Common Sense


May 23, 2014
Thomas Paine wrote about common sense. We have video of the poor unfortunate , victim, (according to liberal media ) robbing a convince store and terrorizing the owner. Now it's release is being portrayed as an attempt by the police to cover up this shooting. How fucking stupid is the news media and the people?Black people need to clean up their own backyard. Why did this adult black male act this way? Why did he assault a police officer? Because when the officer stopped him for being an and walking down the middle of the street, blunt boy thought it was about the robbery, so he attacked. Why go to prison without a fight? Democrats will reap what they sow on this. Common sense will prevail.
Yes it is, especially when the liberal news/ college prof intelligencia want to manipulate something into what it is not. This guy Brown was a common asshole. Don't elevate him to Martin Luther Kings message.
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I'm going to be honest...I'm ready to toss this fucking iPad if it continues too write words in anticipation go what I write.
Yes it is, especially when the liberal news/ college prof intelligencia want to manipulate something into what it is not. This guy Brown was a common asshole. Don't elevate him to Martin Luther Kings message.

It's as insane as the crusade CNN has been on the last couple of days trying to convince us how hard the Prez is working while on his vacation.
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YES Common Sense is missing as well as the MASS confusion and totally wrong assignment of the "Golden Rule" to Religion!
If more people understood that the ACT of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you was a simple extension
of physics,economics, politics,justice etc. we would have less need for rules and regulations.
For example regarding "common sense"...
Why aren't pre-schoolers taught that when they peddle a car too fast they can't stop their car in time from hitting another kid?
I know that sounds simple BUT how many people drive 20mph in a school zone BECAUSE it's the law??
But if they understood from pre-k the physics involved and were constantly reminded by the same type of media hype that the
"Think Pink" breast cancer for example was done, daily constant reminders of "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" campaign. Consider then how much SAVINGS our economy would have as evidenced by this:

Over the past decade, the federal government has issued almost 38,000 new final rules, according to the draft of the 2011 annual report to Congress on federal regulations by the Office of Management and Budget. That brought the total at the end of 2011 to 169,301 pages.

Seventy percent of the regulations were economic, accounting for $1.236 trillion of the annual cost. The other regulations were, in order of cost, environment regulations ($281 billion), tax compliance ($160 billion) and occupational safety and health and homeland security ($75 billion).

“I think these kinds of figures, if you put yourself in the place of a business person you’ll find them fairly mindboggling,” Johnson said.

Economists with the Chamber also analyzed the OBM’s report on the study, calculating that if every U.S. household paid an equal share
of the federal regulatory burden, it would mean a $15,586 tab for each household in 2008.
Under Obama, 11,327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added | CNS News

The Golden Rule tied with "Common Sense" would become just as common place as "global warming" has become with "greening" etc. and in fact the two are even more basic then the "global warming" crowds limited to the environment.
If under Golden Rule with Common Sense was basic to the EPA maybe we wouldn't need a cop on every corner watching whether we spit or not!
When we have video, that clearly shows that Brown was an imposing figure, and a violent criminal, and that just a few minutes after that violent act a police officer was attacked, and killed Brown in self gone is our sanity to accuse the police of wrong doing?
I know it's third-hand news, but what the cop's wife told her friend (who in turn told the media) is a bit disconcerting. We all like to play armchair judge, jury, and executioner at one time or another. Other folks make a tidy profit from the whole affair, be it the looters or the media or the social activists. Those are the real sick fuckers in this whole mess.
Yes it is, especially when the liberal news/ college prof intelligencia want to manipulate something into what it is not. This guy Brown was a common asshole. Don't elevate him to Martin Luther Kings message.

It's as insane as the crusade CNN has been on the last couple of days trying to convince us how hard the Prez is working on his vacation.

How many days do you show up to the office when on vacation? Or do you have a job that gives vacations?
When we have video, that clearly shows that Brown was an imposing figure, and a violent criminal, and that just a few minutes after that violent act a police officer was attacked, and killed Brown in self gone is our sanity to accuse the police of wrong doing?

You accused the police of wrong doing, well you leapt before looking...
Yes it is, especially when the liberal news/ college prof intelligencia want to manipulate something into what it is not. This guy Brown was a common asshole. Don't elevate him to Martin Luther Kings message.

It's as insane as the crusade CNN has been on the last couple of days trying to convince us how hard the Prez is working on his vacation.

How many days do you show up to the office when on vacation? Or do you have a job that gives vacations?

Not yer' business, spammer.
I tried to re-post a 1968 George Wallace campaign commercial on law and order in America. Now it's blocked with no volume. Worked two weeks ago, wonder why it's not working now? Very appropriate to Missouri situation.
When we have video, that clearly shows that Brown was an imposing figure, and a violent criminal, and that just a few minutes after that violent act a police officer was attacked, and killed Brown in self gone is our sanity to accuse the police of wrong doing?

Yes, Brown is a punk, and there has never been any good reason to question the officer's account of the encounter that I'm aware of. On this topic I have voiced my frustration with paternalistic law enforcement and the militarization of law enforcement. I have also expressed my exasperation with the likes of Sharpton and the rioters. On the other hand, the cops did some pretty stupid things too, using unnecessary force in a number of instances against journalists covering the story and against protestors who, right or wrong, were peaceful.

No. Brown is no civil rights icon. He's a poster child or a mug shot of criminality, and perhaps the most disgusting bit of demagoguery in this whole mess is President Obama's premature condolences to Brown's family. Obama's action in this case was meant to send a signal, and it ain't a good one. How about condolences for the officer who had to shoot this punk, assuming the officer's account holds up under the scrutiny of a proper investigation?

But there's something else in this story too: paternalistic law enforcement is out of control in this country and it has to stop. In Rialto, CA., for example, officers have been required for months to wear portable cameras. And guess what? Police encounters involving the use of force dropped by 60%. Complaints against the excessive use of force dropped by 80%. Injuries to police officers dropped and violent crime dropped too, but I don't recall the numbers on those? Anyone?

Cops are public servants. They are not our lords and masters. They need to be strictly monitored just like any other public servant, indeed, more so than any other.
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