Common sense reforms are on the way...local control of resources


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
We are moving forward to eradicate unconstitutional federal meddling in our resource management and use.

"The Trump administration and congressional Republicans are pushing nearly a dozen bills that would overhaul the Endangered Species Act, a 45-year-old landmark law..."

That established illegal federal jurisdiction over both public and private lands, and effectively destroyed the cultures and economy of rural America.

Since then, not only have the economies and cultures died...but mismanagement of natural resources and the establishment of federal *agents* who are incompetent and often criminal have resulted in catastrophic wildfires and other environmental nightmares (the spotted owl numbers continued to decline, salmon continue to decline...and the introduction of non native wolf species has resulted in widespread disruption to native species and domestic livestock).

While the left has been busy with call girls and anti-free speech rallies, the Trump administration and the rest of us are moving inexorably forward...

Republicans push to overhaul the Endangered Species Act before midterms

Firing a Bad Federal Employee May Get a Little Easier
The fires in Southern Oregon and Northern California, carefully orchestrated by the USFS...are killing people, and are sealing the doom of the agencies that supposedly *manage* resources to allow for maximum public benefit....but who don't do that.
Shanon Long

This is federal resource and land management.
We are moving forward to eradicate unconstitutional federal meddling in our resource management and use.

"The Trump administration and congressional Republicans are pushing nearly a dozen bills that would overhaul the Endangered Species Act, a 45-year-old landmark law..."

That established illegal federal jurisdiction over both public and private lands, and effectively destroyed the cultures and economy of rural America.

Since then, not only have the economies and cultures died...but mismanagement of natural resources and the establishment of federal *agents* who are incompetent and often criminal have resulted in catastrophic wildfires and other environmental nightmares (the spotted owl numbers continued to decline, salmon continue to decline...and the introduction of non native wolf species has resulted in widespread disruption to native species and domestic livestock).

While the left has been busy with call girls and anti-free speech rallies, the Trump administration and the rest of us are moving inexorably forward...

Republicans push to overhaul the Endangered Species Act before midterms

Firing a Bad Federal Employee May Get a Little Easier

The continuations of species, the air & water quality are all national issues.

You think it is OK to kill off a species because it might interfere with someone's profits.

You think it is OK for corporations to pollute if it affects their bottom line.

Say PA decided it was OK to dump toxic materials into the Ohio River. You think that would not effect the other States it would flow through?

What if WV decided it was OK to spew more mercury from its coal fired power plants. It would affect air quality in MD, & PA.

You think that is fair?

I say fuck your stupid idea. It is OUR environment, OUR country & we should not allow some dumbass red states fuck it up.

THAT is why we need federal regulations. Top stop assfucks like you.
We are moving forward to eradicate unconstitutional federal meddling in our resource management and use.

"The Trump administration and congressional Republicans are pushing nearly a dozen bills that would overhaul the Endangered Species Act, a 45-year-old landmark law..."

That established illegal federal jurisdiction over both public and private lands, and effectively destroyed the cultures and economy of rural America.

Since then, not only have the economies and cultures died...but mismanagement of natural resources and the establishment of federal *agents* who are incompetent and often criminal have resulted in catastrophic wildfires and other environmental nightmares (the spotted owl numbers continued to decline, salmon continue to decline...and the introduction of non native wolf species has resulted in widespread disruption to native species and domestic livestock).

While the left has been busy with call girls and anti-free speech rallies, the Trump administration and the rest of us are moving inexorably forward...

Republicans push to overhaul the Endangered Species Act before midterms

Firing a Bad Federal Employee May Get a Little Easier
Local “abuse” of resources, not “control”
We are moving forward to eradicate unconstitutional federal meddling in our resource management and use.

"The Trump administration and congressional Republicans are pushing nearly a dozen bills that would overhaul the Endangered Species Act, a 45-year-old landmark law..."

That established illegal federal jurisdiction over both public and private lands, and effectively destroyed the cultures and economy of rural America.

Since then, not only have the economies and cultures died...but mismanagement of natural resources and the establishment of federal *agents* who are incompetent and often criminal have resulted in catastrophic wildfires and other environmental nightmares (the spotted owl numbers continued to decline, salmon continue to decline...and the introduction of non native wolf species has resulted in widespread disruption to native species and domestic livestock).

While the left has been busy with call girls and anti-free speech rallies, the Trump administration and the rest of us are moving inexorably forward...

Republicans push to overhaul the Endangered Species Act before midterms

Firing a Bad Federal Employee May Get a Little Easier

The continuations of species, the air & water quality are all national issues.

You think it is OK to kill off a species because it might interfere with someone's profits.

You think it is OK for corporations to pollute if it affects their bottom line.

Say PA decided it was OK to dump toxic materials into the Ohio River. You think that would not effect the other States it would flow through?

What if WV decided it was OK to spew more mercury from its coal fired power plants. It would affect air quality in MD, & PA.

You think that is fair?

I say fuck your stupid idea. It is OUR environment, OUR country & we should not allow some dumbass red states fuck it up.

THAT is why we need federal regulations. Top stop assfucks like you.

China and India put pollutants in the air and water than directly affect the US... can we control their environments too?

How about a global police force to arrest polluters?

We are moving forward to eradicate unconstitutional federal meddling in our resource management and use.

"The Trump administration and congressional Republicans are pushing nearly a dozen bills that would overhaul the Endangered Species Act, a 45-year-old landmark law..."

That established illegal federal jurisdiction over both public and private lands, and effectively destroyed the cultures and economy of rural America.

Since then, not only have the economies and cultures died...but mismanagement of natural resources and the establishment of federal *agents* who are incompetent and often criminal have resulted in catastrophic wildfires and other environmental nightmares (the spotted owl numbers continued to decline, salmon continue to decline...and the introduction of non native wolf species has resulted in widespread disruption to native species and domestic livestock).

While the left has been busy with call girls and anti-free speech rallies, the Trump administration and the rest of us are moving inexorably forward...

Republicans push to overhaul the Endangered Species Act before midterms

Firing a Bad Federal Employee May Get a Little Easier

It has also brought back numerous species from the brink of extinction. Republicans don't give a damn about the environment. The bald eagle was nearly destroyed under state control.
We are moving forward to eradicate unconstitutional federal meddling in our resource management and use.

"The Trump administration and congressional Republicans are pushing nearly a dozen bills that would overhaul the Endangered Species Act, a 45-year-old landmark law..."

That established illegal federal jurisdiction over both public and private lands, and effectively destroyed the cultures and economy of rural America.

Since then, not only have the economies and cultures died...but mismanagement of natural resources and the establishment of federal *agents* who are incompetent and often criminal have resulted in catastrophic wildfires and other environmental nightmares (the spotted owl numbers continued to decline, salmon continue to decline...and the introduction of non native wolf species has resulted in widespread disruption to native species and domestic livestock).

While the left has been busy with call girls and anti-free speech rallies, the Trump administration and the rest of us are moving inexorably forward...

Republicans push to overhaul the Endangered Species Act before midterms

Firing a Bad Federal Employee May Get a Little Easier

It has also brought back numerous species from the brink of extinction. Republicans don't give a damn about the environment. The bald eagle was nearly destroyed under state control.

I give a damn about MY environment. Which is why country club dues are so high.


I would hate to see bald eagles go extinct. They're delicious.
We are moving forward to eradicate unconstitutional federal meddling in our resource management and use.

"The Trump administration and congressional Republicans are pushing nearly a dozen bills that would overhaul the Endangered Species Act, a 45-year-old landmark law..."

That established illegal federal jurisdiction over both public and private lands, and effectively destroyed the cultures and economy of rural America.

Since then, not only have the economies and cultures died...but mismanagement of natural resources and the establishment of federal *agents* who are incompetent and often criminal have resulted in catastrophic wildfires and other environmental nightmares (the spotted owl numbers continued to decline, salmon continue to decline...and the introduction of non native wolf species has resulted in widespread disruption to native species and domestic livestock).

While the left has been busy with call girls and anti-free speech rallies, the Trump administration and the rest of us are moving inexorably forward...

Republicans push to overhaul the Endangered Species Act before midterms

Firing a Bad Federal Employee May Get a Little Easier

It has also brought back numerous species from the brink of extinction. Republicans don't give a damn about the environment. The bald eagle was nearly destroyed under state control.

Brink of extinction in the lower 48 only...

We have to park in the garage because the bald eagles like one of our cottonwoods heh
We are moving forward to eradicate unconstitutional federal meddling in our resource management and use.

"The Trump administration and congressional Republicans are pushing nearly a dozen bills that would overhaul the Endangered Species Act, a 45-year-old landmark law..."

That established illegal federal jurisdiction over both public and private lands, and effectively destroyed the cultures and economy of rural America.

Since then, not only have the economies and cultures died...but mismanagement of natural resources and the establishment of federal *agents* who are incompetent and often criminal have resulted in catastrophic wildfires and other environmental nightmares (the spotted owl numbers continued to decline, salmon continue to decline...and the introduction of non native wolf species has resulted in widespread disruption to native species and domestic livestock).

While the left has been busy with call girls and anti-free speech rallies, the Trump administration and the rest of us are moving inexorably forward...

Republicans push to overhaul the Endangered Species Act before midterms

Firing a Bad Federal Employee May Get a Little Easier

The continuations of species, the air & water quality are all national issues.

You think it is OK to kill off a species because it might interfere with someone's profits.

You think it is OK for corporations to pollute if it affects their bottom line.

Say PA decided it was OK to dump toxic materials into the Ohio River. You think that would not effect the other States it would flow through?

What if WV decided it was OK to spew more mercury from its coal fired power plants. It would affect air quality in MD, & PA.

You think that is fair?

I say fuck your stupid idea. It is OUR environment, OUR country & we should not allow some dumbass red states fuck it up.

THAT is why we need federal regulations. Top stop assfucks like you.

Uh, no.

You're an idiot, who most likely lives in a tenement in the city. You have a third grade real education (i.e., whatever education you have, I achieved by third grade). You have no business determining anything about land that you don't live in. You have no more business dictating land use policy (private AND public) than my fucking dog.

Public lands don't belong to you, except for the public park down the street. If you want a *cause* you go there and clean that shithole up.

Public lands don't belong to the federal government.
Public lands belong to the people who use them, and they fall under the jurisdiction of the LOCAL government. Not the federal government.

The federal government has zero authority to tell anybody what they can, or can't, do with their own land. They also have zero authority to interfere with our access to those resources, or restrict us in any way from benefiting from them.\

The federal government has no authority to tell us we must shut down our industries in order to protect a fucking bird anywhere. They have no authority to interfere with historic water, mining, and pasture rights.

None. Zero. Zip.

And the authority they granted themselves is going away.

And that is what this thread is all about.

I'm celebrating. Pretty soon all the goons will be gone from our forests altogether. The mills will open, and the little marxist welfare protest shitters will crawl back into their hidey-holes and bother us no more.

It's a good day.
Makes my heart sing:

"While working as a lobbyist, Wheeler worked, along with Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, to open part of Utah’s Bears Ears National Monument for uranium mining.

"The new EPA administrator’s other affiliations include serving as the vice president of the Washington Coal Club, an organization made up of 300 coal producers, lawmakers, and energy industry executives"

Life is good.

Our land will become beautiful and productive again.

Who Is Andrew Wheeler, Trump's New EPA Chief?
Wooo hooooo

"Wheeler expressed his wholehearted support for President Trump and Administrator Pruitt's "ambitious agenda" to return "EPA to its core mission and purpose." This irony is that Pruitt’s “back-to-basics” approach to environmental regulation, which includes cleaning up toxic pollution sites, is about shifting federal authority to state and local regulators and prioritizing “an environment where jobs can grow.”


Pruitt's replacement won't be any better for the EPA
We are moving forward to eradicate unconstitutional federal meddling in our resource management and use.

"The Trump administration and congressional Republicans are pushing nearly a dozen bills that would overhaul the Endangered Species Act, a 45-year-old landmark law..."

That established illegal federal jurisdiction over both public and private lands, and effectively destroyed the cultures and economy of rural America.

Since then, not only have the economies and cultures died...but mismanagement of natural resources and the establishment of federal *agents* who are incompetent and often criminal have resulted in catastrophic wildfires and other environmental nightmares (the spotted owl numbers continued to decline, salmon continue to decline...and the introduction of non native wolf species has resulted in widespread disruption to native species and domestic livestock).

While the left has been busy with call girls and anti-free speech rallies, the Trump administration and the rest of us are moving inexorably forward...

Republicans push to overhaul the Endangered Species Act before midterms

Firing a Bad Federal Employee May Get a Little Easier

It has also brought back numerous species from the brink of extinction. Republicans don't give a damn about the environment. The bald eagle was nearly destroyed under state control.

I give a damn about MY environment. Which is why country club dues are so high.


I would hate to see bald eagles go extinct. They're delicious.

You are a animal. The Republican Party seems to be going extinct except for the hillbilly vote.

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