Commentary: Voting against Obama doesn't make you a racist


*****istrator Emeritus
Mar 13, 2006
NEW YORK (CNN) -- With a little less than a month before the election, this week started with a re-examination of Barack Obama's association with William Ayers.

Whether holding a career-launching state Senate campaign event at the home of an unrepentant terrorist should disqualify you from the presidency is up to the people to decide. I tend to see it as a rather low bar to clear if you're going to run the world, but hey, that's just me.

The defense on Ayers from the Obama camp is that they're not friends -- Ayers was "a guy who lives in my neighborhood," as Obama said. This strikes me as a strange argument from the same campaign that ran Spanish-language ads attempting to disparage McCain by highlighting his "Republican friends" like Rush Limbaugh.

Besides the fact that Rush isn't a terrorist and had to be completely taken out of context in the attempt to smear him -- Limbaugh and McCain are best known for their adversarial relationship. Rush has spent the better part of a decade mocking him, most recently on the specific stance that was the focus of the commercial, immigration reform.

Commentary: Voting against Obama doesn't make you a racist -
No. Not voting for Barack Obama doesn't make one a racist. Spreading Karl Rove's racist smear does. (not that you've ever done that. just so we're clear).

But Glen Beck? :eek:
I think this thing in Kenya is another example of his "bad choices" in terms of friends and associates.

You have 20 years with the Reverend Wright - Obama never knew he held the despicable views.

You have the friendship and business relationship with William Ayers - Obama never knew he had done those despicable things.

You have the big 3 that destroyed Freddie and Fannie that work on his campaign - He obviously never knew about that

and now

Minister Raila Odinga from Kenya - Runs for office with the intent to install Sharia law, Obama supports him. Then the guy loses and starts riots and mass destruction claiming voter fraud. Kills hundreds from opposing tribes, burns down 800 Christian churches, all while receiving numerous phone calls from Obama. To this day Obama still supports this sick individual.

At some point you have to look at Obama's inability to discern the types of people he calls friends.
Voting against Obama doesn't make you a racist.

Voting against Obama because of the color of his skin or his name would be though. :eusa_whistle:
I think this thing in Kenya is another example of his "bad choices" in terms of friends and associates.

You have 20 years with the Reverend Wright - Obama never knew he held the despicable views.

You have the friendship and business relationship with William Ayers - Obama never knew he had done those despicable things.

You have the big 3 that destroyed Freddie and Fannie that work on his campaign - He obviously never knew about that

and now

Minister Raila Odinga from Kenya - Runs for office with the intent to install Sharia law, Obama supports him. Then the guy loses and starts riots and mass destruction claiming voter fraud. Kills hundreds from opposing tribes, burns down 800 Christian churches, all while receiving numerous phone calls from Obama. To this day Obama still supports this sick individual.

At some point you have to look at Obama's inability to discern the types of people he calls friends.

What about Palin's crazy Priest?

[ame=]YouTube - Sarah Palin: Witchcraft and War[/ame]

Or John McCain's wonderful religious friends?

McCain's Next Controversial Priest | Right Wing Watch

McCain Reconnects With Liberty University

John McCain Panders To Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson And James Dobson | MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory

[ame=]YouTube - John McCain: Jerry Falwell backtrack[/ame]

Yeah, this guy is no "Agent of Intolerance." :rolleyes:

[ame=]YouTube - Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11[/ame]
Why? He is half white and his given name is Barry.

People will vote against him because he is half black and that his full name is Barack Hussein Obama.

If you don't want to admit that, your ignorance is astounding.
People will vote against him because he is half black and that his full name is Barack Hussein Obama.

If you don't want to admit that, your ignorance is astounding.

Just like the massive proportion of the black population that will vote for him because he is black. I would call that racist.
No. Not voting for Barack Obama doesn't make one a racist. Spreading Karl Rove's racist smear does. (not that you've ever done that. just so we're clear).

But Glen Beck? :eek:

Glen Beck reminds me of Bill O'Reilly. He tried for the longest time to say he wasn't for either side but I could tell. :eusa_whistle:
Just like the massive proportion of the black population that will vote for him because he is black. I would call that racist.

Or you ignore the fact that Blacks traditionally vote Democrat anyway because Democrats actually have policies that give a damn about the poor and helpless which much of the time happens to be Blacks.

Did you not watch the White err GOP Convention? Finding a non-white in there was looking like for Osama Bin Laden at times.
Why? He is half white and his given name is Barry.

his "given" name? isn't that the name you're born with? his birth name is Barack. his grandparents call him Barry.

Voting against Obama doesn't make you racist, it makes you stupid. :D
Well as long as you make such an intelligent argument, I guess I can't argue.

Smart people I guess want to increase spending by a trillion dollars while boasting the largest debt in American history all while cutting taxes to hic, 90% of all Americans and spending 700 billion dollars on a bailout.

Seems smart to me.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- With a little less than a month before the election, this week started with a re-examination of Barack Obama's association with William Ayers.

Whether holding a career-launching state Senate campaign event at the home of an unrepentant terrorist should disqualify you from the presidency is up to the people to decide. I tend to see it as a rather low bar to clear if you're going to run the world, but hey, that's just me.

The defense on Ayers from the Obama camp is that they're not friends -- Ayers was "a guy who lives in my neighborhood," as Obama said. This strikes me as a strange argument from the same campaign that ran Spanish-language ads attempting to disparage McCain by highlighting his "Republican friends" like Rush Limbaugh.

Besides the fact that Rush isn't a terrorist and had to be completely taken out of context in the attempt to smear him -- Limbaugh and McCain are best known for their adversarial relationship. Rush has spent the better part of a decade mocking him, most recently on the specific stance that was the focus of the commercial, immigration reform.

Commentary: Voting against Obama doesn't make you a racist -

I actually think a case could be made that Rush is a terrorist. He certainly uses tactics that foster hatred and suspicion of non-Rushbots.
Well as long as you make such an intelligent argument, I guess I can't argue.

Smart people I guess want to increase spending by a trillion dollars while boasting the largest debt in American history all while cutting taxes to hic, 90% of all Americans and spending 700 billion dollars on a bailout.

Seems smart to me.

psstt hey...did you know..that the Repubican currently in office has increased spending more than any other administration in modern history? did you also know that this same Republican is the one responsible for the largest debt in American history? :eusa_whistle:

The fact that some people want to pretend that the Republicans aren't the one's who have been in charge for the last 8 years is entertaining. It's also entertaining that they want us to think McCain is something OTHER THAN a Republican. :cuckoo:

He wants to reform the corruption and greed in washington. Get rid of washington insiders...get rid of lobbyists and special interest..

hey Johnny...did you hear? you've been a washington insider for 26 years. Your campaign manager and at least 7 other high ranking staff members of your campaign are now or were in the recent past lobbyists. did you also recall that you were involved in one of the biggest corruption and greed scams in the last 20 years with Keating?

If the Republicans had actually nominated someone who was an outsider I could see their argument against the current administration. But there is too much compelling evidence showing that McCain is Bush version 2.0.
Just like the massive proportion of the black population that will vote for him because he is black. I would call that racist.

I agree. There are many African Americans who are voting for Obama simply because they want to see progress.....and I am not talking about Obama's platform. Many are voting for the first time in the name of progress.
I agree. There are many African Americans who are voting for Obama simply because they want to see progress.....and I am not talking about Obama's platform. Many are voting for the first time in the name of progress.

and I think that's pretty exciting. They see someone who they feel finally represents them.

how amazing for young african American girls and boys to be able to look at the President and see themselves in him for the first time EVER.

it's also exciting for women because if the racial divide can fall, it won't be long until the gender divide falls too.
and I think that's pretty exciting. They see someone who they feel finally represents them.

how amazing for young african American girls and boys to be able to look at the President and see themselves in him for the first time EVER.

it's also exciting for women because if the racial divide can fall, it won't be long until the gender divide falls too.

He represents them because of his skin color?
psstt hey...did you know..that the Repubican currently in office has increased spending more than any other administration in modern history? did you also know that this same Republican is the one responsible for the largest debt in American history? :eusa_whistle:

The fact that some people want to pretend that the Republicans aren't the one's who have been in charge for the last 8 years is entertaining. It's also entertaining that they want us to think McCain is something OTHER THAN a Republican. :cuckoo:

He wants to reform the corruption and greed in washington. Get rid of washington insiders...get rid of lobbyists and special interest..

hey Johnny...did you hear? you've been a washington insider for 26 years. Your campaign manager and at least 7 other high ranking staff members of your campaign are now or were in the recent past lobbyists. did you also recall that you were involved in one of the biggest corruption and greed scams in the last 20 years with Keating?

If the Republicans had actually nominated someone who was an outsider I could see their argument against the current administration. But there is too much compelling evidence showing that McCain is Bush version 2.0.

Psst the Republican in office isn't running again. If you didn't like his over spending why are you voting for someone who will continue it? Did you forget that 9/11 and the democratic engineered destruction of the housing market has had an effect on our economy? I'm voting for Bob Barr the only sane candidate running.
Are voting places going to have Barrack's full name? I mean, i'm intelligent enough not to have anything against it.... but uh, not a lot of other people are.
Psst the Republican in office isn't running again. If you didn't like his over spending why are you voting for someone who will continue it? Did you forget that 9/11 and the democratic engineered destruction of the housing market has had an effect on our economy? I'm voting for Bob Barr the only sane candidate running.

I'm not...I've voting for the guy who is in direct opposition of Bush... McCain voted with bush 90% of the time.

what does 9/11 and the housing market have to do with Bush's overspending?

good a vote for Bob bar is one less vote for for me. :clap2:

Are voting places going to have Barrack's full name? I mean, i'm intelligent enough not to have anything against it.... but uh, not a lot of other people are.

I've voted in many many elections and can not for the life of me recall any candidates full name being listed. usually the middle is an initial if there at all. In the primaries in FL his full name was not listed.
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