Commie Merkel kills at least 2m jobs in Germany until 2030


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
More as 7m 'refugees' are not enough for Merkel, Germany and its industry must perish, it is difficult to understand why this crazy female hates own country so much?Is it revenge for her polish relatives - victims of Holocaust in WWII?
Or for officially died DDR?
Whom Merkel is working in reality for?
In any case, if German Car Industry lost 200,000 jobs, the real loss would be ten times higher, due to bankruptcy of suppliers.

If Germany wants to meet the EU's new emission targets by 2030, tens of thousands of jobs could be lost, IG Metall warns. Union leader Hofmann speaks of a "vabanque game with a completely open outcome".

According to IG Metall, the new emission targets of the European Union will lead to considerable job losses and incalculable social consequences in Germany. In order to comply with the CO2 limit for cars in Europe, which will apply from 2030 onwards, he estimated that a quota of almost 50 percent of new electric vehicles in Germany would be necessary, said Jörg Hofmann, first chairman of the union.

Because of the lower vertical range of manufacture, i.e. the proportion of in-house production in manufacturing, compared to internal combustion engines, almost every fifth job in the leading German industry is in danger. "We expect approximately 200,000 jobs that will no longer be available in the industry as a result of electromobility. This will hit certain regions extremely hard", the union leader said. These are, for example, Saarland, Emden or rural regions where suppliers are often the only industrial employers. These would be hit even harder than the brand manufacturers themselves.

IG Metall warnt vor schnellem Elektro-Umbau

What function did Angela Merkel really have in the DDR? The following video shows the former FDJ functionary Angela Merkel née Kasner in exuberant mood with the deputy chairman of the state council Egon Krenz, the member of the politburo of the Central Committee of the SED for Security Affairs and second man after Erich Honnecker, the member of the politburo of the Central Committee of the SED Günter Schabowski and the first secretary of the Central Committee of the FDJ and member of the Central Committee of the SED Eberhard Aurich, in the grandstand, on Saturday, 20 March. June 1987: Enthusiastic FDJ meeting on the Rosa Luxemburg-Platz, headlines the New Germany, 22 June 1987.

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