Coming to a city near you.....MS-13 and their Liberal ideology.

Do you feel that Obama deserves the same fate as those who died by MS-13?

  • Hell yes, the MF wanted people like MS-13 here, so he and his family deserves the same fate.

    Votes: 8 88.9%
  • No, Obama out of the kindness of his heart, allowed these guys here, to kill US white folks.

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
I do not support the MSM! I never have. You can check me on that one.

I like you, Charwin. I don't care how high the wall is. If you say it's 3 feet then we'll leave it there. How's your chess game coming? Played any strong players lately? My son is a chess player and said he'd love to play you a game some time.

I like you too buddy .......... We just have different political beliefs. We'll move on.

I also play chess on the internet. I played 5 games with this kid from New York this morning 3 - 2. He said he is 16 yo from Russia but I just heard he is 61. I loose $25.
Sounds good to me! I'm sorry the Russian was a sandbagger. It happens. My son doesn't play for money but he is a strong player. He started playing as a young child and had a gift for the game. I was a chess mom and every weekend I was either sitting at the chess club all day or a CF Tournament. Our agreement was that he would never play a money tournament and never play a game for money. He kept his word which I am thankful for. He retired when he was about 14 yrs. old and no longer plays tournaments.

He plays chess online now using his phone. He works long hours but when he is off that is what he loves to do. He is either reading or playing chess.

What's wrong with money?
There is nothing wrong with money, Unkotare. But my son was a young child when he won his first tournament. He met (and played) many adult players in the CF during his career and some of them played for money or made money tutoring. I didn't want my son to go down that road. ....

Why not? What's wrong with money?
Nothing. I wanted my son to find employment when he got older and work at a normal job. I didn't want to see him depend on chess to make a living. It certainly didn't work out for Bobby Fischer did it? Everyone needs balance in their life and people who eat, sleep, live and breath chess do not have a balanced life.
I like you too buddy .......... We just have different political beliefs. We'll move on.

I also play chess on the internet. I played 5 games with this kid from New York this morning 3 - 2. He said he is 16 yo from Russia but I just heard he is 61. I loose $25.
Sounds good to me! I'm sorry the Russian was a sandbagger. It happens. My son doesn't play for money but he is a strong player. He started playing as a young child and had a gift for the game. I was a chess mom and every weekend I was either sitting at the chess club all day or a CF Tournament. Our agreement was that he would never play a money tournament and never play a game for money. He kept his word which I am thankful for. He retired when he was about 14 yrs. old and no longer plays tournaments.

He plays chess online now using his phone. He works long hours but when he is off that is what he loves to do. He is either reading or playing chess.

What's wrong with money?
There is nothing wrong with money, Unkotare. But my son was a young child when he won his first tournament. He met (and played) many adult players in the CF during his career and some of them played for money or made money tutoring. I didn't want my son to go down that road. ....

Why not? What's wrong with money?
Nothing. I wanted my son to find employment when he got older and work at a normal job. I didn't want to see him depend on chess to make a living. It certainly didn't work out for Bobby Fischer did it? Everyone needs balance in their life and people who eat, sleep, live and breath chess do not have a balanced life.

And if he were good at math you'd forbid him from becoming a mathematician or an engineer or the like? If he were a talented piano player you'd forbid him from becoming a concert pianist? Where is the "balance" in quashing talent?
Sounds good to me! I'm sorry the Russian was a sandbagger. It happens. My son doesn't play for money but he is a strong player. He started playing as a young child and had a gift for the game. I was a chess mom and every weekend I was either sitting at the chess club all day or a CF Tournament. Our agreement was that he would never play a money tournament and never play a game for money. He kept his word which I am thankful for. He retired when he was about 14 yrs. old and no longer plays tournaments.

He plays chess online now using his phone. He works long hours but when he is off that is what he loves to do. He is either reading or playing chess.

What's wrong with money?
There is nothing wrong with money, Unkotare. But my son was a young child when he won his first tournament. He met (and played) many adult players in the CF during his career and some of them played for money or made money tutoring. I didn't want my son to go down that road. ....

Why not? What's wrong with money?
Nothing. I wanted my son to find employment when he got older and work at a normal job. I didn't want to see him depend on chess to make a living. It certainly didn't work out for Bobby Fischer did it? Everyone needs balance in their life and people who eat, sleep, live and breath chess do not have a balanced life.

And if he were good at math you'd forbid him from becoming a mathematician or an engineer or the like? If he were a talented piano player you'd forbid him from becoming a concert pianist? Where is the "balance" in quashing talent?

I didn't forbid him from pursuing his talent, Unkotare. He decided to retire in his teens (about 14 yrs. old) on his own. He felt it was time for him to quit. His decision to quit was not based on not being able to play for money. It is a very intense game. As you say you don't play chess so it would be difficult for you to understand. There is a point where some players feel they have to make the break and back off from it- the same cannot be said for piano, math, becoming an engineer. Chess is a very intense game. It takes total concentration. It's all consuming. Beyond what you can imagine. He was burnt out. It happens.

FYI - I know of chess mothers who envied my son's talent and had it been their son? They would not have let them quit. They would have drove them. The minute my son said I'm ready to retire I was fine with it. Parents who live their dreams through their children have serious issues. I respect my son's judgment. He knew when he was ready to walk away from it.
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... It is a very intense game. As you say you don't play chess so it would be difficult for you to understand. There is a point where some players feel they have to make the break and back off from it- the same cannot be said for piano, math, becoming an engineer. ....

How do you know?
... It is a very intense game. As you say you don't play chess so it would be difficult for you to understand. There is a point where some players feel they have to make the break and back off from it- the same cannot be said for piano, math, becoming an engineer. ....

How do you know?
Because I was the mother of a chess champion and I know what it took for him to focus on his game. I suppose there are pianists who become all consumed with their study and I would say that too might create problems for them later down the road. As for my son, he is a very well balanced young man and seems quite happy and content with his decisions for his life. HIS LIFE being the operative word here, Unkotare.

Don't overthink everything, Unkotare. I get it that you are a very cerebral person. It would be impossible to miss. But the key to happiness is to bloom where you're planted. If you find you're not blooming? Move to a sunnier spot in the garden! Or more shade if that is what you require. Thanks for the discussion. Have a nice evening!
He is NOT building a wall.............. Only you, your buddies and your fake media believe this kind of garbage.
The news media says that he is building a wall but truly I don't care if he builds it or he doesn't build it. I have nothing against walls. Walls are good. The Vatican has a wall around their own property built long ago. Israel has a wall. Soon Trump will build a wall on the southern border. Walls are good!

The fake news media which you fully support said it's building a wall. He is not building a wall.
You and your buddies just plug that in.
The Vatican wall and southern wall has nothing to do with Obama's building a 3 feet fence in front of his house.
I do not support the MSM! I never have. You can check me on that one.

I like you, Charwin. I don't care how high the wall is. If you say it's 3 feet then we'll leave it there. How's your chess game coming? Played any strong players lately? My son is a chess player and said he'd love to play you a game some time.

I like you too buddy .......... We just have different political beliefs. We'll move on.

I also play chess on the internet. I played 5 games with this kid from New York this morning 3 - 2. He said he is 16 yo from Russia but I just heard he is 61. I loose $25.
Sounds good to me! I'm sorry the Russian was a sandbagger. It happens. My son doesn't play for money but he is a strong player. He started playing as a young child and had a gift for the game. I was a chess mom and every weekend I was either sitting at the chess club all day or a CF Tournament. Our agreement was that he would never play a money tournament and never play a game for money. He kept his word which I am thankful for. He retired when he was about 14 yrs. old and no longer plays tournaments.

He plays chess online now using his phone. He works long hours but when he is off that is what he loves to do. He is either reading or playing chess.

Good for him. I do not recommend playing for money because any money betting can be addictive just like some of my friends at the casino. Some went bankrupt or divorced because of gambling.
I also play black jack but I have a very strong self control.......... that I can manage to stay away from casinos if and when I wanted to gamble.
The news media says that he is building a wall but truly I don't care if he builds it or he doesn't build it. I have nothing against walls. Walls are good. The Vatican has a wall around their own property built long ago. Israel has a wall. Soon Trump will build a wall on the southern border. Walls are good!

The fake news media which you fully support said it's building a wall. He is not building a wall.
You and your buddies just plug that in.
The Vatican wall and southern wall has nothing to do with Obama's building a 3 feet fence in front of his house.
I do not support the MSM! I never have. You can check me on that one.

I like you, Charwin. I don't care how high the wall is. If you say it's 3 feet then we'll leave it there. How's your chess game coming? Played any strong players lately? My son is a chess player and said he'd love to play you a game some time.

I like you too buddy .......... We just have different political beliefs. We'll move on.

I also play chess on the internet. I played 5 games with this kid from New York this morning 3 - 2. He said he is 16 yo from Russia but I just heard he is 61. I loose $25.
Sounds good to me! I'm sorry the Russian was a sandbagger. It happens. My son doesn't play for money but he is a strong player. He started playing as a young child and had a gift for the game. I was a chess mom and every weekend I was either sitting at the chess club all day or a CF Tournament. Our agreement was that he would never play a money tournament and never play a game for money. He kept his word which I am thankful for. He retired when he was about 14 yrs. old and no longer plays tournaments.

He plays chess online now using his phone. He works long hours but when he is off that is what he loves to do. He is either reading or playing chess.

Good for him. I do not recommend playing for money because any money betting can be addictive just like some of my friends at the casino. Some went bankrupt or divorced because of gambling.
I also play black jack but I have a very strong self control.......... that I can manage to stay away from casinos if and when I wanted to gamble.

Chess is a very intense brain game, it's time consuming and no money in chess to make it as a good living.
The fake news media which you fully support said it's building a wall. He is not building a wall.
You and your buddies just plug that in.
The Vatican wall and southern wall has nothing to do with Obama's building a 3 feet fence in front of his house.
I do not support the MSM! I never have. You can check me on that one.

I like you, Charwin. I don't care how high the wall is. If you say it's 3 feet then we'll leave it there. How's your chess game coming? Played any strong players lately? My son is a chess player and said he'd love to play you a game some time.

I like you too buddy .......... We just have different political beliefs. We'll move on.

I also play chess on the internet. I played 5 games with this kid from New York this morning 3 - 2. He said he is 16 yo from Russia but I just heard he is 61. I loose $25.
Sounds good to me! I'm sorry the Russian was a sandbagger. It happens. My son doesn't play for money but he is a strong player. He started playing as a young child and had a gift for the game. I was a chess mom and every weekend I was either sitting at the chess club all day or a CF Tournament. Our agreement was that he would never play a money tournament and never play a game for money. He kept his word which I am thankful for. He retired when he was about 14 yrs. old and no longer plays tournaments.

He plays chess online now using his phone. He works long hours but when he is off that is what he loves to do. He is either reading or playing chess.

Good for him. I do not recommend playing for money because any money betting can be addictive just like some of my friends at the casino. Some went bankrupt or divorced because of gambling.
I also play black jack but I have a very strong self control.......... that I can manage to stay away from casinos if and when I wanted to gamble.

Chess is a very intense brain game, it's time consuming and no money in chess to make it as a good living.
That is true. It is also true that there isn't any real money in chess to make a good living. There are (FIDE) Grandmasters who may make some money on the side coaching but it isn't something they could make a living on.
DOJ crackin' down on MS-13 gang in Indiana...

DOJ: 13 MS-13 Gang Members Arrested in Ohio, Indiana
August 16, 2017 | The Justice Department announced Tuesday that 13 members and associates of the MS-13 gang were arrested in Central Ohio and Indiana.
A total of 15 suspected MS-13 members were charged with federal crimes - 10 of them with conspiracy to commit extortion, conspiracy to commit money laundering and use of a firearm during a crime of violence. Five defendants were charged with reentering the country after deportation. Two of the 15 alleged MS-13 gang members are fugitives.

“With more than 10,000 members across 40 states, MS-13 is one of the most dangerous criminal organizations in the United States today," said Attorney General Sessions. "MS-13 members have killed children and pregnant women, extorted immigrant-owned businesses, and trafficked underage girls to sell them for sex. President Trump has ordered the Department of Justice to reduce crime and take down transnational criminal organizations, and we will be relentless in our pursuit of these objectives. Today's charges are our next step toward making this country safer by taking MS-13 off of our streets for good.”


MS-13 gang members.​

MS-13, once known as La Mara Salvatrucha, has been designated as a "transnational criminal organization" - the first and only street gang to be designated as such. According to the indictment, 10 defendants conspired to commit extortion through the use of threatened or actual force, violence or fear to intimidate their victims into paying money to the defendants and their co-conspirators. The money from these crimes was sent through wire transfers and intermediaries to MS-13 gang members and associates in El Salvador - where the gang originated - and elsewhere.

That money was used to promote and facilitate criminal activities of MS-13 in El Salvador and the U.S., according to the DOJ. It was used to buy cell phones, drugs, and weapons, and to financially support MS-13 and those gang members that are jailed in El Saldavor and the U.S., as well as those who were deported and the families of dead MS-13 members.

DOJ: 13 MS-13 Gang Members Arrested in Ohio, Indiana

See also:

FBI Capture 'Most Wanted' Illegal Alien
August 15, 2017 | After spending four years on the run for allegedly murdering a fellow MS-13 gang member in New Jersey, illegal immigrant Walter Yovany Gomez was captured by the FBI, which had placed him on its “Ten Most Wanted” list.
Gomez, nicknamed “Cholo,” is a citizen of Honduras who illegally entered the United States. He was wanted by the FBI for the May 2011 murder of a fellow member of the “Plainfield Locos Salvatrucha” gang, a branch of MS-13, in Plainfield, New Jersey. “The victim was suspected of socializing with a rival gang and had been ordered to be killed by MS-13 leaders. It is alleged that Gomez and another gang member, after an evening of socializing with the victim, attacked him,” reports the FBI on its website. “The victim was struck in the head numerous times, had his throat cut, and was stabbed 17 times in the back. A federal arrest warrant was issued for Gomez … on September 19, 2013, after he was charged with violent crime in aid of racketeering.”

The FBI offered a $100,000 reward in exchange for tips leading to Gomez’s arrest. According to the Bureau, tips from the public contributed to his arrest in Woodbridge, Virginia on August 11. "The apprehension of Walter Yovany Gomez is a prime example of the close coordination between the vigilant public and the hard working men and women of law enforcement," said Timothy Gallagher, the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Newark Division. "Gomez will now stand trial for his alleged involvement in a brutal murder which took a young man from his family,” said Gallagher. Gomez is one of 482 fugitives who have been apprehended or located after being place on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted list. The list has featured 514 names in total.


President Donald Trump has made the dismantlement of MS-13 a key plank of his “law and order” platform. During a speech in late July the president told a crowd of law enforcement officers, “Together we're going to restore safety to our streets and peace to our communities and we're going to destroy the vile, criminal cartel MS-13 and many other gangs.” "They kidnap. They extort. They rape and they rob," the president said. "They stomp on their victims. They beat them with clubs, they slash them with machetes, and they stab them with knives. They have transformed peaceful parks and beautiful quiet neighborhoods into bloodstained killing fields. They're animals." "We're going to enforce our laws, protect our borders and support our police like our police have never been supported before,” said Trump.

FBI Capture 'Most Wanted' Illegal Alien
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MS-13: America's most dangerous street gang?
The Mara Salvatrucha gang, also known as MS-13, started in Los Angeles but has expanded throughout nearly the entire country.
Arent you glad that Obama is building a WALL around his house, so he can be secure from people like this while he sleeps? Have you liberals built your WALL yet so you can be secure? Oh yeah, these are the same people that Obama wants to come to America, because they only want to get jobs. Please, let one of those jobs, be to go after the Obama's, as the shit head deserves everything the MS-13 wants to give him.

MS-13 gang members accused of Satanic rape and murder | Daily Mail Online
MS-13 gang suspects indicted in slayings of 3 teenagers
They exist primarily due to our extra-Constitutional drug war.

Only the right wing believe their socialism on a national basis is working.

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