Common Core Blockbuster: Mathematician Dr. Jim Milgram Warns Common Core Will Destroy America's


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010

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Common Core Blockbuster: Mathmatician Dr. Jim Milgram Warns Common Core Will Destroy America's Standing in Technology
9/1/14 | Dr. Susan Berry
During a Friday conference call sponsored by Texas-based Women on the Wall, Stanford mathematician and former member of the Common Core Validation Committee Dr. James Milgram, told listeners that if the controversial standards are not repealed, America’s place as a competitor in the technology industry will ultimately be severely undermined.

“In the future, if we want to work with the top level people, we’re going to have to go to China or Japan or Korea… and that’s the future we’re looking at,” Milgram said during the call that was part of a day-long Twitter campaign to target Indiana Gov. Mike Pence’s (R) decision merely to “rebrand” the Common Core standards in his state, even though he has a Republican supermajority in the legislature and an appointed state board of education.

Pence was in Dallas Friday for Americans for Prosperity’s Defending the American Dream summit, considered to be an essential stop for presidential hopefuls.

In less than 40 minutes, Milgram floored listeners with information about the Common Core standards, how they will affect the nation’s students and, ultimately, the country itself, and what parents and citizens can do to try to stop them. Listen to the podcast in full below:
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Well, that's what the people who instituted it want's.

It's not bad enough our schools are pumping out a bunch of uneducated kids.
I think the left wants to destroy America.....

Honestly, they want to turn this country into a third world shit hole! They can't stand that we're so much better then most of the rest of the world.
From what I've seen of some it

It's pure propaganda on social justice, rewriting our history, etc

reading, writing and math takes second place
A lot of links in the article at the site. this will give you an idea where they are trying to take the education of YOUR CHILDREN.


Readin’, Writin’, and Social Justice Agitatin’
by Michelle Malkin
Creators SyndicateCopyright 2014
It’s back-to-school season across the country. But in an increasing number of districts, “back to school” doesn’t mean back to learning. Under the reign of social justice indoctrinators, academics are secondary to political agitation. Activism trumps achievement.
In Massachusetts, the John J. Duggan Middle School will open on August 25 with a new name and mission. It is now a “social justice magnet school.” As a hiring advertisement for teachers explained earlier this year, the emphasis will be on “helping students develop the necessary skills to analyze and synthesize information and to generate empathy by looking at multiple sides of important issues facing the world, be that hunger, water quality, racial barriers, child labor or imbalance of power.”
Concise writing, as you can see, is not on the social justice pedagogues’ agenda.
Oh, and forget about memorizing times tables or mastering the scientific method. The new principal says the school’s primary job is teaching “fairness.” Duggan Middle School’s junior lobbying factory is “serious about creating 21st century global citizens, and it begins with understanding who we are as members of each of those communities.”
The ultimate goal of these social justice prep schools: creating left-wing political advocates.
At the Crescent Heights Social Justice Magnet School in Los Angeles, children will work on “action projects” tied to the “United Nations Millennium Development Goals.” Students will spend the academic year transforming into “agents of change.” Yes, they will learn language arts. But basic reading and writing are only a focus of the magnet school, the founders explain, because “we want our students to recognize injustice in their world or the world at large and be able to fully express their outrage, their plan of attack, their progress in this endeavor.”

ALL of it here:
Michelle Malkin Readin 8217 Writin 8217 and Social Justice Agitatin 8217
Just off Twitchy. now you see who's hands are in your children's education
and how about some low level employee from the NEA you get to pay for flying on Air force one? gives you the warm fuzzies

First day as NEA president': Already getting cozy with the White House [pics]
Posted at 9:00 pm on September 1, 2014 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments
Incoming National Education Association president Lily Eskelsen Garcia’s first day was spent on Air Force One, in the President’s limo, and at “Labor Fest” with the President. Is it any wonder we can’t get education reform that actually helps students?

ALL of it here:
8216 First day as NEA president Already getting cozy with the White House pics Twitchy
It's simple really, dumb people elect democrats

Mediocracy and idiocracy make for liberal utopia

It's simple really, dumb people elect democrats

Mediocracy and idiocracy make for liberal utopia

Exactly. Common Core is just the latest in a long train of assaults on the American education system with one end in mind. . . .

As I have written elsewhere on this forum:

. . . what is the Marxist to do when in fact the working class is a culturally heterogeneous component of production whose standard of living has dramatically improved under capitalism?

Well, its constituents must be programmed from early childhood to disregard the discriminations of common logic and eschew the conventions of common morality. But not only that, they must be protected from the economic depredations of false consciousness. Hence, they must be made to think of themselves as the victims of those who own the means of production and all that surplus value.

Toss that fishing pole in the lake and hand 'em a pitchfork.

In other words, make 'em dumb as dirt. Manageable drones. Turn 'em into sexual degenerates bereft of familial affections/allegiances: the Marcusean polymorphous perversity of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Hence, the intellectual and moral mediocrity and uniformity of relativism with a chip on its shoulder. This is cultural Marxism in a nutshell, more commonly known today as political correctness or multiculturalism. As economic Marxism is the deconstruction of the actualities of the factors of production and the expropriation of the means of production, cultural Marxism is the deconstruction of Western culture, of the influences of Christianity especially, and the expropriation of ideas and expression.

. . . Since the theory of Marxism is necessarily true by definition, i.e., that all of history is a struggle between the powerful and the oppressed progressively moving toward that overwhelming conclusion of a stateless Utopia, the uncooperative regressions of history must be due to the false signals or the misdirection of human culture obscuring the proletariat's view of its true interests. Marx was aware of the extant cultural hindrances, of course, but it was a group of German communists who in the 1920's established a think tank and, initially, based on the definitive observations of Marxist theorists Gyorgy Lukacs of Hungary ("Who will save us from Western civilization?") and Antonio Gramsci of Italy, contrived a systematic methodology for expropriating culture. Marcuse joined the group in 1932 with his Neo-Freudian theory of sexual liberation as a component of the proletariat's cultural revolution against the benighted tribal tradition of the biological family.

. . . Comprehensively, this was revolution by another means, the subversion of thought and morality, and the suppression of opposing views. The enlightened would artificially expedite the actualization of the object of the historical dialectic. Oh, the irony! In the 1930's, the members of the Frankfort School of Critical Theory fled Nazi Germany for America and set up shop at Columbia University.

The origination and the history of cultural Marxism is well-documented.​

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