of course Comey believes the Rats will race to his side when he's indicted, forgetting they hate his guts for supposedly handing the election to Trump by reopening emailgate. The Rats however, will remain quiet until they see what Barr has in store for him....they got stung bad by Avenatti and may be a little more careful cuddling up to known sociopaths.

The Repbus are the ones that will protect Comey, not the Dems.
Of course Comey believes the Rats will race to his side when he's indicted, forgetting they hate his guts for supposedly handing the election to Trump by reopening emailgate. The Rats however, will remain quiet until they see what Barr has in store for him....they got stung bad by Avenatti and may be a little more careful cuddling up to known sociopaths.
Yes. Very soon, everyone will remember that no one likes Comey.

Comey signed most of the false FISA warrant applications:

The Steele Dossier and the ‘VERIFIED APPLICATION’ That Wasn’t

Former officials are fighting over who deserves blame.

In rushing out their assessment of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, Obama-administration officials chose not to include the risible Steele-dossier allegations that they had put in their “VERIFIED APPLICATION” for warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) because . . . wait for it . . . the allegations weren’t verified.

And now, the officials are squabbling over who pushed the dossier. Why? Because the dossier — a Clinton-campaign opposition-research screed, based on anonymous Russian sources peddling farcical hearsay, compiled by a well-paid foreign operative (former British spy Christopher Steele) — is crumbling by the day.

We mark the two-year anniversary of Robert Mueller’s appointment to take over the Russiagate probe — which is fast transforming into the Spygate probe. Special Counsel Mueller inherited the investigation seven months after the Obama Justice Department and FBI sought a FISC warrant to monitor former Trump-campaign adviser Carter Page. By then, it was already acknowledged that dossier information was “salacious and unverified,” to quote congressional testimony by former FBI director James Comey.

That was problematic on a number of levels.

If dossier claims were still unverified when Comey testified to Congress in mid 2017 (and thereafter), then those claims could not have been verified when the Obama Justice Department and FBI submitted it to the FISC as a “VERIFIED APPLICATION” in October 2016. It also had to have been unverified on January 6, 2017, when the Obama administration chose to include a sliver of the dossier in the briefing of President-elect Trump — the day after intelligence chiefs met with President Obama in the Oval Office and discussed what Russia information should be shared with the incoming Trump team.

Steele Dossier: The ‘Verified Application’ That Wasn’t | National Review
When Comey first started on the talk show circuit, he looked absolutely terrified. Perhaps he knows too much and is afraid the pantsuit mafia is going to murder him.
He looked terrified? Really? Why, was he forced at gunpoint to speak publicly about Trump & his goon squad? Do tell!
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Comey is exercising his free speech and as the anti trump train heads towards that final destination he will be able to sleep well.
Don't be fooled by the strange bravado aimed at his pursuer:

“The AG should stop sliming his own Department,” Comey tweeted. “If there are bad facts, show us, or search for them professionally and then tell us what you found.

“An AG must act like the leader of the Department of Justice, an organization based on truth,” he said. “Donald Trump has enough spokespeo

His treasonous plot against the President is being peeled back one layer at a time and he knows it. The IG report, Nunes' criminal referral on him, and Barr's willingness to already name names. has Comey in full panic-mode. Like the old saying goes, the louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons. :lol:


James Comey blasts AG Barr, accuses him of ‘sliming his own department’

I would think that Brennan is more terrified than Comey.

Comey is a stooge...puppet. Brennan is the one that initiated everything.

He would have been the one to tell Foreign Intel agencies to spy on certain Americans, then relay that info to the CIA, where
the CIA could then pass it along to the FBI and they could get FISA warrants, and we could then spy on them.. That's the way
it has always worked.

Barr is hot after Comey because that intel briefing with Trump on Jan 6, 2017. The day before, Comey, Brennan, Clapper and
Lynch all met with Obama about what to tell Trump. Comey is a good place to start but Comey is small potatoes compared to
Brennan and Lynch. Comey took orders from those two. Comey is a main target because he can rat out Brennan and Lynch to
save his hide. Brennan and Lynch are the two that will implicate Obama. If Obama gets implicated, Biden goes with him.

DOJ won't move on Biden within a couple of months before the election, thus this thing will be resolved within a year from now...
maybe 13 or 14 months.
Comey will be the first card to fall.

Traitors will pay.
Nothing is going to happen to Comey.
For the future I take no pleasure at these people’s demise but for right now it’s nice to see it unfolding.
Nothing is going to happen to Comey.

You are wrong.

Nothing good is going to happen to Comey.

All is going to be bad.

I am not wrong.

What we are going to see is how things get worse for Trump/Barr.

Nope, Trump and Barr are being blessed and protected because they are on the right side.

Traitors like Comey ... will have to pay their dues.Sorry to disappoint you.
Nothing is going to happen to Comey.

You are wrong.

Nothing good is going to happen to Comey.

All is going to be bad.

I am not wrong.

What we are going to see is how things get worse for Trump/Barr.

Nope, Trump and Barr are being blessed and protected because they are on the right side.

Traitors like Comey ... will have to pay their dues.Sorry to disappoint you.

I don't think you can call what's happening to Trump and Barr being blessed and protected . And it's going to get worse for them.
When Comey first started on the talk show circuit, he looked absolutely terrified. Perhaps he knows too much and is afraid the pantsuit mafia is going to murder him.
I just thought his pants suit was 2 tight.. I know Hillary's was.

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