Commie czar Khrushchev “ if the United States had not helped us, we (ussr´s commie Moscow empire) would not have won the war.”


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
you didn´t know it, ´cos Our radical left (who dominate our historical agenda )/Moscow imperialists 🐖 🇷🇺 are never mentioning

Khrushchev described how Stalin stressed the value of Lend-Lease aid: “He stated bluntly that if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war.”

Commie czar Khrushchev “ if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war.”

Everybody should know we chose the Soviets to help defeat the bigger Nazi threat. Both of my folks served in occupied Germany in the 50's. Germans in the Soviet Zone were always trying to get into the American Zone. We were always on alert for a surprise attack coming from the East too.
It was the US that set up WW2 via the Jewish Bankers and also the Industrialists .
They re-armed Germany and gave / lent them the finances for it .

Thereafter it mattered little what the outcome was because it became a Win - Win for them by backing both sides .
It was the US that set up WW2 via the Jewish Bankers and also the Industrialists .
They re-armed Germany and gave / lent them the finances for it .

Thereafter it mattered little what the outcome was because it became a Win - Win for them by backing both sides .
Is there anything that you are right about?
Everybody should know we chose the Soviets to help defeat the bigger Nazi threat. Both of my folks served in occupied Germany in the 50's. Germans in the Soviet Zone were always trying to get into the American Zone. We were always on alert for a surprise attack coming from the East too.
according to the Marxist / Moscow imperial narrative, they (ussr´s empire ) defeated the Germans alone, and the mighty red-commie industrial marvel produced everything the needed.

according to the Marxist / Moscow imperial narrative, they (ussr´s empire ) defeated the Germans alone, and the mighty red-commie industrial marvel produced everything the needed.

It's true enough. The U.S. and Russia helped to defeat Hitler's Nazis. What's the problem again?
It's true enough. The U.S. and Russia helped to defeat Hitler's Nazis. What's the problem again?
so you say that Moscow Commie czar Khrushchev lied ?

“ if the United States had not helped us, we (ussr´s commie Moscow empire) would not have won the war.”​

so you say that Moscow Commie czar Khrushchev lied ?

“ if the United States had not helped us, we (ussr´s commie Moscow empire) would not have won the war.”​

Nope. I said it's true enough. Our allies in Russia helped us defeat the Nazi empire.
Stalin was FDR's BFF. Legend has it that FDR referred to Stalin as "Uncle Joe". Russia was a U.S. ally in WW2. Why is that so hard to understand?
Stalin was FDR's BFF
you are lying Ivan
the reality what we think about your Mongol Muscovite race :

you are lying Ivan
the reality what we think about your Mongol Muscovite race :
View attachment 858374
FDR was very pro-Soviet.
Actually it was Churchill who kept the Soviets in the war, and later convinced FDR to supply the Soviets. This is old history and not debatable, just idiots making up fake 'revisionisms' to smear FDR's record of winning a global war from essentially a standing start in about 4 years on three fronts while also supplying our allies, a singular historical military and political achievement by any sane peoples' standards, which of course embarrasses the GOP no end, having never produced a war winning President outside of Lincoln's illegal mass murders to clear out the political opposition to massive corporate welfare giveaways and railroad thievery.

Oh yeah, I think they invaded Cuba in the 1890's, and Reagan invaded mighty Grenada, the latter where a couple dozen construction workers held off Reagan's Army and Navy for for many hours while running around stepping on their dicks all day, and we shouldn't forget how Reagan bravely financed the murders of a bunch of unarmed Nicaraguan farmers and banana pickers or something while selling guns to Iran and crack to ghetto hood rats, so I guess they have a lot to be proud of in their minds.
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Actually it was Churchill who kept the Soviets in the war, and later convinced FDR to supply the Soviets. This is old history and not debatable, just idiots making up fake 'revisionisms' to smear FDR's record of winning a global war from essentially a standing start in about 4 years on three fronts while also supplying our allies, a singular historical military and political achievement by any sane peoples' standards, which of course embarrasses the GOP no end, having never produced a war winning President outside of Lincoln's illegal mass murders to clear out the political opposition to massive corporate welfare giveaways and railroad thievery.

Oh yeah, I think they invaded Cuba in the 1890's, and Reagan invaded mighty Grenada, the latter where a couple dozen construction workers held off Reagan's Army and Navy for for many hours while running around stepping on their dicks all day, and we shouldn't forget how Reagan bravely financed the murders of a bunch of unarmed Nicaraguan farmers and banana pickers or something while selling guns to Iran and crack to ghetto hood rats, so I guess they have a lot to be proud of in their minds.
Reagan responded to the kidnapping of Americans by revolutionaries in Grenada and Americans were freed by Marines. How could this be a bad thing?
Reagan responded to the kidnapping of Americans by revolutionaries in Grenada and Americans were freed by Marines. How could this be a bad thing?
" Stalin (koba) said. "The most important things in this war are the machines.... The United States is a country of machines. Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war."
Is there a point to this crazy rant? Russia was an ally of the United States during WW2 and FDR had a peculiar fondness for Stalin.
Is there a point to this crazy rant? Russia was an ally of the United States during WW2 and FDR had a peculiar fondness for Stalin.
any comment on this ? " Stalin (koba) said. "The most important things in this war are the machines.... The United States is a country of machines. Without the machines we received through Lend-Lease, we would have lost the war."

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