Comey to write a book. And yes, Trump's attempt at Obstruction of Justice will be included

I wonder if he'll list Hillary's crimes again but then dismiss them because she's too stupid to know they were crimes.
Can't wait. You know he will sell it for big bucks.

Maybe he can call it....

"Dropped By The New York Times To Take A Leak"


What a self-righteous fuckwad.....

Comey to write a book. And yes, Trump's attempt at Obstruction of Justice will be included

...And you know what? Unless I hear that it imparts information, tones or themes pertaining to Trump that aren't currently evident to me, I probably won't bother to read it. The main reason for that is that I don't care what other people have to say -- be it neutral, laudatory, or derogatory -- about Donald Trump. The only person who can alter my views about Trump is Trump, and I highly doubt he's going to make a seachange in his character and comportment, but, hey, one can always hope....
The only people who will buy his book will be the snowflakes who are still fantasizing about the president being impeached. I guess they have nothing better to do with their welfare money.
"Trump's attempt at Obstruction of Justice will be included"

So, Lessee----- the word attempt carries with it an implied effort which failed to succeed. If you attempt to climb a ladder, you didn't CLIMB the ladder, you tried and failed. So-----

If I attempt to stop at a stop sign, then I went right through the intersection!
If I attempt to tell the truth, then I wanted to but I told a lie anyway.
If I attempt to keep goldfish as a pet, then I let them die.
If I attempted to close the car door, then I must have left it ajar.
If I attempted to comply with the police officer, that means I disobeyed his orders.

Likewise, if Trump attempted to Obstruct Justice, that means he obstructed no justice. Worse, since there is no evidence that he even DESIRED to obstruct anything, then the attempt wasn't even intentional.

Got that right? Yep! Thank you.
He'll need a battalion of lawyers to vet it for perjury before he sends it to the publisher. Maybe he'll just stick to information he didn't tell Congress.
The only people who will buy his book will be the snowflakes who are still fantasizing about the president being impeached. I guess they have nothing better to do with their welfare money.

Don't expect it to be a great seller. Few people give a shit about that jackass. It takes an interesting person to tell an interesting story--- Comey is about as interesting as a box of old doorknobs. The lion's share of his career was LONG before Trump came along, so what will he tell of, years and years of crime and political wrongdoing under Obama?

And if he can fill a book with crime stories for just a couple of meetings with Trump, then they would already be threading the noose for Trump and have him under arrest. Trump's only mistake is meeting with him privately that one time which makes it his story against Comey's.
"Trump's attempt at Obstruction of Justice will be included"

So, Lessee----- the word attempt carries with it an implied effort which failed to succeed. If you attempt to climb a ladder, you didn't CLIMB the ladder, you tried and failed. So-----

If I attempt to stop at a stop sign, then I went right through the intersection!
If I attempt to tell the truth, then I wanted to but I told a lie anyway.
If I attempt to keep goldfish as a pet, then I let them die.
If I attempted to close the car door, then I must have left it ajar.
If I attempted to comply with the police officer, that means I disobeyed his orders.

Likewise, if Trump attempted to Obstruct Justice, that means he obstructed no justice. Worse, since there is no evidence that he even DESIRED to obstruct anything, then the attempt wasn't even intentional.

Got that right? Yep! Thank you.
It's all about intent Poopsie, It's all about intent.

If you followed Republican logic, would sex predators who never did the deed go free?
The only people who will buy his book will be the snowflakes who are still fantasizing about the president being impeached. I guess they have nothing better to do with their welfare money.

Don't expect it to be a great seller. Few people give a shit about that jackass. It takes an interesting person to tell an interesting story--- Comey is about as interesting as a box of old doorknobs. The lion's share of his career was LONG before Trump came along, so what will he tell of, years and years of crime and political wrongdoing under Obama?

And if he can fill a book with crime stories for just a couple of meetings with Trump, then they would already be threading the noose for Trump and have him under arrest. Trump's only mistake is meeting with him privately that one time which makes it his story against Comey's.
I don't expect it to be a best seller. I KNOW it will be a best seller.
The only people who will buy his book will be the snowflakes who are still fantasizing about the president being impeached. I guess they have nothing better to do with their welfare money.

Don't expect it to be a great seller. Few people give a shit about that jackass. It takes an interesting person to tell an interesting story--- Comey is about as interesting as a box of old doorknobs. The lion's share of his career was LONG before Trump came along, so what will he tell of, years and years of crime and political wrongdoing under Obama?

And if he can fill a book with crime stories for just a couple of meetings with Trump, then they would already be threading the noose for Trump and have him under arrest. Trump's only mistake is meeting with him privately that one time which makes it his story against Comey's.
I don't expect it to be a best seller. I KNOW it will be a best seller.
Why, are you planning on buying a million copies (with your welfare money)?
It's all about intent Poopsie, It's all about intent.

You seem to have a fetish for poop. Here's some more poop: it will be a sad day when it becomes a crime what you think. The day the government is in my head too and owns my thoughts is the day I'll know the world isn't worth shit. But there is hope for you! I hear the Canadians are already trying to pull that! Quick! Move north!!! There's no wall there yet keeping you from crossing the border.

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