Comment is free The secret of life won't be cooked up in a chemistry lab

The secret of life won't be cooked up in a chemistry lab

Life's origins may only be explained through a study of its unique management of information.

The origin of life is one of the great outstanding mysteries of science. How did a non-living mixture of molecules transform themselves into a living organism? What sort of mechanism might be responsible?

The secret of life won't be cooked up in a chemistry lab | Paul Davies | Comment is free | The Guardian

But there are some random mortal innocent guys seeking the plain truth, we can't have THAT can we ? Does God hate us for that? Somehow, I don't care.
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From the article:

Darwin did no such thing. While you are certainly free to accuse atheists of making irrational speculations, I would caution against using falsehoods as a means of rebutting them.
Darwin knew that only God could create life? So, why don't evolutionists simply state that publically, and move on to just developing their theory as to how God may then have developed variation of all living things.

Nice baseless assumption. I never said anything of the kind.

The truth is, evolutionists have NO IDEA how life came about, but far be it for them to credit God for anything they themselves cannot understand. So they insist to find natural ways for life to have become more complex, while they try to demonize those who have faith that God brought about everything as He explained.
Darwin knew that only God could create life? So, why don't evolutionists simply state that publically, and move on to just developing their theory as to how God may then have developed variation of all living things.

Nice baseless assumption. I never said anything of the kind.

The truth is, evolutionists have NO IDEA how life came about, but far be it for them to credit God for anything they themselves cannot understand. So they insist to find natural ways for life to have become more complex, while they try to demonize those who have faith that God brought about everything as He explained.

How can we credit God when there is no proof of any God?
Nice baseless assumption. I never said anything of the kind.

The truth is, evolutionists have NO IDEA how life came about, but far be it for them to credit God for anything they themselves cannot understand. So they insist to find natural ways for life to have become more complex, while they try to demonize those who have faith that God brought about everything as He explained.

How can we credit God when there is no proof of any God?

And you are going to suggest that God NEVER answered any one of your prayers?
Darwin knew that only God could create life? So, why don't evolutionists simply state that publically, and move on to just developing their theory as to how God may then have developed variation of all living things.

Nice baseless assumption. I never said anything of the kind.

The truth is, evolutionists have NO IDEA how life came about, but far be it for them to credit God for anything they themselves cannot understand. So they insist to find natural ways for life to have become more complex, while they try to demonize those who have faith that God brought about everything as He explained.

Perhaps you should be confronting an evolutionist about this.
The truth is, evolutionists have NO IDEA how life came about, but far be it for them to credit God for anything they themselves cannot understand. So they insist to find natural ways for life to have become more complex, while they try to demonize those who have faith that God brought about everything as He explained.

How can we credit God when there is no proof of any God?

And you are going to suggest that God NEVER answered any one of your prayers?

Among other connotations, your comment might be described as begging the question.

Religionists make this claim of prayers being answered but always manage to avoid demonstrating how any one of the alleged gawds have ever actually answered prayers.

Is that because we have to wait to receive them? How long do we wait – forever, or until happenstance gives you a Mulligan? Show us a single, verifiable account of a god answering a prayer. Remember, we want something that demonstrates in a narrow and specific way without the need for subjective, personal interpretation or “I prayed that one of the gods would cure an illness and following a course of antibiotics, I was cured. See – gods answered my prayers”

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