Communists Win, America Loses


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
GAHANNA, Ohio -- Late Tuesday night, the pundits on TV began jabbering incomprehensibly along the lines of, "What does it mean?"

The American people -- or, at the very least, a sufficient plurality of them -- decided that they want another four years of clumsy policy failures and vengeful "progressivism," as Democrats nowadays describe their agenda for wrecking what remains of our constitutional republic. Even before the unmitigated political disaster of November 6, 2012, a date that will live in infamy, the prospects of salvaging the United States were not particularly hopeful. Now, however, we are permanently and irretrievably screwed.

Let's not mince words, eh? It was one thing, obviously, for the electorate to choose Barack Obama in 2008, when Bush-era "brand damage" was still a fresh irritant in the wounds of a war-weary nation. Four years ago, Obama was untested and enshrouded in the glowing mantle of Hope. No intelligent person could possibly believe that "Lightworker" crap anymore, but then again, it's been a long time since any intelligent person believed anything a Democrat said. The cretins and dimwits have become an effective governing majority, and the question for conservatives at this point is perhaps not, "What does it mean?" but rather, "Why should we bother ourselves resisting it any longer?"

Alas, as always, the duty of the Right is to manfully endure, to survive the defeat and stubbornly oppose the vaunting foe, and so this brutal shock, this electoral catastrophe, must be absorbed and digested. At some point next week or next month or next year, then, we shall recover our morale and plot some new stratagem for the future. In the immediate aftermath of Tuesday's debacle, however, it is difficult to see any glimmer of light amid the encroaching gloom. Surely, there are many Americans who now sympathize with that New York infantryman who, in the bleak winter of 1862, when the Union's Army of the Potomac was under the incompetent command of Gen. Ambrose Burnside, wrote home in forlorn complaint: "Mother, do not wonder that my loyalty is growing weak.… I am sick and tired of the disaster and the fools that bring disaster upon us."

The American Spectator : Doomed Beyond All Hope of Redemption
Yeah, that'll move the country forward. Pretend more than half of us are the enemy. Isn't this the exact thing liberals were attacked about after Gore's loss and that was when Al actually had more votes!!!
GAHANNA, Ohio -- Late Tuesday night, the pundits on TV began jabbering incomprehensibly along the lines of, "What does it mean?"

The American people -- or, at the very least, a sufficient plurality of them -- decided that they want another four years of clumsy policy failures and vengeful "progressivism," as Democrats nowadays describe their agenda for wrecking what remains of our constitutional republic. Even before the unmitigated political disaster of November 6, 2012, a date that will live in infamy, the prospects of salvaging the United States were not particularly hopeful. Now, however, we are permanently and irretrievably screwed.

Let's not mince words, eh? It was one thing, obviously, for the electorate to choose Barack Obama in 2008, when Bush-era "brand damage" was still a fresh irritant in the wounds of a war-weary nation. Four years ago, Obama was untested and enshrouded in the glowing mantle of Hope. No intelligent person could possibly believe that "Lightworker" crap anymore, but then again, it's been a long time since any intelligent person believed anything a Democrat said. The cretins and dimwits have become an effective governing majority, and the question for conservatives at this point is perhaps not, "What does it mean?" but rather, "Why should we bother ourselves resisting it any longer?"

Alas, as always, the duty of the Right is to manfully endure, to survive the defeat and stubbornly oppose the vaunting foe, and so this brutal shock, this electoral catastrophe, must be absorbed and digested. At some point next week or next month or next year, then, we shall recover our morale and plot some new stratagem for the future. In the immediate aftermath of Tuesday's debacle, however, it is difficult to see any glimmer of light amid the encroaching gloom. Surely, there are many Americans who now sympathize with that New York infantryman who, in the bleak winter of 1862, when the Union's Army of the Potomac was under the incompetent command of Gen. Ambrose Burnside, wrote home in forlorn complaint: "Mother, do not wonder that my loyalty is growing weak.… I am sick and tired of the disaster and the fools that bring disaster upon us."

The American Spectator : Doomed Beyond All Hope of Redemption

Logic and Reason? Yeah, that's a good one.

You're just a piss-poor partisan hack regurgitating talking points.

Dime a fuckin' dozen... like a crack whore in the ghetto.

Congrats on your failure.

Now, move out of the way, the rest of us have work to do.
Everyone who does not agree with the élitist program of the right persuasion is a communist. Such poor, misguided individuals only exist to subvert and destroy America. Every one of them is a leach sucking the life blood from the noble, altruistic rich.
How can these poor wretches exist? Why would they base their very existence on the simple opposition to all that is good in the world and only present because of the bounty provided by corporations?
Don't agree = liberal = socialist = communist = anti-God, good and America.

Ah, life is so simple!
American Spectator! A far right resource, of course.
Does anyone think for themselves or are they just happy with being a hand-puppet their entire lives?
This just in, Communists give companies record profits.

How now brown cow?
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs............... Marx

Wise words have never been uttered

Hail Che Guevara !!!!!!!!!!!
Take those meds NOW. We're not headed for communism. :cuckoo:
Not sure about the rest of you, but the vibe across my city is that America is finished. It's an eerie feeling I get. almost like we are living in Beirut and not America. so weird the un-nerving attitude of people I talk to. Dem. or Rep.

Why is that if Obama is the Messiah to save all the poor asses, pass out Obamaphones and tax the rich?
In order to say Communism won, you must first know the definition of Communism. The Communist Party would not agree they won.

Sounds like sour grapes
Not sure about the rest of you, but the vibe across my city is that America is finished. It's an eerie feeling I get. almost like we are living in Beirut and not America. so weird the un-nerving attitude of people I talk to. Dem. or Rep.

Why is that if Obama is the Messiah to save all the poor asses, pass out Obamaphones and tax the rich?

Well, for starters. Obamaphone thing is a complete myth, interesting that you should mention it though. Great way of showing how brainwashed you are.
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Lets be clear, the communist party usa has the same if not the identical platform as progressives................
GAHANNA, Ohio -- Late Tuesday night, the pundits on TV began jabbering incomprehensibly along the lines of, "What does it mean?"

The American people -- or, at the very least, a sufficient plurality of them -- decided that they want another four years of clumsy policy failures and vengeful "progressivism," as Democrats nowadays describe their agenda for wrecking what remains of our constitutional republic. Even before the unmitigated political disaster of November 6, 2012, a date that will live in infamy, the prospects of salvaging the United States were not particularly hopeful. Now, however, we are permanently and irretrievably screwed.

Let's not mince words, eh? It was one thing, obviously, for the electorate to choose Barack Obama in 2008, when Bush-era "brand damage" was still a fresh irritant in the wounds of a war-weary nation. Four years ago, Obama was untested and enshrouded in the glowing mantle of Hope. No intelligent person could possibly believe that "Lightworker" crap anymore, but then again, it's been a long time since any intelligent person believed anything a Democrat said. The cretins and dimwits have become an effective governing majority, and the question for conservatives at this point is perhaps not, "What does it mean?" but rather, "Why should we bother ourselves resisting it any longer?"

Alas, as always, the duty of the Right is to manfully endure, to survive the defeat and stubbornly oppose the vaunting foe, and so this brutal shock, this electoral catastrophe, must be absorbed and digested. At some point next week or next month or next year, then, we shall recover our morale and plot some new stratagem for the future. In the immediate aftermath of Tuesday's debacle, however, it is difficult to see any glimmer of light amid the encroaching gloom. Surely, there are many Americans who now sympathize with that New York infantryman who, in the bleak winter of 1862, when the Union's Army of the Potomac was under the incompetent command of Gen. Ambrose Burnside, wrote home in forlorn complaint: "Mother, do not wonder that my loyalty is growing weak.… I am sick and tired of the disaster and the fools that bring disaster upon us."

The American Spectator : Doomed Beyond All Hope of Redemption

See, that's the thing... I could forgive a moment of national stupidity in 2008 when we were dealing with an unknown quantity whose rhetoric was significantly different than the record he's established. But this?... no. I will NOT forgive this. Granted, the media has done its utter best to mislead people and defend the fucking nitwit in the White House, but that's no excuse. Anybody with 15 minutes and access to a computer could've found out the truth.

So... fuck 'em. They want a nanny? ...fine. They can wallow in the filth they've created. But I'll be damned if I wallow too. I'll be too busy learning to BE the racist, white, fat cat they've spent four years accusing me, and everyone who believed in Liberty, of being. Damned if I'll go down in their stinking, squalid ship. And while I'm doing that, you can bet your ass I'll be fucking Uncle Sugar out of every last red cent I can along the way.
GAHANNA, Ohio -- Late Tuesday night, the pundits on TV began jabbering incomprehensibly along the lines of, "What does it mean?"

The American people -- or, at the very least, a sufficient plurality of them -- decided that they want another four years of clumsy policy failures and vengeful "progressivism," as Democrats nowadays describe their agenda for wrecking what remains of our constitutional republic. Even before the unmitigated political disaster of November 6, 2012, a date that will live in infamy, the prospects of salvaging the United States were not particularly hopeful. Now, however, we are permanently and irretrievably screwed.

Let's not mince words, eh? It was one thing, obviously, for the electorate to choose Barack Obama in 2008, when Bush-era "brand damage" was still a fresh irritant in the wounds of a war-weary nation. Four years ago, Obama was untested and enshrouded in the glowing mantle of Hope. No intelligent person could possibly believe that "Lightworker" crap anymore, but then again, it's been a long time since any intelligent person believed anything a Democrat said. The cretins and dimwits have become an effective governing majority, and the question for conservatives at this point is perhaps not, "What does it mean?" but rather, "Why should we bother ourselves resisting it any longer?"

Alas, as always, the duty of the Right is to manfully endure, to survive the defeat and stubbornly oppose the vaunting foe, and so this brutal shock, this electoral catastrophe, must be absorbed and digested. At some point next week or next month or next year, then, we shall recover our morale and plot some new stratagem for the future. In the immediate aftermath of Tuesday's debacle, however, it is difficult to see any glimmer of light amid the encroaching gloom. Surely, there are many Americans who now sympathize with that New York infantryman who, in the bleak winter of 1862, when the Union's Army of the Potomac was under the incompetent command of Gen. Ambrose Burnside, wrote home in forlorn complaint: "Mother, do not wonder that my loyalty is growing weak.… I am sick and tired of the disaster and the fools that bring disaster upon us."

The American Spectator : Doomed Beyond All Hope of Redemption

See, that's the thing... I could forgive a moment of national stupidity in 2008 when we were dealing with an unknown quantity whose rhetoric was significantly different than the record he's established. But this?... no. I will NOT forgive this. Granted, the media has done its utter best to mislead people and defend the fucking nitwit in the White House, but that's no excuse. Anybody with 15 minutes and access to a computer could've found out the truth.

So... fuck 'em. They want a nanny? ...fine. They can wallow in the filth they've created. But I'll be damned if I wallow too. I'll be too busy learning to BE the racist, white, fat cat they've spent four years accusing me, and everyone who believed in Liberty, of being. Damned if I'll go down in their stinking, squalid ship. And while I'm doing that, you can bet your ass I'll be fucking Uncle Sugar out of every last red cent I can along the way.

That's it!

Double down on dumb.

It has really been working for you guys so far.. :lol: :lol:
GAHANNA, Ohio -- Late Tuesday night, the pundits on TV began jabbering incomprehensibly along the lines of, "What does it mean?"

The American people -- or, at the very least, a sufficient plurality of them -- decided that they want another four years of clumsy policy failures and vengeful "progressivism," as Democrats nowadays describe their agenda for wrecking what remains of our constitutional republic. Even before the unmitigated political disaster of November 6, 2012, a date that will live in infamy, the prospects of salvaging the United States were not particularly hopeful. Now, however, we are permanently and irretrievably screwed.

Let's not mince words, eh? It was one thing, obviously, for the electorate to choose Barack Obama in 2008, when Bush-era "brand damage" was still a fresh irritant in the wounds of a war-weary nation. Four years ago, Obama was untested and enshrouded in the glowing mantle of Hope. No intelligent person could possibly believe that "Lightworker" crap anymore, but then again, it's been a long time since any intelligent person believed anything a Democrat said. The cretins and dimwits have become an effective governing majority, and the question for conservatives at this point is perhaps not, "What does it mean?" but rather, "Why should we bother ourselves resisting it any longer?"

Alas, as always, the duty of the Right is to manfully endure, to survive the defeat and stubbornly oppose the vaunting foe, and so this brutal shock, this electoral catastrophe, must be absorbed and digested. At some point next week or next month or next year, then, we shall recover our morale and plot some new stratagem for the future. In the immediate aftermath of Tuesday's debacle, however, it is difficult to see any glimmer of light amid the encroaching gloom. Surely, there are many Americans who now sympathize with that New York infantryman who, in the bleak winter of 1862, when the Union's Army of the Potomac was under the incompetent command of Gen. Ambrose Burnside, wrote home in forlorn complaint: "Mother, do not wonder that my loyalty is growing weak.… I am sick and tired of the disaster and the fools that bring disaster upon us."

The American Spectator : Doomed Beyond All Hope of Redemption

See, that's the thing... I could forgive a moment of national stupidity in 2008 when we were dealing with an unknown quantity whose rhetoric was significantly different than the record he's established. But this?... no. I will NOT forgive this. Granted, the media has done its utter best to mislead people and defend the fucking nitwit in the White House, but that's no excuse. Anybody with 15 minutes and access to a computer could've found out the truth.

So... fuck 'em. They want a nanny? ...fine. They can wallow in the filth they've created. But I'll be damned if I wallow too. I'll be too busy learning to BE the racist, white, fat cat they've spent four years accusing me, and everyone who believed in Liberty, of being. Damned if I'll go down in their stinking, squalid ship. And while I'm doing that, you can bet your ass I'll be fucking Uncle Sugar out of every last red cent I can along the way.

That's it!

Double down on dumb.

It has really been working for you guys so far.. :lol: :lol:

Piss off, commie. You think the rest of us are going to work our asses off to bail your stupid shit out of the mess YOU created? Go suck a dick. Well, another dick. You'll have to spit Obama's out of your mouth first.

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