Communists Call for Withdrawl From Libya


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
It is time to end the NATO intervention in Libya and call for a cease fire and a negotiated settlement now.

The NATO powers, especially, France, the U.K., Italy and the United States, have gone far beyond any authority given them by U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973, which authorized the creation of a no-fly zone to protect unarmed Libyan civilians from being slaughtered by forces loyal to Moammar Gadaffi. They have used the resolution as a pretext for a full-fledged military effort to oust Gadaffi and his allies from power, and to install a government more friendly to their own interests. The world is right to suspect that this intervention is less about protecting civilians than about protecting oil, gas, water, banking and geopolitical interests of the wealthy countries, who have seen their influence in the area slipping due to the “Arab Spring”.
Communist Party: End the Intervention in Libya Now! » cpusa
So the commies and Republicans agree?

What would Reagan say? He wouldn't side w/ the godless commies would he?

And the left and terrorists agreed on opposition to the war on terror. Did you have a point...?

All the wars on terra? It could also be termed the War on the tax-payer or the War to defend defense contractors. give me a break. Before you come out w/ any patriotism BS, I already served.
So the commies and Republicans agree?

What would Reagan say? He wouldn't side w/ the godless commies would he?

And the left and terrorists agreed on opposition to the war on terror. Did you have a point...?
Are you saying you agree with the communists? The reds have some good ideas?
News flash, Skippy: Everyone has some bright ideas. Even a stopped clock, etc. Rational, intelligent people can evaluate an idea with no regard for the originator.

You might be surprised at some of the people I've pos-repped. I think even you a couple times.
So the commies and Republicans agree?

What would Reagan say? He wouldn't side w/ the godless commies would he?

And the left and terrorists agreed on opposition to the war on terror. Did you have a point...?

All the wars on terra? It could also be termed the War on the tax-payer or the War to defend defense contractors.
It could be, but only by idiots.
give me a break.
You leftists and your thinking you're entitled to everything. Get off your ass and earn your own break.
Before you come out w/ any patriotism BS, I already served.
Did you turn in your balls to the quartermaster when you mustered out?
Broken clocks can tell the right time twice on a daily basis. Which is something fully functioning clocks will fail to do if they are set incorrectly.

Removing Quaddaffi is pretty much the responsibility of the Libyans. Imposing rulers on other folks always ends badly, as in Cuba and Iran. I am very much in favor of Quaddaffi being gone. But the Communists are quite right in questioning the bona fides of the folks involved in this adventure, especially when it comes to the interests of the Libyans and the interests of the western powers.

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