Communism-lite and why it doesn’t work for ‘Brown’ nations?

I’d love to wake up tomorrow and find that ALL good, REAL Americans, 100% embrace the ideals and actions of completely shutting down the southern border and aggressively rounding up the millions here to send them back to where they belong. I dream of the day.
Dream on.

So what is the point?

I understand you’re 50% Hispanic...the motivation for your position on the matter is clear....but tell me this, in the real world how do you dig a nation out of debt and build a prosperous, thriving society on the backs of poor quality human beings?
You start by assuming that everyone has value, and not by looking down on those who are different.

As America continues to become browner, I guess we're going to find out.

Hold on a minute....”you start by” so you pretend there is no existing data?
Do you hear yourself?
“As America continues to become browner, I guess we're going to find out.”
You’ve made the concession? Keep that border open huh?
It can’t happen fast enough for you can it?
Be careful what you wish for.
Just observing demographic trends. Existing data.

We'll see. Demographics are out of my hands.

Haha...that’s kinda the point and premise to this whole thread know damn good and well where things are headed as this nation becomes browner...haha
Look around the globe at ALL brown nations....look at Mexifornia. Damn dude, stop playing stupid.
Is anybody courageous enough to discuss this topic?
Are there inherent deficiencies among certain ‘groups’?
Hoping Mac1958 will help out with this one.
Big problem with being a Commie is that if the policy or rule were for all it might work, but man is not the species that it will work for. All the Commie form of government does is kills off the middle class. Then there are TWO levels. The Rich and poor. That is not what they preach. Commies think there are just one level. We all are born equal, but it changes quickly two mins, after birth. If I spend 9 years making a invention that everyone needs, or wants and I get nothing in return for the time and money I spent, then why invent it. Personal gains are just that just for me not the Meth head, or pot head who lives next door. The rich rule in the Govenments that are Commie based, they make the money from the poor who they want to keep in that condition to control them. Anyone who ever thinks this Nation will embrace that form of Government is very wrong. The Progressive have always loved the Europe Socialism and they have very little movement in controling the country, big rich owned companies rule much of their Nations. I we have another monetary crash, the only one who wins is people like George Soros and the Nations who have gold and silver as a backup;.
I think a few too many people are buying in to what the press has been pushing the few decades. Racist, racist, racist, and every racist post is validation that huge numbers of people are racist. This is not reasonable, and it is more than a bit insulting.

Mexicrats are insisting that GOOD, REAL Americans become racist’s happening for sure. Keep up the good work Mexicrats....PLEASE!

Why do you need to become racist? Republicans can win because they have a better argument for how everyone can live a better life. Use your ideas and arguments. Otherwise you are just pushing people away when you absolutely do not have to.
I think a few too many people are buying in to what the press has been pushing the few decades. Racist, racist, racist, and every racist post is validation that huge numbers of people are racist. This is not reasonable, and it is more than a bit insulting.

Mexicrats are insisting that GOOD, REAL Americans become racist’s happening for sure. Keep up the good work Mexicrats....PLEASE!

Why do you need to become racist? Republicans can win because they have a better argument for how everyone can live a better life. Use your ideas and arguments. Otherwise you are just pushing people away when you absolutely do not have to.
The motivations, and principles are sound regardless of feelings. If one votes based on feelings, over principles...Here’s your sign...
I think a few too many people are buying in to what the press has been pushing the few decades. Racist, racist, racist, and every racist post is validation that huge numbers of people are racist. This is not reasonable, and it is more than a bit insulting.

Mexicrats are insisting that GOOD, REAL Americans become racist’s happening for sure. Keep up the good work Mexicrats....PLEASE!

Why do you need to become racist? Republicans can win because they have a better argument for how everyone can live a better life. Use your ideas and arguments. Otherwise you are just pushing people away when you absolutely do not have to.

You’re late to the party bud...your president just won 30 states and 2,623 counties on a very firm “FUCK WETBACKS” platform. That’s where the good people in this nation have all arrived these days...were no longer tiptoeing around and tap dancing like nutless bitches. We want our nation back and we’ve made it crystal fucking clear. Further, there is nothing racist in expecting law and order or in hating’s kinda something that all good people do.
Dream on.

So what is the point?

I understand you’re 50% Hispanic...the motivation for your position on the matter is clear....but tell me this, in the real world how do you dig a nation out of debt and build a prosperous, thriving society on the backs of poor quality human beings?
You start by assuming that everyone has value, and not by looking down on those who are different.

As America continues to become browner, I guess we're going to find out.

Hold on a minute....”you start by” so you pretend there is no existing data?
Do you hear yourself?
“As America continues to become browner, I guess we're going to find out.”
You’ve made the concession? Keep that border open huh?
It can’t happen fast enough for you can it?
Be careful what you wish for.
Just observing demographic trends. Existing data.

We'll see. Demographics are out of my hands.

Haha...that’s kinda the point and premise to this whole thread know damn good and well where things are headed as this nation becomes browner...haha
Look around the globe at ALL brown nations....look at Mexifornia. Damn dude, stop playing stupid.
I guess I'm just fortunate. Unlike those on the hardcore Left/Right wings, I don't go through life consumed by skin color, I don't lose my shit over every possible little thing. Maybe that's why I've never had blood pressure issues. I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.

So, I'm comfy just observing the circus and being thankful that I'm not like that.

I understand you’re 50% Hispanic...the motivation for your position on the matter is clear....but tell me this, in the real world how do you dig a nation out of debt and build a prosperous, thriving society on the backs of poor quality human beings?
You start by assuming that everyone has value, and not by looking down on those who are different.

As America continues to become browner, I guess we're going to find out.

Hold on a minute....”you start by” so you pretend there is no existing data?
Do you hear yourself?
“As America continues to become browner, I guess we're going to find out.”
You’ve made the concession? Keep that border open huh?
It can’t happen fast enough for you can it?
Be careful what you wish for.
Just observing demographic trends. Existing data.

We'll see. Demographics are out of my hands.

Haha...that’s kinda the point and premise to this whole thread know damn good and well where things are headed as this nation becomes browner...haha
Look around the globe at ALL brown nations....look at Mexifornia. Damn dude, stop playing stupid.
I guess I'm just fortunate. Unlike those on the hardcore Left/Right wings, I don't go through life consumed by skin color, I don't lose my shit over every possible little thing. Maybe that's why I've never had blood pressure issues. I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.

So, I'm comfy just observing the circus and being thankful that I'm not like that.


“I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.”
Haha...nice play Mac..damn you play the middle well. I can tell you take great pride in that non-confrontational you. I bet you’ve always steered way clear of picking sides and or standing firmly for something....ummm, cool...I guess.
For the sound awfully matter of are you so sure the “decay” is cultural and not racial? Because that’s the safer play?
Is it total coincidence that as the populous of brown grows so to does the level of shitholeism?
You start by assuming that everyone has value, and not by looking down on those who are different.

As America continues to become browner, I guess we're going to find out.

Hold on a minute....”you start by” so you pretend there is no existing data?
Do you hear yourself?
“As America continues to become browner, I guess we're going to find out.”
You’ve made the concession? Keep that border open huh?
It can’t happen fast enough for you can it?
Be careful what you wish for.
Just observing demographic trends. Existing data.

We'll see. Demographics are out of my hands.

Haha...that’s kinda the point and premise to this whole thread know damn good and well where things are headed as this nation becomes browner...haha
Look around the globe at ALL brown nations....look at Mexifornia. Damn dude, stop playing stupid.
I guess I'm just fortunate. Unlike those on the hardcore Left/Right wings, I don't go through life consumed by skin color, I don't lose my shit over every possible little thing. Maybe that's why I've never had blood pressure issues. I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.

So, I'm comfy just observing the circus and being thankful that I'm not like that.


“I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.”
Haha...nice play Mac..damn you play the middle well. I can tell you take great pride in that non-confrontational you. I bet you’ve always steered way clear of picking sides and or standing firmly for something....ummm, cool...I guess.
For the sound awfully matter of are you so sure the “decay” is cultural and not racial? Because that’s the safer play?
Is it total coincidence that as the populous of brown grows so to does the level of shitholeism?
My "stands" on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I realize that people on the wings think you're supposed to join a tribe and obediently fall in line like a good little bunny, but I'm afraid that's just how my little brain works. That's dishonest to me. I like seeing the big picture in any given situation. Come to think of it, I need to.

I guess you'd better get started on getting rid of as many brown and black people as you can. I'll give you credit: Many on the Right aren't as forthcoming as you. I'm a huge fan of freedom of expression, so keep going.
Hold on a minute....”you start by” so you pretend there is no existing data?
Do you hear yourself?
“As America continues to become browner, I guess we're going to find out.”
You’ve made the concession? Keep that border open huh?
It can’t happen fast enough for you can it?
Be careful what you wish for.
Just observing demographic trends. Existing data.

We'll see. Demographics are out of my hands.

Haha...that’s kinda the point and premise to this whole thread know damn good and well where things are headed as this nation becomes browner...haha
Look around the globe at ALL brown nations....look at Mexifornia. Damn dude, stop playing stupid.
I guess I'm just fortunate. Unlike those on the hardcore Left/Right wings, I don't go through life consumed by skin color, I don't lose my shit over every possible little thing. Maybe that's why I've never had blood pressure issues. I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.

So, I'm comfy just observing the circus and being thankful that I'm not like that.


“I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.”
Haha...nice play Mac..damn you play the middle well. I can tell you take great pride in that non-confrontational you. I bet you’ve always steered way clear of picking sides and or standing firmly for something....ummm, cool...I guess.
For the sound awfully matter of are you so sure the “decay” is cultural and not racial? Because that’s the safer play?
Is it total coincidence that as the populous of brown grows so to does the level of shitholeism?
My "stands" on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I realize that people on the wings think you're supposed to join a tribe and obediently fall in line like a good little bunny, but I'm afraid that's just how my little brain works. That's dishonest to me. I like seeing the big picture in any given situation. Come to think of it, I need to.

I guess you'd better get started on getting rid of as many brown and black people as you can. I'll give you credit: Many on the Right aren't as forthcoming as you. I'm a huge fan of freedom of expression, so keep going.
While you’re giving out credit... Allow me to inquire... Whom are the real antagonists, and enemies? Those who would say it plain? Or those who would say anything, as long as it secured both your vote, and your money; meanwhile delivering what I offer for free...?
Last edited:
Hold on a minute....”you start by” so you pretend there is no existing data?
Do you hear yourself?
“As America continues to become browner, I guess we're going to find out.”
You’ve made the concession? Keep that border open huh?
It can’t happen fast enough for you can it?
Be careful what you wish for.
Just observing demographic trends. Existing data.

We'll see. Demographics are out of my hands.

Haha...that’s kinda the point and premise to this whole thread know damn good and well where things are headed as this nation becomes browner...haha
Look around the globe at ALL brown nations....look at Mexifornia. Damn dude, stop playing stupid.
I guess I'm just fortunate. Unlike those on the hardcore Left/Right wings, I don't go through life consumed by skin color, I don't lose my shit over every possible little thing. Maybe that's why I've never had blood pressure issues. I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.

So, I'm comfy just observing the circus and being thankful that I'm not like that.


“I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.”
Haha...nice play Mac..damn you play the middle well. I can tell you take great pride in that non-confrontational you. I bet you’ve always steered way clear of picking sides and or standing firmly for something....ummm, cool...I guess.
For the sound awfully matter of are you so sure the “decay” is cultural and not racial? Because that’s the safer play?
Is it total coincidence that as the populous of brown grows so to does the level of shitholeism?
My "stands" on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I realize that people on the wings think you're supposed to join a tribe and obediently fall in line like a good little bunny, but I'm afraid that's just how my little brain works. That's dishonest to me. I like seeing the big picture in any given situation. Come to think of it, I need to.

I guess you'd better get started on getting rid of as many brown and black people as you can. I'll give you credit: Many on the Right aren't as forthcoming as you. I'm a huge fan of freedom of expression, so keep going.

“I'll give you credit: Many on the Right aren't as forthcoming as you. I'm a huge fan of freedom of expression, so keep going.”
Haha...Sure you’re a fan of free speech and expression...I know your type, “keep going, keep digging that hole and speaking for the GOP” right Mac?
But hey, thanks anyway, I take great pride in speaking clearly, no beating around the bush, no spin and no sugar coat...I prefer to come across as concise and even abrasive...that’s my thing.
I understand you’re 50% Hispanic...the motivation for your position on the matter is clear....but tell me this, in the real world how do you dig a nation out of debt and build a prosperous, thriving society on the backs of poor quality human beings?
You start by assuming that everyone has value, and not by looking down on those who are different.

As America continues to become browner, I guess we're going to find out.

Hold on a minute....”you start by” so you pretend there is no existing data?
Do you hear yourself?
“As America continues to become browner, I guess we're going to find out.”
You’ve made the concession? Keep that border open huh?
It can’t happen fast enough for you can it?
Be careful what you wish for.
Just observing demographic trends. Existing data.

We'll see. Demographics are out of my hands.

Haha...that’s kinda the point and premise to this whole thread know damn good and well where things are headed as this nation becomes browner...haha
Look around the globe at ALL brown nations....look at Mexifornia. Damn dude, stop playing stupid.
I guess I'm just fortunate. Unlike those on the hardcore Left/Right wings, I don't go through life consumed by skin color, I don't lose my shit over every possible little thing. Maybe that's why I've never had blood pressure issues. I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.

So, I'm comfy just observing the circus and being thankful that I'm not like that.

I have never based much of anything on race. I lived in a all white town. At least I thought I did until I got my DNA back now I am Not White Not Black, not Asian not American indian, I is a Other. LOF.
Is anybody courageous enough to discuss this topic?
Are there inherent deficiencies among certain ‘groups’?
Hoping Mac1958 will help out with this one.

What no one here, or anywhere these days, will tell you about is how the Big 3 applied political theories of the post-Enlightenment Era: Constitutional Democracy, Active State Socialism, and Communism, are like ideological power plants. What the hell am I talking about?

The civilizational "offspring" of each of the Big 3 mentioned above, in order to survive and thrive, had to remain plugged in to the respective world power to rise to such status by building nations founded on one of the Big 3 political theories. Follow?

America was and remains the great and enduring world power founded upon Constitutional Democracy. In order to survive and thrive after emulating the original American model, nations around the world had to remain plugged in, or perpetually interfaced with the good old US of A, in order to grow their economies and political systems—almost like software update, but for their economies and government; for their civilizations to progress under the Constitutional Democratic model. (As an aside, the farther European Constitutional and Parliamentary Democracies go Left from their America derived imitation societies, the more they tend to fail.)

And so it was also with Socialist and Communist "upstart" nations who modelled their own civilizations and nations on those world power Socialist and Communist "parent" founding governments, such as the USSR and China. Those much smaller, often Third World nations whose leaders derived and implemented their governing political theories from Marxism inspired superpowers are failing not because of skin color, but because the USSR unplugged them from its ideological power plant after collapsing, and so all the support Soviet Russia once provided, primarily in ideological and economical and governing "updates" was no longer available.

Of course, the opposite has been true for "white hat" ally nations who derived their governing systems from the USA. They have continued to thrive due to their having remained plugged in to American ideology, economy and governing theory updates.

The anti-Politically Correct "hot potato" regarding this topic, is the historical truth that no matter how we, Americans, initiated and achieved Third World government transitions from monarchies/dictatorships, etc. to democratic ones, the results were always the same: the peoples of said nations were better off following our political theory, until the USSR or China or whatever other Marxism derived more powerful nation came along and successfully pulled off a coup, and instituted their base Marxism derived brand of government. The Western world at large does not want to admit that. No, they wish to sweep it under a rug and rewrite history. You see, in today's pop political culture, it is forbidden to talk publicly about how Marxism, in all derived forms, fails individual freedom.

Three political ideologies have been at war for nearly three centuries now for control of all of the world's governments. Those three ideologies are; Constitutional Democracy, Socio-Communism, and Islam.
Last edited:
Just observing demographic trends. Existing data.

We'll see. Demographics are out of my hands.

Haha...that’s kinda the point and premise to this whole thread know damn good and well where things are headed as this nation becomes browner...haha
Look around the globe at ALL brown nations....look at Mexifornia. Damn dude, stop playing stupid.
I guess I'm just fortunate. Unlike those on the hardcore Left/Right wings, I don't go through life consumed by skin color, I don't lose my shit over every possible little thing. Maybe that's why I've never had blood pressure issues. I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.

So, I'm comfy just observing the circus and being thankful that I'm not like that.


“I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.”
Haha...nice play Mac..damn you play the middle well. I can tell you take great pride in that non-confrontational you. I bet you’ve always steered way clear of picking sides and or standing firmly for something....ummm, cool...I guess.
For the sound awfully matter of are you so sure the “decay” is cultural and not racial? Because that’s the safer play?
Is it total coincidence that as the populous of brown grows so to does the level of shitholeism?
My "stands" on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I realize that people on the wings think you're supposed to join a tribe and obediently fall in line like a good little bunny, but I'm afraid that's just how my little brain works. That's dishonest to me. I like seeing the big picture in any given situation. Come to think of it, I need to.

I guess you'd better get started on getting rid of as many brown and black people as you can. I'll give you credit: Many on the Right aren't as forthcoming as you. I'm a huge fan of freedom of expression, so keep going.

“I'll give you credit: Many on the Right aren't as forthcoming as you. I'm a huge fan of freedom of expression, so keep going.”
Haha...Sure you’re a fan of free speech and expression...I know your type, “keep going, keep digging that hole and speaking for the GOP” right Mac?
But hey, thanks anyway, I take great pride in speaking clearly, no beating around the bush, no spin and no sugar coat...I prefer to come across as concise and even abrasive...that’s my thing.

You project those qualities on Trump. He denies his bigotry. He would NEVER say that brown people have lower IQ’s and are immoral.

You seem to think he believes that. But he won’t say it. Why not? Is he PC?
Haha...that’s kinda the point and premise to this whole thread know damn good and well where things are headed as this nation becomes browner...haha
Look around the globe at ALL brown nations....look at Mexifornia. Damn dude, stop playing stupid.
I guess I'm just fortunate. Unlike those on the hardcore Left/Right wings, I don't go through life consumed by skin color, I don't lose my shit over every possible little thing. Maybe that's why I've never had blood pressure issues. I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.

So, I'm comfy just observing the circus and being thankful that I'm not like that.


“I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.”
Haha...nice play Mac..damn you play the middle well. I can tell you take great pride in that non-confrontational you. I bet you’ve always steered way clear of picking sides and or standing firmly for something....ummm, cool...I guess.
For the sound awfully matter of are you so sure the “decay” is cultural and not racial? Because that’s the safer play?
Is it total coincidence that as the populous of brown grows so to does the level of shitholeism?
My "stands" on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I realize that people on the wings think you're supposed to join a tribe and obediently fall in line like a good little bunny, but I'm afraid that's just how my little brain works. That's dishonest to me. I like seeing the big picture in any given situation. Come to think of it, I need to.

I guess you'd better get started on getting rid of as many brown and black people as you can. I'll give you credit: Many on the Right aren't as forthcoming as you. I'm a huge fan of freedom of expression, so keep going.

“I'll give you credit: Many on the Right aren't as forthcoming as you. I'm a huge fan of freedom of expression, so keep going.”
Haha...Sure you’re a fan of free speech and expression...I know your type, “keep going, keep digging that hole and speaking for the GOP” right Mac?
But hey, thanks anyway, I take great pride in speaking clearly, no beating around the bush, no spin and no sugar coat...I prefer to come across as concise and even abrasive...that’s my thing.

You project those qualities on Trump. He denies his bigotry. He would NEVER say that brown people have lower IQ’s and are immoral.

You seem to think he believes that. But he won’t say it. Why not? Is he PC?

You're trying way too hard bud. I don’t speak for Trump.
Is anybody courageous enough to discuss this topic?
Are there inherent deficiencies among certain ‘groups’?
Hoping Mac1958 will help out with this one.
We discovered what the problem is; it is purely about economics.

Haha...oh FUCK !
Here comes the Danny Logic.....this should get entertaining.
it would, it it weren't so destructive.

We learned about the corrupting influence of Prohibition, the hard way; the Mexican Constitution has that federal power, built in.

They didn't get to know the difference.
I guess I'm just fortunate. Unlike those on the hardcore Left/Right wings, I don't go through life consumed by skin color, I don't lose my shit over every possible little thing. Maybe that's why I've never had blood pressure issues. I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.

So, I'm comfy just observing the circus and being thankful that I'm not like that.


“I do see decay, but it's cultural, not racial.”
Haha...nice play Mac..damn you play the middle well. I can tell you take great pride in that non-confrontational you. I bet you’ve always steered way clear of picking sides and or standing firmly for something....ummm, cool...I guess.
For the sound awfully matter of are you so sure the “decay” is cultural and not racial? Because that’s the safer play?
Is it total coincidence that as the populous of brown grows so to does the level of shitholeism?
My "stands" on the issues are in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I realize that people on the wings think you're supposed to join a tribe and obediently fall in line like a good little bunny, but I'm afraid that's just how my little brain works. That's dishonest to me. I like seeing the big picture in any given situation. Come to think of it, I need to.

I guess you'd better get started on getting rid of as many brown and black people as you can. I'll give you credit: Many on the Right aren't as forthcoming as you. I'm a huge fan of freedom of expression, so keep going.

“I'll give you credit: Many on the Right aren't as forthcoming as you. I'm a huge fan of freedom of expression, so keep going.”
Haha...Sure you’re a fan of free speech and expression...I know your type, “keep going, keep digging that hole and speaking for the GOP” right Mac?
But hey, thanks anyway, I take great pride in speaking clearly, no beating around the bush, no spin and no sugar coat...I prefer to come across as concise and even abrasive...that’s my thing.

You project those qualities on Trump. He denies his bigotry. He would NEVER say that brown people have lower IQ’s and are immoral.

You seem to think he believes that. But he won’t say it. Why not? Is he PC?

You're trying way too hard bud. I don’t speak for Trump.

You did earlier, guy.

Guess that’s no longer convenient.
Communism works in much the same way Capitalism does. Some people know how to manipulate THE system to their benefit, and others are going to be mere adherents to the system that exploits them either way. And some of us don't get any choice. But we know the score.
you cant turn people into criminals just for trying to survive, and uraguay works just fine

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