Coming to a city near you.....MS-13 and their Liberal ideology.

Do you feel that Obama deserves the same fate as those who died by MS-13?

  • Hell yes, the MF wanted people like MS-13 here, so he and his family deserves the same fate.

    Votes: 8 88.9%
  • No, Obama out of the kindness of his heart, allowed these guys here, to kill US white folks.

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
MS-13: America's most dangerous street gang?
The Mara Salvatrucha gang, also known as MS-13, started in Los Angeles but has expanded throughout nearly the entire country.
Arent you glad that Obama is building a WALL around his house, so he can be secure from people like this while he sleeps? Have you liberals built your WALL yet so you can be secure? Oh yeah, these are the same people that Obama wants to come to America, because they only want to get jobs. Please, let one of those jobs, be to go after the Obama's, as the shit head deserves everything the MS-13 wants to give him.

MS-13 gang members accused of Satanic rape and murder | Daily Mail Online
MS-13 gang suspects indicted in slayings of 3 teenagers
ah low IQ boy , they were here pre obama ,in fact it was on ronnie ray guns watch
The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles, set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Unionneighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s.

get an education rube
So what you are telling me, is that the MS-13 is a bunch of 50 year olds running around from Salvador? Whew, and the "NEWS" orgs were telling me they were young teens. Damn fake news, just cant trust them...
He is telling you that the roots of the Central American gangs that became established in the US are grounded in the illegal 1980's Iran Contra wars promoted and funded under Reagan. And while the 50 and 60-year-old leaders are probably not running around in the streets, they are probably calling the shots and giving the orders to the younger members.
MS-13: America's most dangerous street gang?
The Mara Salvatrucha gang, also known as MS-13, started in Los Angeles but has expanded throughout nearly the entire country.
Arent you glad that Obama is building a WALL around his house, so he can be secure from people like this while he sleeps? Have you liberals built your WALL yet so you can be secure? Oh yeah, these are the same people that Obama wants to come to America, because they only want to get jobs. Please, let one of those jobs, be to go after the Obama's, as the shit head deserves everything the MS-13 wants to give him.

MS-13 gang members accused of Satanic rape and murder | Daily Mail Online
MS-13 gang suspects indicted in slayings of 3 teenagers
ah low IQ boy , they were here pre obama ,in fact it was on ronnie ray guns watch
The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles, set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Unionneighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s.

get an education rube
Education for the white high school trumpettes? Your kidding. Data says 75% of them never made college
I love it when I was just claimed to have a PhD and you all being as dumb as a box of rocks. Yep take you on intellectually anytime. By the way, this old uppity white folk, don't no trip over my gun, because I was well trained to kill commies back in the day. Can you understand that level of communication, as I definitely lowered my communications skills to match yours..

You've got issues.
MS-13: America's most dangerous street gang? Arent you glad that Obama is building a WALL around his house, so he can be secure from people like this while he sleeps? Have you liberals built your WALL yet so you can be secure? Oh yeah, these are the same people that Obama wants to come to America, because they only want to get jobs. Please, let one of those jobs, be to go after the Obama's, as the shit head deserves everything the MS-13 wants to give him.

MS-13 gang members accused of Satanic rape and murder | Daily Mail Online
MS-13 gang suspects indicted in slayings of 3 teenagers
ah low IQ boy , they were here pre obama ,in fact it was on ronnie ray guns watch
The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles, set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Unionneighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s.

get an education rube
Education for the white high school trumpettes? Your kidding. Data says 75% of them never made college
I love it when I was just claimed to have a PhD and you all being as dumb as a box of rocks. Yep take you on intellectually anytime. By the way, this old uppity white folk, don't no trip over my gun, because I was well trained to kill commies back in the day. Can you understand that level of communication, as I definitely lowered my communications skills to match yours..

You've got issues.

Me too.

RWNJ traitors are the most stupid Americans in the history of this country. And they are PROUD to be stupid.
MS-13: America's most dangerous street gang? Arent you glad that Obama is building a WALL around his house, so he can be secure from people like this while he sleeps? Have you liberals built your WALL yet so you can be secure? Oh yeah, these are the same people that Obama wants to come to America, because they only want to get jobs. Please, let one of those jobs, be to go after the Obama's, as the shit head deserves everything the MS-13 wants to give him.

MS-13 gang members accused of Satanic rape and murder | Daily Mail Online
MS-13 gang suspects indicted in slayings of 3 teenagers
ah low IQ boy , they were here pre obama ,in fact it was on ronnie ray guns watch
The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles, set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Unionneighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s.

get an education rube
Education for the white high school trumpettes? Your kidding. Data says 75% of them never made college
I love it when I was just claimed to have a PhD and you all being as dumb as a box of rocks. Yep take you on intellectually anytime. By the way, this old uppity white folk, don't no trip over my gun, because I was well trained to kill commies back in the day. Can you understand that level of communication, as I definitely lowered my communications skills to match yours..

You've got issues.
life must be tough in low IQ Jesus land of north Georgia
obama protected them. He made them dreamers and gave them daca.

No stupid, he did not.

WTF is wrong with you idiots? Why can't you educate yourselves.

I am so sick of the utter and total stupidity of you Pooting lovers.
Yes, he did. It was Barack Obama's administration's "Open Door" policies that is directly responsible for this mess. The only one lacking an education here on the matter is YOU.
ah low IQ boy , they were here pre obama ,in fact it was on ronnie ray guns watch
The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles, set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Unionneighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s.

get an education rube
Education for the white high school trumpettes? Your kidding. Data says 75% of them never made college
I love it when I was just claimed to have a PhD and you all being as dumb as a box of rocks. Yep take you on intellectually anytime. By the way, this old uppity white folk, don't no trip over my gun, because I was well trained to kill commies back in the day. Can you understand that level of communication, as I definitely lowered my communications skills to match yours..

You've got issues.
life must be tough in low IQ Jesus land of north Georgia
You've got issues.
MS-13: America's most dangerous street gang?
The Mara Salvatrucha gang, also known as MS-13, started in Los Angeles but has expanded throughout nearly the entire country.
Arent you glad that Obama is building a WALL around his house, so he can be secure from people like this while he sleeps? Have you liberals built your WALL yet so you can be secure? ]

This is just pure BULLSHIT. Obama is not building a wall around his house. The fence around his house already existed. The wall you are craping about is only front of the house and it does not even go around front of the house. Dude.

You call yourself a conservative by posting this kind of nonsense?
MS-13: America's most dangerous street gang?
The Mara Salvatrucha gang, also known as MS-13, started in Los Angeles but has expanded throughout nearly the entire country.
Arent you glad that Obama is building a WALL around his house, so he can be secure from people like this while he sleeps? Have you liberals built your WALL yet so you can be secure? ]

This is just pure BULLSHIT. Obama is not building a wall around his house. The fence around his house already existed. The wall you are craping about is only front of the house and it does not even go around front of the house. Dude.

You call yourself a conservative by posting this kind of nonsense?
So he is building a wall in the front of his house 10 ft. high but not on the sides or back of house? Wouldn't that be kind of senseless, Charwin? I do not doubt what you are saying but what good is a wall that you can walk around and come in on the side or back? When someone builds a wall I take it that the wall is to keep people out. Don't you?
Wonder how many are illegal and how many Trump will boot out of America??

Hope its every single one.

So.......... What is Trump waiting for? These MS13 thugs are concentrated in every major cities around the country. All he had to do is send bunch of ICE and start arresting these criminals. That should easy..........
Instead he is going around picking one here and there like visa expiration bull shit just to show he is doing something.
MS-13: America's most dangerous street gang?
The Mara Salvatrucha gang, also known as MS-13, started in Los Angeles but has expanded throughout nearly the entire country.
Arent you glad that Obama is building a WALL around his house, so he can be secure from people like this while he sleeps? Have you liberals built your WALL yet so you can be secure? ]

This is just pure BULLSHIT. Obama is not building a wall around his house. The fence around his house already existed. The wall you are craping about is only front of the house and it does not even go around front of the house. Dude.

You call yourself a conservative by posting this kind of nonsense?
So he is building a wall in the front of his house 10 ft. high but not on the sides or back of house? Wouldn't that be kind of senseless, Charwin? I do not doubt what you are saying but what good is a wall that you can walk around and come in on the side or back? When someone builds a wall I take it that the wall is to keep people out. Don't you?

The wall is only about 4 feet tall or less, the post is 10 feet tall as a decoration.
And it doesn't even have a door or a lock. Get real Dude.

Last edited:
MS-13: America's most dangerous street gang?
The Mara Salvatrucha gang, also known as MS-13, started in Los Angeles but has expanded throughout nearly the entire country.
Arent you glad that Obama is building a WALL around his house, so he can be secure from people like this while he sleeps? Have you liberals built your WALL yet so you can be secure? ]

This is just pure BULLSHIT. Obama is not building a wall around his house. The fence around his house already existed. The wall you are craping about is only front of the house and it does not even go around front of the house. Dude.

You call yourself a conservative by posting this kind of nonsense?
So he is building a wall in the front of his house 10 ft. high but not on the sides or back of house? Wouldn't that be kind of senseless, Charwin? I do not doubt what you are saying but what good is a wall that you can walk around and come in on the side or back? When someone builds a wall I take it that the wall is to keep people out. Don't you?

The wall is only about 4 feet tall or less, the post is 10 feet tall as a decoration.
And it doesn't even have a door or a lock. Get real Dude.

View attachment 115336
I'm a woman and we'll see when they finish the job how high the wall is, Charwin. I don't think a door would be installed until the wall was up. Do you?
I found these two stories, @Charwin.

Walls work! Obama is building a wall around his new DC house

PHOTOS: Crews build wall around new Obama DC home - The American Mirror





It does look like the wall is going to go "around the house" and not just in the front of it. I see a wall higher than 4 feet and iron bars in between those brick pillars. Are those decorations? What about the iron gate with a lock in it? Do you see that?

In this story Obama warns against walls.......

Obama UN speech warns voters against walls and nationalism -
Should we question his hypocrisy? I believe it is fair to point out that he is building a wall around his house as the OP has done. Don't you? If not, why not?
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The President should grant hunting licenses to any American who wants to put one of the animals in the grave. Make it a part if our bounty system.

"Wanted - DEAD
Just DEAD"
That's one pretty fucked up poll right there.

Is that legal?
Is the F word really necessary, Mac? As for the poll. I didn't vote on it.

As for your question, is it legal? I have no idea. Is it legal for Barack Obama to work behind the scenes inciting the overthrow of President Trump? Is it legal for people to be threatening the life of President Trump and advocating his murder on Twitter and elsewhere? What do you think about it? Have you thought about it? What do you think should be done about Obama wiretapping a presidential candidate on behalf of another presidential candidate while he was president? Should he be investigated for his actions? If not, why not? Is Barack Obama above the law?
That's one pretty fucked up poll right there.

Is that legal?
Is the F word really necessary, Mac? As for the poll. I didn't vote on it.

As for your question, is it legal? I have no idea. Is it legal for Barack Obama to work behind the scenes inciting the overthrow of President Trump? Is it legal for people to be threatening the life of President Trump and advocating his murder on Twitter and elsewhere? What do you think about it? Have you thought about it? What do you think should be done about Obama wiretapping a presidential candidate on behalf of another presidential candidate while he was president? Should he be investigated for his actions? If not, why not? Is Barack Obama above the law?
So let's see.

"They" do it, so "we" can too.

I would like to think that most of us grew up past that by the time we graduated from junior high.

Not good enough.
MS-13: America's most dangerous street gang?
The Mara Salvatrucha gang, also known as MS-13, started in Los Angeles but has expanded throughout nearly the entire country.
Arent you glad that Obama is building a WALL around his house, so he can be secure from people like this while he sleeps? Have you liberals built your WALL yet so you can be secure? Oh yeah, these are the same people that Obama wants to come to America, because they only want to get jobs. Please, let one of those jobs, be to go after the Obama's, as the shit head deserves everything the MS-13 wants to give him.

MS-13 gang members accused of Satanic rape and murder | Daily Mail Online
MS-13 gang suspects indicted in slayings of 3 teenagers
I believe in better (hydropower enabled) aqueducts and better roads, through more well regulated militia.
That's one pretty fucked up poll right there.

Is that legal?
Is the F word really necessary, Mac? As for the poll. I didn't vote on it.

As for your question, is it legal? I have no idea. Is it legal for Barack Obama to work behind the scenes inciting the overthrow of President Trump? Is it legal for people to be threatening the life of President Trump and advocating his murder on Twitter and elsewhere? What do you think about it? Have you thought about it? What do you think should be done about Obama wiretapping a presidential candidate on behalf of another presidential candidate while he was president? Should he be investigated for his actions? If not, why not? Is Barack Obama above the law?
So let's see.

"They" do it, so "we" can too.

I would like to think that most of us grew up past that by the time we graduated from junior high.

Not good enough.
No, I never said that. There is no comparison to what Obama did and President Trump. President Trump never called the flood gates to be opened to MS 13 gangs, non-vetted Muslim refugees and the like nor is he advocating an open doors policy. That kind of action belongs to Barack Obama alone. No one ever called for the murder of Barack Obama because he became president (either term). GWB Jr. did not set up wire tapping during the presidential race between Obama and John McCain. The American people accepted the outcome of the election and we suffered with his inane policies for eight years. We've got a president who has been in office for a little over a month and how many times have Democrats called for the murder of Donald Trump? Including Hollywood celebrities?

You see, you're being awfully short sighted here about this matter of threats against a President. Now what I see with the poll is people who are angry that Obama's policies concerning MS 13 may lead to the deaths of many American lives and the question I see being posed is should Obama as an American citizen suffer the consequences for his actions if the American people are suffering for them. Is that a legitimate question? That is not for me to answer, that is something people will have to decide for themselves concerning where that line is crossed but openly calling for the murder of an American president for merely winning a fair election is against the law and those involved should have already been arrested and put on trial for it. If the poll question is offensive to you than talk to the OP about it because this isn't my OP. I'm just giving you food for thought.
MS-13: America's most dangerous street gang?
The Mara Salvatrucha gang, also known as MS-13, started in Los Angeles but has expanded throughout nearly the entire country.
Arent you glad that Obama is building a WALL around his house, so he can be secure from people like this while he sleeps? Have you liberals built your WALL yet so you can be secure? Oh yeah, these are the same people that Obama wants to come to America, because they only want to get jobs. Please, let one of those jobs, be to go after the Obama's, as the shit head deserves everything the MS-13 wants to give him.

MS-13 gang members accused of Satanic rape and murder | Daily Mail Online
MS-13 gang suspects indicted in slayings of 3 teenagers
I believe that Barack Obama should be put on trial for treason and let the legal system decide if he should be given the death penalty (what they used to do with traitors) or a life sentence in Ft. Leavenworth. Same for the Clinton's. These people are criminals. They should be put on trial and charged for their crimes against the United States of America.

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