Communist revolutionaries burn American flags outside Jason Aldean concert, claiming 'America was never great'

So you have to ignore Biden and son's alleged corruption
Well yeah, because it's just a crazy story your side fabricated.

Now, you may not understand that you're peddling lies, being that you're hopelessly brainwashed and not very bright. That doesn't change the fact that you're pushing really dumb lies.
It's the Trump cult fascists here who constantly announce how unhappy they are to live under a democratic government. Why don't you ask them to come to Moscow to live with you?

Oh, that's right. Even the Russians don't want Trump cultists. They have some standards. Even the North Koreans would reject Trump cultists. You're just trying to stir up shit in the USA. It's what you get paid to do.
The Dem / Socislist party is not modeled on a democratic government.

They’re more aligned with Hitlerian Germany in the late 1930’s.
I accept and support free speech. My point is and I think that many would agree that it’s disgraceful to burn an American flag. It doesn’t make sense to be an American citizen, and then burn the flag. Those types of people should move to a different country.
Personally, I don't support arson.

They should do this is SanFran where they can poop on the flag instead of the sidewalk.



If the US was never great, how are these communists allowed to protest in public without being dragged off to a gulag? It's what would happen if anti-communists did it in Beijing, Moscow, or Havana.​

The communist group's manifesto has praised Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution​

A group of communist revolutionaries burned multiple American flags outside a Jason Aldean concert in Chicago on Saturday night, according to videos of the incident.

The protesters were raising awareness of RevCom (Revolutionary Communist Party), which believes in creating a Marxist revolution in America, calling the USA "the belly of the beast." The RevCom activists burned American flags before police "declared an unlawful assembly and said their activism ‘alarmed and disturbed others,'" according to News2Share, who captured the videos.
Congress needs to pull out the anti-Communist Law of 1954 that Eisenhower advised and supported to keep chaos out of the United States of America. Eisenhower saved Europe and North America from Hitler's merciless Third Reich, and he was adamant we needed to keep communists out of this country or we would have nothing but trouble. Marxist-promoting Biden has paved the road for a Commie DC. The American people are having their buying power pickpocketed by inflation and taxing border state residents to pay for Joe Biden's narcissistic border orders and demands for border states to pay for his insanity and possible pay to play games with Drug and Human Traffiker Cartels.
Biden isn't "sick," he's punishing his enemies he's created in this country, and by his enemies, it's all people who did not vote for him.

The American people are not amused with deep state puppeteers and their incompetent puppet.
Like free speech? How often do we hear from the Left that just because speech is free doesn't mean it has no consequences? That Aldean song is far more accurate than most Democrats would like to admit. People in major metropolitan areas may walk past a flag burning without comment. I live in a community of fewer than 4,000 and it is likely that the person doing the burning would realize he picked the wrong place to exercise his hate.
People all over this nation are growing weary with the constant barrage from the Left. When the pushback finally arrives, none of us will benefit.

LOL...sure. You sat by and watched an election supposedly get stolen from your god/idol. And you’re going to flex on someone who is burning a flag?
And now for the rest of the story.

Their actual intent was to show how they will do it in a small town or anywhere they please.

While outside the venue, the group set the American flag on fire. According to the Tribune, there were not any physical altercations between concertgoers and protestors as members of the group attempted to use Aldean’s “Try That in a Small Town” lyrics against him.

“Guess what Jason?” protestor Rafael Kadaris said to the outlet. “We will try that in a small town. We will try that in a big city. And we will try it right in front of your concert.”

Communist Protesters Burn American Flag Outside Jason Aldean’s Show: ‘We’ll Try It Right in Front of Your Concert’

And what was done about it? Absolutely nothing.

Aldean has yet to address the incident outside his concert.

Aldean doesn't even have the balls to simply address it.
LOL...sure. You sat by and watched an election supposedly get stolen from your god/idol. And you’re going to flex on someone who is burning a flag?
I think it would be funny as hell if they burned a bunch of poor old bidens adult diapers.....just thinking about that makes me laugh like hell
Only far lefties burn American flags. Trump supporters don’t do this.

True, Trumpers just take down American flags, throw them on the ground and replace them with Trump flags.

Only lefties engage in brutal political violence like the BLM riots. Killing people shooting people causing billions of dollars worth of damage. Trump supporters and Republicans don’t do that.


I could not care what you do with yer property.

gasp! You better lock your doors…if the gestapo left sees that you are supportive of burning pride flags…they might get mad!

…also…interesting comment to make. What makes you think I’m gay? And if I were…would that be a bad thing?
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No. I am sure they feel emotively invested.

No, sounds like you have a need to support pride flag burning because, otherwise, it would be a double standard…I’m sure any other time, you’d be saying that burning a pride flag is a form of hate speech, but since you are having this bout of “free speech” when it comes to burning an American flag…you kind of have to also assert that for the pride flag.
No, sounds like you have a need to support pride flag burning because, otherwise, it would be a double standard…I’m sure any other time, you’d be saying that burning a pride flag is a form of hate speech, but since you are having this bout of “free speech” when it comes to burning an American flag…you kind of have to also assert that for the pride flag.
According to the law, you may destroy your personal property any way you want. Why should I care what you do with your personal property?
According to the law, you may destroy your personal property any way you want. Why should I care what you do with your personal property?

It’s just a stark departure from the normal left wing view on things. Normally they’d say burning a pride flag was hate speech.
It's the Trump cult fascists here who constantly announce how unhappy they are to live under a democratic government. Why don't you ask them to come to Moscow to live with you?

Oh, that's right. Even the Russians don't want Trump cultists. They have some standards. Even the North Koreans would reject Trump cultists. You're just trying to stir up shit in the USA. It's what you get paid to do.
You are simply outrageously a RIOT.... It's simply amazing how you knucklehead's engage in the bull shite that you engage in, especially the deviancy and what not, but then y'all have the audacity or nerve to trash other people as if you people are as clean as the driven snow..... You can't make this stuff up I tell ya.

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