Coming to a city near you.....MS-13 and their Liberal ideology.

Do you feel that Obama deserves the same fate as those who died by MS-13?

  • Hell yes, the MF wanted people like MS-13 here, so he and his family deserves the same fate.

    Votes: 8 88.9%
  • No, Obama out of the kindness of his heart, allowed these guys here, to kill US white folks.

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
I found these two stories, @Charwin.

Walls work! Obama is building a wall around his new DC house

PHOTOS: Crews build wall around new Obama DC home - The American Mirror





It does look like the wall is going to go "around the house" and not just in the front of it. I see a wall higher than 4 feet and iron bars in between those brick pillars. Are those decorations? What about the iron gate with a lock in it? Do you see that?

In this story Obama warns against walls.......

Obama UN speech warns voters against walls and nationalism -
Should we question his hypocrisy? I believe it is fair to point out that he is building a wall around his house as the OP has done. Don't you? If not, why not?
I will say, that while the wall goes up, maybe We the People will be fortunate enough to have something happen by the religion of peace, like it did with Khobar Towers. All it took was a truck load of fertilizer to be parked "near" the place of occupancy. and the walls came crumbling down and many kids lives were ended. Since B.O(Stinky) wants the scum of the Earth in this country, then he should have the same happen to him as those who died in the Orlando Gay bar, or San Bernardino.

20 years later: Remembering the attack on Khobar Towers > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Nineteen Airmen died and more than 350 were injured in the terrorist attack at Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on June 25, 1996. The front of Bldg. 131 was blown off when terrorists detonated a fuel truck parked nearby.

I found these two stories, @Charwin.

Walls work! Obama is building a wall around his new DC house

PHOTOS: Crews build wall around new Obama DC home - The American Mirror





It does look like the wall is going to go "around the house" and not just in the front of it. I see a wall higher than 4 feet and iron bars in between those brick pillars. Are those decorations? What about the iron gate with a lock in it? Do you see that?

In this story Obama warns against walls.......

Obama UN speech warns voters against walls and nationalism -
Should we question his hypocrisy? I believe it is fair to point out that he is building a wall around his house as the OP has done. Don't you? If not, why not?
I will say, that while the wall goes up, maybe We the People will be fortunate enough to have something happen by the religion of peace, like it did with Khobar Towers. All it took was a truck load of fertilizer to be parked "near" the place of occupancy. and the walls came crumbling down and many kids lives were ended. Since B.O(Stinky) wants the scum of the Earth in this country, then he should have the same happen to him as those who died in the Orlando Gay bar, or San Bernardino.

20 years later: Remembering the attack on Khobar Towers > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Nineteen Airmen died and more than 350 were injured in the terrorist attack at Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on June 25, 1996. The front of Bldg. 131 was blown off when terrorists detonated a fuel truck parked nearby.

View attachment 115667

So what is Obama's wall has anything to do with MS13?
I found these two stories, @Charwin.

Walls work! Obama is building a wall around his new DC house

PHOTOS: Crews build wall around new Obama DC home - The American Mirror





It does look like the wall is going to go "around the house" and not just in the front of it. I see a wall higher than 4 feet and iron bars in between those brick pillars. Are those decorations? What about the iron gate with a lock in it? Do you see that?

In this story Obama warns against walls.......

Obama UN speech warns voters against walls and nationalism -
Should we question his hypocrisy? I believe it is fair to point out that he is building a wall around his house as the OP has done. Don't you? If not, why not?

Really? I mean REALLY? Your link came from The American Mirror a genuine FAKE MEDIA . Is that supposed to be credible?
Go get something else.

The American Mirror


A questionable source exhibits any of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence. Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right

Notes: The American Mirror is an online news and opinion website with an overt right wing bias. Not all stories are sourced to credible information.
Last edited:
Wonder how many are illegal and how many Trump will boot out of America??

Hope its every single one.

So.......... What is Trump waiting for? These MS13 thugs are concentrated in every major cities around the country. All he had to do is send bunch of ICE and start arresting these criminals. That should easy..........
Instead he is going around picking one here and there like visa expiration bull shit just to show he is doing something.

No, it is not easy. Go join a city police force and show everyone how fucking easy it is, big mouth.

Yes it's easy. All he as to do is raid factories just like what Obama did in previous years. BTW city police force are not responsible for raiding or detaining illegals.

Illegal Workers Swept From Jobs in ‘Silent Raids’

Illegal Workers Swept From Jobs in ‘Silent Raids’

Guest workers, like those above, have replaced more than 500 undocumented workers fired in December from Gebbers Farms in Brewster, Wash.
JULY 9, 2010
BREWSTER, Wash. — The Obama administration has replaced immigration raids at factories and farms with a quieter enforcement strategy: sending federal agents to scour companies’ records for illegal immigrant workers.

While the sweeps of the past commonly led to the deportation of such workers, the “silent raids,” as employers call the audits, usually result in the workers being fired, but in many cases they are not deported.

Over the past year, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has conducted audits of employee files at more than 2,900 companies. The agency has levied a record $3 million in civil fines so far this year on businesses that hired unauthorized immigrants, according to official figures. Thousands of those workers have been fired, immigrant groups estimate.

Employers say the audits reach more companies than the work-site roundups of the administration of President George W. Bush. The audits force businesses to fire every suspected illegal immigrant on the payroll— not just those who happened to be on duty at the time of a raid — and make it much harder to hire other unauthorized workers as replacements. Auditing is “a far more effective enforcement tool,” said Mike Gempler, executive director of the Washington Growers League, which includes many worried fruit growers.
I found these two stories, @Charwin.

Walls work! Obama is building a wall around his new DC house

PHOTOS: Crews build wall around new Obama DC home - The American Mirror





It does look like the wall is going to go "around the house" and not just in the front of it. I see a wall higher than 4 feet and iron bars in between those brick pillars. Are those decorations? What about the iron gate with a lock in it? Do you see that?

In this story Obama warns against walls.......

Obama UN speech warns voters against walls and nationalism -
Should we question his hypocrisy? I believe it is fair to point out that he is building a wall around his house as the OP has done. Don't you? If not, why not?
I will say, that while the wall goes up, maybe We the People will be fortunate enough to have something happen by the religion of peace, like it did with Khobar Towers. All it took was a truck load of fertilizer to be parked "near" the place of occupancy. and the walls came crumbling down and many kids lives were ended. Since B.O(Stinky) wants the scum of the Earth in this country, then he should have the same happen to him as those who died in the Orlando Gay bar, or San Bernardino.

20 years later: Remembering the attack on Khobar Towers > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Nineteen Airmen died and more than 350 were injured in the terrorist attack at Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on June 25, 1996. The front of Bldg. 131 was blown off when terrorists detonated a fuel truck parked nearby.

View attachment 115667

So what is Obama's wall has anything to do with MS13?
If walls are bad, why would Obama need to build one? Shouldn't the ex president of the US who wants illegal immigration allow them into HIS house? What is good for the goose is good for the gander, as the saying goes. Or is he above the law?
I found these two stories, @Charwin.

Walls work! Obama is building a wall around his new DC house

PHOTOS: Crews build wall around new Obama DC home - The American Mirror





It does look like the wall is going to go "around the house" and not just in the front of it. I see a wall higher than 4 feet and iron bars in between those brick pillars. Are those decorations? What about the iron gate with a lock in it? Do you see that?

In this story Obama warns against walls.......

Obama UN speech warns voters against walls and nationalism -
Should we question his hypocrisy? I believe it is fair to point out that he is building a wall around his house as the OP has done. Don't you? If not, why not?
I will say, that while the wall goes up, maybe We the People will be fortunate enough to have something happen by the religion of peace, like it did with Khobar Towers. All it took was a truck load of fertilizer to be parked "near" the place of occupancy. and the walls came crumbling down and many kids lives were ended. Since B.O(Stinky) wants the scum of the Earth in this country, then he should have the same happen to him as those who died in the Orlando Gay bar, or San Bernardino.

20 years later: Remembering the attack on Khobar Towers > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Nineteen Airmen died and more than 350 were injured in the terrorist attack at Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on June 25, 1996. The front of Bldg. 131 was blown off when terrorists detonated a fuel truck parked nearby.

View attachment 115667

So what is Obama's wall has anything to do with MS13?
If walls are bad, why would Obama need to build one? Shouldn't the ex president of the US who wants illegal immigration allow them into HIS house? What is good for the goose is good for the gander, as the saying goes. Or is he above the law?

He is NOT building a wall.............. Only you, your buddies and your fake media believe this kind of garbage.
I found these two stories, @Charwin.

Walls work! Obama is building a wall around his new DC house

PHOTOS: Crews build wall around new Obama DC home - The American Mirror





It does look like the wall is going to go "around the house" and not just in the front of it. I see a wall higher than 4 feet and iron bars in between those brick pillars. Are those decorations? What about the iron gate with a lock in it? Do you see that?

In this story Obama warns against walls.......

Obama UN speech warns voters against walls and nationalism -
Should we question his hypocrisy? I believe it is fair to point out that he is building a wall around his house as the OP has done. Don't you? If not, why not?
I will say, that while the wall goes up, maybe We the People will be fortunate enough to have something happen by the religion of peace, like it did with Khobar Towers. All it took was a truck load of fertilizer to be parked "near" the place of occupancy. and the walls came crumbling down and many kids lives were ended. Since B.O(Stinky) wants the scum of the Earth in this country, then he should have the same happen to him as those who died in the Orlando Gay bar, or San Bernardino.

20 years later: Remembering the attack on Khobar Towers > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Nineteen Airmen died and more than 350 were injured in the terrorist attack at Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on June 25, 1996. The front of Bldg. 131 was blown off when terrorists detonated a fuel truck parked nearby.

View attachment 115667

So what is Obama's wall has anything to do with MS13?
If walls are bad, why would Obama need to build one? Shouldn't the ex president of the US who wants illegal immigration allow them into HIS house? What is good for the goose is good for the gander, as the saying goes. Or is he above the law?

He is NOT building a wall.............. Only you, your buddies and your fake media believe this kind of garbage.
The news media says that he is building a wall but truly I don't care if he builds it or he doesn't build it. I have nothing against walls. Walls are good. The Vatican has a wall around their own property built long ago. Israel has a wall. Soon Trump will build a wall on the southern border. Walls are good!
I found these two stories, @Charwin.

Walls work! Obama is building a wall around his new DC house

PHOTOS: Crews build wall around new Obama DC home - The American Mirror





It does look like the wall is going to go "around the house" and not just in the front of it. I see a wall higher than 4 feet and iron bars in between those brick pillars. Are those decorations? What about the iron gate with a lock in it? Do you see that?

In this story Obama warns against walls.......

Obama UN speech warns voters against walls and nationalism -
Should we question his hypocrisy? I believe it is fair to point out that he is building a wall around his house as the OP has done. Don't you? If not, why not?
I will say, that while the wall goes up, maybe We the People will be fortunate enough to have something happen by the religion of peace, like it did with Khobar Towers. All it took was a truck load of fertilizer to be parked "near" the place of occupancy. and the walls came crumbling down and many kids lives were ended. Since B.O(Stinky) wants the scum of the Earth in this country, then he should have the same happen to him as those who died in the Orlando Gay bar, or San Bernardino.

20 years later: Remembering the attack on Khobar Towers > U.S. Air Force > Article Display
Nineteen Airmen died and more than 350 were injured in the terrorist attack at Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, on June 25, 1996. The front of Bldg. 131 was blown off when terrorists detonated a fuel truck parked nearby.

View attachment 115667

So what is Obama's wall has anything to do with MS13?
If walls are bad, why would Obama need to build one? Shouldn't the ex president of the US who wants illegal immigration allow them into HIS house? What is good for the goose is good for the gander, as the saying goes. Or is he above the law?

He is NOT building a wall.............. Only you, your buddies and your fake media believe this kind of garbage.
The news media says that he is building a wall but truly I don't care if he builds it or he doesn't build it. I have nothing against walls. Walls are good. The Vatican has a wall around their own property built long ago. Israel has a wall. Soon Trump will build a wall on the southern border. Walls are good!

The fake news media which you fully support said it's building a wall. He is not building a wall.
You and your buddies just plug that in.
The Vatican wall and southern wall has nothing to do with Obama's building a 3 feet fence in front of his house.
I will say, that while the wall goes up, maybe We the People will be fortunate enough to have something happen by the religion of peace, like it did with Khobar Towers. All it took was a truck load of fertilizer to be parked "near" the place of occupancy. and the walls came crumbling down and many kids lives were ended. Since B.O(Stinky) wants the scum of the Earth in this country, then he should have the same happen to him as those who died in the Orlando Gay bar, or San Bernardino.

20 years later: Remembering the attack on Khobar Towers > U.S. Air Force > Article Display View attachment 115667

So what is Obama's wall has anything to do with MS13?
If walls are bad, why would Obama need to build one? Shouldn't the ex president of the US who wants illegal immigration allow them into HIS house? What is good for the goose is good for the gander, as the saying goes. Or is he above the law?

He is NOT building a wall.............. Only you, your buddies and your fake media believe this kind of garbage.
The news media says that he is building a wall but truly I don't care if he builds it or he doesn't build it. I have nothing against walls. Walls are good. The Vatican has a wall around their own property built long ago. Israel has a wall. Soon Trump will build a wall on the southern border. Walls are good!

The fake news media which you fully support said it's building a wall. He is not building a wall.
You and your buddies just plug that in.
The Vatican wall and southern wall has nothing to do with Obama's building a 3 feet fence in front of his house.
I do not support the MSM! I never have. You can check me on that one.

I like you, Charwin. I don't care how high the wall is. If you say it's 3 feet then we'll leave it there. How's your chess game coming? Played any strong players lately? My son is a chess player and said he'd love to play you a game some time.
So what is Obama's wall has anything to do with MS13?
If walls are bad, why would Obama need to build one? Shouldn't the ex president of the US who wants illegal immigration allow them into HIS house? What is good for the goose is good for the gander, as the saying goes. Or is he above the law?

He is NOT building a wall.............. Only you, your buddies and your fake media believe this kind of garbage.
The news media says that he is building a wall but truly I don't care if he builds it or he doesn't build it. I have nothing against walls. Walls are good. The Vatican has a wall around their own property built long ago. Israel has a wall. Soon Trump will build a wall on the southern border. Walls are good!

The fake news media which you fully support said it's building a wall. He is not building a wall.
You and your buddies just plug that in.
The Vatican wall and southern wall has nothing to do with Obama's building a 3 feet fence in front of his house.
I do not support the MSM! I never have. You can check me on that one.

I like you, Charwin. I don't care how high the wall is. If you say it's 3 feet then we'll leave it there. How's your chess game coming? Played any strong players lately? My son is a chess player and said he'd love to play you a game some time.

I like you too buddy .......... We just have different political beliefs. We'll move on.

I also play chess on the internet. I played 5 games with this kid from New York this morning 3 - 2. He said he is 16 yo from Russia but I just heard he is 61. I loose $25.
If walls are bad, why would Obama need to build one? Shouldn't the ex president of the US who wants illegal immigration allow them into HIS house? What is good for the goose is good for the gander, as the saying goes. Or is he above the law?

He is NOT building a wall.............. Only you, your buddies and your fake media believe this kind of garbage.
The news media says that he is building a wall but truly I don't care if he builds it or he doesn't build it. I have nothing against walls. Walls are good. The Vatican has a wall around their own property built long ago. Israel has a wall. Soon Trump will build a wall on the southern border. Walls are good!

The fake news media which you fully support said it's building a wall. He is not building a wall.
You and your buddies just plug that in.
The Vatican wall and southern wall has nothing to do with Obama's building a 3 feet fence in front of his house.
I do not support the MSM! I never have. You can check me on that one.

I like you, Charwin. I don't care how high the wall is. If you say it's 3 feet then we'll leave it there. How's your chess game coming? Played any strong players lately? My son is a chess player and said he'd love to play you a game some time.

I like you too buddy .......... We just have different political beliefs. We'll move on.

I also play chess on the internet. I played 5 games with this kid from New York this morning 3 - 2. He said he is 16 yo from Russia but I just heard he is 61. I LOST $25.

Too much red wine Cabernet Screaming Eagle. My apologies.... I just noticed you are a female and I would love to play with your son some time.
He is NOT building a wall.............. Only you, your buddies and your fake media believe this kind of garbage.
The news media says that he is building a wall but truly I don't care if he builds it or he doesn't build it. I have nothing against walls. Walls are good. The Vatican has a wall around their own property built long ago. Israel has a wall. Soon Trump will build a wall on the southern border. Walls are good!

The fake news media which you fully support said it's building a wall. He is not building a wall.
You and your buddies just plug that in.
The Vatican wall and southern wall has nothing to do with Obama's building a 3 feet fence in front of his house.
I do not support the MSM! I never have. You can check me on that one.

I like you, Charwin. I don't care how high the wall is. If you say it's 3 feet then we'll leave it there. How's your chess game coming? Played any strong players lately? My son is a chess player and said he'd love to play you a game some time.

I like you too buddy .......... We just have different political beliefs. We'll move on.

I also play chess on the internet. I played 5 games with this kid from New York this morning 3 - 2. He said he is 16 yo from Russia but I just heard he is 61. I LOST $25.

Too much red wine Cabernet Screaming Eagle. My apologies.... I just noticed you are a female and I would love to play with your son some time.
No need. I apologize. Whoever reported it probably blew it way out of proportion. I will tell my son you're open to a game of chess.
If walls are bad, why would Obama need to build one? Shouldn't the ex president of the US who wants illegal immigration allow them into HIS house? What is good for the goose is good for the gander, as the saying goes. Or is he above the law?

He is NOT building a wall.............. Only you, your buddies and your fake media believe this kind of garbage.
The news media says that he is building a wall but truly I don't care if he builds it or he doesn't build it. I have nothing against walls. Walls are good. The Vatican has a wall around their own property built long ago. Israel has a wall. Soon Trump will build a wall on the southern border. Walls are good!

The fake news media which you fully support said it's building a wall. He is not building a wall.
You and your buddies just plug that in.
The Vatican wall and southern wall has nothing to do with Obama's building a 3 feet fence in front of his house.
I do not support the MSM! I never have. You can check me on that one.

I like you, Charwin. I don't care how high the wall is. If you say it's 3 feet then we'll leave it there. How's your chess game coming? Played any strong players lately? My son is a chess player and said he'd love to play you a game some time.

I like you too buddy .......... We just have different political beliefs. We'll move on.

I also play chess on the internet. I played 5 games with this kid from New York this morning 3 - 2. He said he is 16 yo from Russia but I just heard he is 61. I loose $25.
Sounds good to me! I'm sorry the Russian was a sandbagger. It happens. My son doesn't play for money but he is a strong player. He started playing as a young child and had a gift for the game. I was a chess mom and every weekend I was either sitting at the chess club all day or a CF Tournament. Our agreement was that he would never play a money tournament and never play a game for money. He kept his word which I am thankful for. He retired when he was about 14 yrs. old and no longer plays tournaments.

He plays chess online now using his phone. He works long hours but when he is off that is what he loves to do. He is either reading or playing chess.
He is NOT building a wall.............. Only you, your buddies and your fake media believe this kind of garbage.
The news media says that he is building a wall but truly I don't care if he builds it or he doesn't build it. I have nothing against walls. Walls are good. The Vatican has a wall around their own property built long ago. Israel has a wall. Soon Trump will build a wall on the southern border. Walls are good!

The fake news media which you fully support said it's building a wall. He is not building a wall.
You and your buddies just plug that in.
The Vatican wall and southern wall has nothing to do with Obama's building a 3 feet fence in front of his house.
I do not support the MSM! I never have. You can check me on that one.

I like you, Charwin. I don't care how high the wall is. If you say it's 3 feet then we'll leave it there. How's your chess game coming? Played any strong players lately? My son is a chess player and said he'd love to play you a game some time.

I like you too buddy .......... We just have different political beliefs. We'll move on.

I also play chess on the internet. I played 5 games with this kid from New York this morning 3 - 2. He said he is 16 yo from Russia but I just heard he is 61. I loose $25.
Sounds good to me! I'm sorry the Russian was a sandbagger. It happens. My son doesn't play for money but he is a strong player. He started playing as a young child and had a gift for the game. I was a chess mom and every weekend I was either sitting at the chess club all day or a CF Tournament. Our agreement was that he would never play a money tournament and never play a game for money. He kept his word which I am thankful for. He retired when he was about 14 yrs. old and no longer plays tournaments.

He plays chess online now using his phone. He works long hours but when he is off that is what he loves to do. He is either reading or playing chess.

What's wrong with money?
The news media says that he is building a wall but truly I don't care if he builds it or he doesn't build it. I have nothing against walls. Walls are good. The Vatican has a wall around their own property built long ago. Israel has a wall. Soon Trump will build a wall on the southern border. Walls are good!

The fake news media which you fully support said it's building a wall. He is not building a wall.
You and your buddies just plug that in.
The Vatican wall and southern wall has nothing to do with Obama's building a 3 feet fence in front of his house.
I do not support the MSM! I never have. You can check me on that one.

I like you, Charwin. I don't care how high the wall is. If you say it's 3 feet then we'll leave it there. How's your chess game coming? Played any strong players lately? My son is a chess player and said he'd love to play you a game some time.

I like you too buddy .......... We just have different political beliefs. We'll move on.

I also play chess on the internet. I played 5 games with this kid from New York this morning 3 - 2. He said he is 16 yo from Russia but I just heard he is 61. I loose $25.
Sounds good to me! I'm sorry the Russian was a sandbagger. It happens. My son doesn't play for money but he is a strong player. He started playing as a young child and had a gift for the game. I was a chess mom and every weekend I was either sitting at the chess club all day or a CF Tournament. Our agreement was that he would never play a money tournament and never play a game for money. He kept his word which I am thankful for. He retired when he was about 14 yrs. old and no longer plays tournaments.

He plays chess online now using his phone. He works long hours but when he is off that is what he loves to do. He is either reading or playing chess.

What's wrong with money?
There is nothing wrong with money, Unkotare. But my son was a young child when he won his first tournament. He met (and played) many adult players in the CF during his career and some of them played for money or made money tutoring. I didn't want my son to go down that road. He played for trophies.
The fake news media which you fully support said it's building a wall. He is not building a wall.
You and your buddies just plug that in.
The Vatican wall and southern wall has nothing to do with Obama's building a 3 feet fence in front of his house.
I do not support the MSM! I never have. You can check me on that one.

I like you, Charwin. I don't care how high the wall is. If you say it's 3 feet then we'll leave it there. How's your chess game coming? Played any strong players lately? My son is a chess player and said he'd love to play you a game some time.

I like you too buddy .......... We just have different political beliefs. We'll move on.

I also play chess on the internet. I played 5 games with this kid from New York this morning 3 - 2. He said he is 16 yo from Russia but I just heard he is 61. I loose $25.
Sounds good to me! I'm sorry the Russian was a sandbagger. It happens. My son doesn't play for money but he is a strong player. He started playing as a young child and had a gift for the game. I was a chess mom and every weekend I was either sitting at the chess club all day or a CF Tournament. Our agreement was that he would never play a money tournament and never play a game for money. He kept his word which I am thankful for. He retired when he was about 14 yrs. old and no longer plays tournaments.

He plays chess online now using his phone. He works long hours but when he is off that is what he loves to do. He is either reading or playing chess.

What's wrong with money?
There is nothing wrong with money, Unkotare. But my son was a young child when he won his first tournament. He met (and played) many adult players in the CF during his career and some of them played for money or made money tutoring. I didn't want my son to go down that road. ....

Why not? What's wrong with money?

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