Comey, Lynch, Agents All Knew Clinton Wouldn’t Be Charged Way Before Her FBI Interview

Uh oh, America!

is that Hillary when she turns 90?
This whole damn thing was a conspiracy to commit treason against the people of the Untied States and subvert Constitutional LAW.
OF COURSE they knew, it was in the newspaper a month PLUS before her interview, (but after all other interviews and the investigation was over... but the final interview with Hillary....) that they had nothing to charge her with...

We have threads on this site on it....

the investigation was all over before the final interview....

that's why it did not matter that Bill caught up with Lynch at the Tarmac meeting....the investigation had already come to its just had not been announced to the public yet...and I'm certain Clinton was told before the announcement to the public.... that's simply protocol, any citizen under investigation for a year, would be told the result of the investigation before the public, whether charges are being brought or not....

Lynch's recusing herself was for appearance.... the decision was made long before Bill's airplane visit...

the two lovers were right...
So your OK with Obstruction of Justice....

If it was over why did they even interview her? Your line of thinking is total bull shit...
the interview is a final, formal step....they know all the answers to every question they were going to ask her and would know immediately if she was lying about any of which they knew.... she didn't lie to them, case dismissed....if she had lied, then the investigation would take a turn and have to continue so they could find out why she lied....

Just like the FBI will know every answer to every question they are going to ask Trump, before they ask him...
As a retired LEO your full of SHIT!

Had there been insufficient evidence there would have been no interview. Thus the investigation was still ongoing. Clinton being fully briefed means she was in on the whole thing and was NEVER going to be charged in any eventuality. This is wholly UNETHICAL AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. Falsifying a Federal Investigation is a Felony punishable up to 20 years in prison.

What this group did was acting as an Ongoing Criminal Enterprise with the office of president in their sites.. They weaponized the full power of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other federal agencies to complete their take over of the US GOVERNMENT. And now they are exposed..

Your an idiot who believes the lies your told by your left wing masters..

This was a blatant act of TREASON against the United States..
Hillary was fully briefed on what??? What the heck are you talking about? I never said Hillary was briefed before her interview....???

Her interview was before the Lynch/Bill Tarmac meet on Monday...and Comey made his announcement 3-4 days later...that Friday....

Do you think that long dissertation of his was whipped up at the last minute? He had been working on his draft Summary to give to the Justice dept a month or two ahead of the announcement... when the case was all but wrapped up, other than the fat lady singing....

We've had threads on that as well....on Comey writing his draft ahead of the meeting with Hillary to close the case....

ALL OF THIS is known, the emails of the FBI agent and lawyer were right, Lynch really did not do anything that deserved the profiles of courage award, she simply recused herself from announcing the result of the investigation, but the FBI investigators with whom they worked with in the Justice Department here and there on legal questions throughout the case, had already come to their conclusions that there was nothing to charge Hillary with....this was known at least a month before they tied up loose ends and Comey finalized his final draft of the summary....

but you go ahead and have your conniptions....if it makes you feel all important....and good inside.... :rolleyes:
OF COURSE they knew, it was in the newspaper a month PLUS before her interview, (but after all other interviews and the investigation was over... but the final interview with Hillary....) that they had nothing to charge her with...

We have threads on this site on it....

the investigation was all over before the final interview....

that's why it did not matter that Bill caught up with Lynch at the Tarmac meeting....the investigation had already come to its just had not been announced to the public yet...and I'm certain Clinton was told before the announcement to the public.... that's simply protocol, any citizen under investigation for a year, would be told the result of the investigation before the public, whether charges are being brought or not....

Lynch's recusing herself was for appearance.... the decision was made long before Bill's airplane visit...

the two lovers were right...

I wonder... will you ever cut Trump 10% of this kinda understanding and bountiful slack...

... even once... :)
OF COURSE they knew, it was in the newspaper a month PLUS before her interview, (but after all other interviews and the investigation was over... but the final interview with Hillary....) that they had nothing to charge her with...

We have threads on this site on it....

the investigation was all over before the final interview....

that's why it did not matter that Bill caught up with Lynch at the Tarmac meeting....the investigation had already come to its just had not been announced to the public yet...and I'm certain Clinton was told before the announcement to the public.... that's simply protocol, any citizen under investigation for a year, would be told the result of the investigation before the public, whether charges are being brought or not....

Lynch's recusing herself was for appearance.... the decision was made long before Bill's airplane visit...

the two lovers were right...
So your OK with Obstruction of Justice....

If it was over why did they even interview her? Your line of thinking is total bull shit...
the interview is a final, formal step....they know all the answers to every question they were going to ask her and would know immediately if she was lying about any of which they knew.... she didn't lie to them, case dismissed....if she had lied, then the investigation would take a turn and have to continue so they could find out why she lied....

Just like the FBI will know every answer to every question they are going to ask Trump, before they ask him...
As a retired LEO your full of SHIT!

Had there been insufficient evidence there would have been no interview. Thus the investigation was still ongoing. Clinton being fully briefed means she was in on the whole thing and was NEVER going to be charged in any eventuality. This is wholly UNETHICAL AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. Falsifying a Federal Investigation is a Felony punishable up to 20 years in prison.

What this group did was acting as an Ongoing Criminal Enterprise with the office of president in their sites.. They weaponized the full power of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other federal agencies to complete their take over of the US GOVERNMENT. And now they are exposed..

Your an idiot who believes the lies your told by your left wing masters..

This was a blatant act of TREASON against the United States..
Hillary was fully briefed on what??? What the heck are you talking about? I never said Hillary was briefed before her interview....???

Her interview was before the Lynch/Bill Tarmac meet on Monday...and Comey made his announcement 3-4 days later...that Friday....

Do you think that long dissertation of his was whipped up at the last minute? He had been working on his draft Summary to give to the Justice dept a month or two ahead of the announcement... when the case was all but wrapped up, other than the fat lady singing....

We've had threads on that as well....on Comey writing his draft ahead of the meeting with Hillary to close the case....

ALL OF THIS is known, the emails of the FBI agent and lawyer were right, Lynch really did not do anything that deserved the profiles of courage award, she simply recused herself from announcing the result of the investigation, but the FBI investigators with whom they worked with in the Justice Department here and there on legal questions throughout the case, had already come to their conclusions that there was nothing to charge Hillary with....this was known at least a month before they tied up loose ends and Comey finalized his final draft of the summary....

but you go ahead and have your conniptions....if it makes you feel all important....and good inside.... :rolleyes:
How do you explain to an idiot, who has never in their life conducted a criminal investigation, what really happens?





Everything that was done was OUTSIDE OF FBI PROTOCOL.

This was a sham from the word GO..
OF COURSE they knew, it was in the newspaper a month PLUS before her interview, (but after all other interviews and the investigation was over... but the final interview with Hillary....) that they had nothing to charge her with...

We have threads on this site on it....

the investigation was all over before the final interview....

that's why it did not matter that Bill caught up with Lynch at the Tarmac meeting....the investigation had already come to its just had not been announced to the public yet...and I'm certain Clinton was told before the announcement to the public.... that's simply protocol, any citizen under investigation for a year, would be told the result of the investigation before the public, whether charges are being brought or not....

Lynch's recusing herself was for appearance.... the decision was made long before Bill's airplane visit...

the two lovers were right...
So your OK with Obstruction of Justice....

If it was over why did they even interview her? Your line of thinking is total bull shit...
the interview is a final, formal step....they know all the answers to every question they were going to ask her and would know immediately if she was lying about any of which they knew.... she didn't lie to them, case dismissed....if she had lied, then the investigation would take a turn and have to continue so they could find out why she lied....

Just like the FBI will know every answer to every question they are going to ask Trump, before they ask him...
As a retired LEO your full of SHIT!

Had there been insufficient evidence there would have been no interview. Thus the investigation was still ongoing. Clinton being fully briefed means she was in on the whole thing and was NEVER going to be charged in any eventuality. This is wholly UNETHICAL AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. Falsifying a Federal Investigation is a Felony punishable up to 20 years in prison.

What this group did was acting as an Ongoing Criminal Enterprise with the office of president in their sites.. They weaponized the full power of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other federal agencies to complete their take over of the US GOVERNMENT. And now they are exposed..

Your an idiot who believes the lies your told by your left wing masters..

This was a blatant act of TREASON against the United States..
Hillary was fully briefed on what??? What the heck are you talking about? I never said Hillary was briefed before her interview....???

Her interview was before the Lynch/Bill Tarmac meet on Monday...and Comey made his announcement 3-4 days later...that Friday....

Do you think that long dissertation of his was whipped up at the last minute? He had been working on his draft Summary to give to the Justice dept a month or two ahead of the announcement... when the case was all but wrapped up, other than the fat lady singing....

We've had threads on that as well....on Comey writing his draft ahead of the meeting with Hillary to close the case....

ALL OF THIS is known, the emails of the FBI agent and lawyer were right, Lynch really did not do anything that deserved the profiles of courage award, she simply recused herself from announcing the result of the investigation, but the FBI investigators with whom they worked with in the Justice Department here and there on legal questions throughout the case, had already come to their conclusions that there was nothing to charge Hillary with....this was known at least a month before they tied up loose ends and Comey finalized his final draft of the summary....

but you go ahead and have your conniptions....if it makes you feel all important....and good inside.... :rolleyes:

Give it a rest....the Hildibeast and Barrypuppet are stone cold busted.........not even your best writing abilities are going to be able to put a decent spin on the FISA memo. Comey, Lynch Barrypuppet, and company will be doing the perp walk if we have anything that resembles justice in this country.
OF COURSE they knew, it was in the newspaper a month PLUS before her interview, (but after all other interviews and the investigation was over... but the final interview with Hillary....) that they had nothing to charge her with...

We have threads on this site on it....

the investigation was all over before the final interview....

that's why it did not matter that Bill caught up with Lynch at the Tarmac meeting....the investigation had already come to its just had not been announced to the public yet...and I'm certain Clinton was told before the announcement to the public.... that's simply protocol, any citizen under investigation for a year, would be told the result of the investigation before the public, whether charges are being brought or not....

Lynch's recusing herself was for appearance.... the decision was made long before Bill's airplane visit...

the two lovers were right...
So your OK with Obstruction of Justice....

If it was over why did they even interview her? Your line of thinking is total bull shit...
the interview is a final, formal step....they know all the answers to every question they were going to ask her and would know immediately if she was lying about any of which they knew.... she didn't lie to them, case dismissed....if she had lied, then the investigation would take a turn and have to continue so they could find out why she lied....

Just like the FBI will know every answer to every question they are going to ask Trump, before they ask him...
As a retired LEO your full of SHIT!

Had there been insufficient evidence there would have been no interview. Thus the investigation was still ongoing. Clinton being fully briefed means she was in on the whole thing and was NEVER going to be charged in any eventuality. This is wholly UNETHICAL AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. Falsifying a Federal Investigation is a Felony punishable up to 20 years in prison.

What this group did was acting as an Ongoing Criminal Enterprise with the office of president in their sites.. They weaponized the full power of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other federal agencies to complete their take over of the US GOVERNMENT. And now they are exposed..

Your an idiot who believes the lies your told by your left wing masters..

This was a blatant act of TREASON against the United States..
Hillary was fully briefed on what??? What the heck are you talking about? I never said Hillary was briefed before her interview....???

Her interview was before the Lynch/Bill Tarmac meet on Monday...and Comey made his announcement 3-4 days later...that Friday....

Do you think that long dissertation of his was whipped up at the last minute? He had been working on his draft Summary to give to the Justice dept a month or two ahead of the announcement... when the case was all but wrapped up, other than the fat lady singing....

We've had threads on that as well....on Comey writing his draft ahead of the meeting with Hillary to close the case....

ALL OF THIS is known, the emails of the FBI agent and lawyer were right, Lynch really did not do anything that deserved the profiles of courage award, she simply recused herself from announcing the result of the investigation, but the FBI investigators with whom they worked with in the Justice Department here and there on legal questions throughout the case, had already come to their conclusions that there was nothing to charge Hillary with....this was known at least a month before they tied up loose ends and Comey finalized his final draft of the summary....

but you go ahead and have your conniptions....if it makes you feel all important....and good inside.... :rolleyes:

Give it a rest....the Hildibeast and Barrypuppet are stone cold busted.........not even your best writing abilities are going to be able to put a decent spin on the FISA memo. Comey, Lynch Barrypuppet, and company will be doing the perp walk if we have anything that resembles justice in this country.
Dale, you don't even know what's in the so called ''FISA memos'' yet..... it's all just partisan hype and spin at the moment....

you can wish and hope it's horrific, people are going to jail and all that jazz, but you are relying on nothing but innuendo put out there by partisans.....partisans that are unreliable at this point....

I know when this was investigated last year after all the ''unmasking hype'', they found no laws broken,

but what was said was that they need to relook at their procedures and tighten them up more....
Here's the link in May of 2016....

which was before Hillary's interview and before comey's announcement in July 2016... 2 months before, the investigation was wrapping up...

here's CNN on it, May 6th, 2016

FBI interviews Clinton aides including Huma Abedin as part of email probe - CNNPolitics

The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven't found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.
So your OK with Obstruction of Justice....

If it was over why did they even interview her? Your line of thinking is total bull shit...
the interview is a final, formal step....they know all the answers to every question they were going to ask her and would know immediately if she was lying about any of which they knew.... she didn't lie to them, case dismissed....if she had lied, then the investigation would take a turn and have to continue so they could find out why she lied....

Just like the FBI will know every answer to every question they are going to ask Trump, before they ask him...
As a retired LEO your full of SHIT!

Had there been insufficient evidence there would have been no interview. Thus the investigation was still ongoing. Clinton being fully briefed means she was in on the whole thing and was NEVER going to be charged in any eventuality. This is wholly UNETHICAL AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. Falsifying a Federal Investigation is a Felony punishable up to 20 years in prison.

What this group did was acting as an Ongoing Criminal Enterprise with the office of president in their sites.. They weaponized the full power of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other federal agencies to complete their take over of the US GOVERNMENT. And now they are exposed..

Your an idiot who believes the lies your told by your left wing masters..

This was a blatant act of TREASON against the United States..
Hillary was fully briefed on what??? What the heck are you talking about? I never said Hillary was briefed before her interview....???

Her interview was before the Lynch/Bill Tarmac meet on Monday...and Comey made his announcement 3-4 days later...that Friday....

Do you think that long dissertation of his was whipped up at the last minute? He had been working on his draft Summary to give to the Justice dept a month or two ahead of the announcement... when the case was all but wrapped up, other than the fat lady singing....

We've had threads on that as well....on Comey writing his draft ahead of the meeting with Hillary to close the case....

ALL OF THIS is known, the emails of the FBI agent and lawyer were right, Lynch really did not do anything that deserved the profiles of courage award, she simply recused herself from announcing the result of the investigation, but the FBI investigators with whom they worked with in the Justice Department here and there on legal questions throughout the case, had already come to their conclusions that there was nothing to charge Hillary with....this was known at least a month before they tied up loose ends and Comey finalized his final draft of the summary....

but you go ahead and have your conniptions....if it makes you feel all important....and good inside.... :rolleyes:

Give it a rest....the Hildibeast and Barrypuppet are stone cold busted.........not even your best writing abilities are going to be able to put a decent spin on the FISA memo. Comey, Lynch Barrypuppet, and company will be doing the perp walk if we have anything that resembles justice in this country.
Dale, you don't even know what's in the so called ''FISA memos'' yet..... it's all just partisan hype and spin at the moment....

you can wish and hope it's horrific, people are going to jail and all that jazz, but you are relying on nothing but innuendo put out there by partisans.....partisans that are unreliable at this point....

I know when this was investigated last year after all the ''unmasking hype'', they found no laws broken,

but what was said was that they need to relook at their procedures and tighten them up more....

Let's see what is in the memo, m'kay? I may end up having to choke down a heapin' helping of crow but I kinda doubt it. The Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast along with their deep state ops were putting in protective measures to protect the revelations of their crimes. What I find the most disgusting is that leftards and neocons would rather suck on pretty lies than having to hear the ugly truth. I find both political parties equally repulsive. I would slit the throats of a neocon or a fabian socialist before I would ever support them. I am the "real deal".....I understand the truth.
Here's the link in May of 2016....

which was before Hillary's interview and before comey's announcement in July 2016... 2 months before, the investigation was wrapping up...

here's CNN on it, May 6th, 2016

FBI interviews Clinton aides including Huma Abedin as part of email probe - CNNPolitics

The investigation is still ongoing, but so far investigators haven't found evidence to prove that Clinton willfully violated the law the U.S. officials say.

I mean CNN....who can argue with that (snicker) bastion of journalistic integrity?????

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