Community Organizer Attempts Mass Murder At FRC Over Chic-Fil-A

The left has labeled anyone who supports traditional marriage as a hate group. So a nut-job from the Southern Poverty Legal Group decided to buy bags of Chic-fil-a food, murder dozens of members of the Family Relief Council to prove that what is normal is actually hatred.

The media is ignoring it because it doesn't fit their agenda and, well heck, nobody died.

BTW, this is another off-shoot of Obama's and the Democrats' same-sex marriage platform.

Nothing to see here.

Hero guard shot thwarting attack at Family Research Council HQ | Fox News

Dude, you crack me up!

By "Southern Poverty Legal Group" I take you actually mean the Southern Poverty Law Center, and I also gather you have never heard of the SPLC until recently since you butchered their name so badly.

Secondly, your own link contradicts you. :lol:

Corkins had been volunteering for about the past six months at The DC Center for the LGBT Community, said David Mariner, executive director of the community center, which is in Northwest Washington. He usually staffed the center's front desk on Saturdays, and his most recent shift was about two weeks ago.

"Community organizer". I see what you did there.

Hoo boy. You are priceless!


First of all, I heard this on the radio, so it was done from memory, and I didn't butcher it, I just couldn't remember if it was group or center.

WOW. Butchered the fuck out of that.

Not really numb-nuts.

The first link I posted was the only story I could find on my Blackberry. More have been posted since and I have linked them. Pretty much exactly what I said almost word for word.

So you were saying???

I didn't realize Stormfront had a radio station.

Why don't you just admit you made the whole thing up and move on.
The left has labeled anyone who supports traditional marriage as a hate group. So a nut-job from the Southern Poverty Legal Group decided to buy bags of Chic-fil-a food, murder dozens of members of the Family Relief Council to prove that what is normal is actually hatred.

The media is ignoring it because it doesn't fit their agenda and, well heck, nobody died.

BTW, this is another off-shoot of Obama's and the Democrats' same-sex marriage platform.

Nothing to see here.

Hero guard shot thwarting attack at Family Research Council HQ | Fox News

Dude, you crack me up!

By "Southern Poverty Legal Group" I take you actually mean the Southern Poverty Law Center, and I also gather you have never heard of the SPLC until recently since you butchered their name so badly.

Secondly, your own link contradicts you. :lol:

Corkins had been volunteering for about the past six months at The DC Center for the LGBT Community, said David Mariner, executive director of the community center, which is in Northwest Washington. He usually staffed the center's front desk on Saturdays, and his most recent shift was about two weeks ago.

"Community organizer". I see what you did there.

Hoo boy. You are priceless!


First of all, I heard this on the radio, so it was done from memory, and I didn't butcher it, I just couldn't remember if it was group or center.

That explains a lot...
Because republicans like to attack people in groups

I don't know aBout republicans but that is certainly true of blacks and Mexicans, which vote overwhelmingly for the party promising them free shit.

I dont understand why blacks and mexicans wont vote for a party that belittles them so. It makes no sense...unless you consider being shitted on a good thing.

They don't vote against anything. They vote for the hand that promises to feed them.
Critics have this habit of nit-picking unrelated items in a story when they want to.

Strange how the mainstreamers got so much wrong in the Colorado shooting, even found a way to blame the Tea Party, which was a critical error, but that error is ignored.

At least you dip-shits are consistent.
Dude, you crack me up!

By "Southern Poverty Legal Group" I take you actually mean the Southern Poverty Law Center, and I also gather you have never heard of the SPLC until recently since you butchered their name so badly.

Secondly, your own link contradicts you. :lol:

"Community organizer". I see what you did there.

Hoo boy. You are priceless!


First of all, I heard this on the radio, so it was done from memory, and I didn't butcher it, I just couldn't remember if it was group or center.

WOW. Butchered the fuck out of that.

Not really numb-nuts.

The first link I posted was the only story I could find on my Blackberry. More have been posted since and I have linked them. Pretty much exactly what I said almost word for word.

So you were saying???

I didn't realize Stormfront had a radio station.

Why don't you just admit you made the whole thing up and move on.

Why don't you put your thumb up your butt.
The left has labeled anyone who supports traditional marriage as a hate group. So a nut-job from the Southern Poverty Legal Group decided to buy bags of Chic-fil-a food, murder dozens of members of the Family Relief Council to prove that what is normal is actually hatred.

The media is ignoring it because it doesn't fit their agenda and, well heck, nobody died.

BTW, this is another off-shoot of Obama's and the Democrats' same-sex marriage platform.

Nothing to see here.

Hero guard shot thwarting attack at Family Research Council HQ | Fox News

Dude, you crack me up!

By "Southern Poverty Legal Group" I take you actually mean the Southern Poverty Law Center, and I also gather you have never heard of the SPLC until recently since you butchered their name so badly.

Secondly, your own link contradicts you. :lol:

Corkins had been volunteering for about the past six months at The DC Center for the LGBT Community, said David Mariner, executive director of the community center, which is in Northwest Washington. He usually staffed the center's front desk on Saturdays, and his most recent shift was about two weeks ago.

"Community organizer". I see what you did there.

Hoo boy. You are priceless!


First of all, I heard this on the radio, so it was done from memory, and I didn't butcher it, I just couldn't remember if it was group or center.

WOW. Butchered the fuck out of that.

Not really numb-nuts.

The first link I posted was the only story I could find on my Blackberry. More have been posted since and I have linked them. Pretty much exactly what I said almost word for word.

This was from what the witness said, I can't voice for everything.
So you were saying???

Conservative Christian Groups Blame FRC Shooting on Hate Group Label |

Once again, your links contradict you!

Perkins, the head of the FRC, blamed the SPLC for the attack but NEVER said Corkins claimed to have worked there.

Read your own damned links, fool.

If your reading comprehension is this bad, you should give serious consideration that the voices in your head are misleading you.
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I don't know aBout republicans but that is certainly true of blacks and Mexicans, which vote overwhelmingly for the party promising them free shit.

I dont understand why blacks and mexicans wont vote for a party that belittles them so. It makes no sense...unless you consider being shitted on a good thing.

They don't vote against anything. They vote for the hand that promises to feed them.

I love it...You know, wait until blacks and mexicans hear this. They'll just love the opportunity to be spit on in person :thup:
First of all, the guy doesn't work for the SPLC.

Secondly, the FRC was labelled as a hate group because they use made up information to equate homosexuals with pedophiles.

They ARE a hate group but the shooter didn't have a right to do what he did.

Doesn't excuse his violent acts.

And the director of FRC who witnessed the whole thing said he identified himself as a member of SPLC and even confessed to anyone who was there why he did it.

Pretty much what you said was his excuse.

Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

You made that shit up.

Read your own links and I defy you to quote from any of them with the FRC director saying Corkin identified himself as a member of the SPLC.

Hell, no one even reports the director "witnessed the whole thing".

You are just making shit up on the fly, man! The voices in your head are lying to you. Make them stop, for your own sake.

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"I will just make some shit up and then throw down a link without quoting anything since it doesn't really support my made up shit."

A morally bankrupt tactic.


Dude, you crack me up!

By "Southern Poverty Legal Group" I take you actually mean the Southern Poverty Law Center, and I also gather you have never heard of the SPLC until recently since you butchered their name so badly.

Secondly, your own link contradicts you. :lol:

"Community organizer". I see what you did there.

Hoo boy. You are priceless!


First of all, I heard this on the radio, so it was done from memory, and I didn't butcher it, I just couldn't remember if it was group or center.

WOW. Butchered the fuck out of that.

Not really numb-nuts.

The first link I posted was the only story I could find on my Blackberry. More have been posted since and I have linked them. Pretty much exactly what I said almost word for word.

This was from what the witness said, I can't voice for everything.
So you were saying???

Conservative Christian Groups Blame FRC Shooting on Hate Group Label |

Once again, your links contradict you!

Perkins, the head of the FRC, blamed the SPLC for the attack but NEVER said Corkins claimed to have worked there.

Read your own damned links, fool.

If your reading comprehension is this bad, you should give serious consideration that the voices in your head are misleading you.

He implied that he was from the SPLC in the radio interview.

My guess is they were at the very least an influence in the shooters mind.

You know, the left thought Sarah Palin directly influence Gabby Gifford's shooter.

At any rate, this is what he said on the radio. Maybe he was questioned further an amended his statement.

Fact is, this idiot shot those people because of politics. He was said to be a volunteer for some community organization.
First of all, I heard this on the radio, so it was done from memory, and I didn't butcher it, I just couldn't remember if it was group or center.

WOW. Butchered the fuck out of that.

Not really numb-nuts.

The first link I posted was the only story I could find on my Blackberry. More have been posted since and I have linked them. Pretty much exactly what I said almost word for word.

This was from what the witness said, I can't voice for everything.
So you were saying???

Conservative Christian Groups Blame FRC Shooting on Hate Group Label |

Once again, your links contradict you!

Perkins, the head of the FRC, blamed the SPLC for the attack but NEVER said Corkins claimed to have worked there.

Read your own damned links, fool.

If your reading comprehension is this bad, you should give serious consideration that the voices in your head are misleading you.

He implied that he was from the SPLC in the radio interview.

No, he did not. Nice attempt at a backpedal. Got any quotes that he "witnessed the whole thing" or that he heard Corkin say he worked for the SPLC?

Didn't think so.

You made it all up.

"I will just make some shit up and then throw down a link without quoting anything since it doesn't really support my made up shit."

A morally bankrupt tactic.



Go ahead.

But that's not what I did.
Your "heard it on the radio" defense does not work, mudwhistle. Want to know why?

Because you threw down some links which said backed you up "word for word". The fact you did not quote from any of those links gave away your whole game. I guess you didn't expect anyone to actually read them.

You lied and have been busted.


First of all, I heard this on the radio, so it was done from memory, and I didn't butcher it, I just couldn't remember if it was group or center.

WOW. Butchered the fuck out of that.

Not really numb-nuts.

The first link I posted was the only story I could find on my Blackberry. More have been posted since and I have linked them. Pretty much exactly what I said almost word for word.

This was from what the witness said, I can't voice for everything.
So you were saying???

Conservative Christian Groups Blame FRC Shooting on Hate Group Label |

Once again, your links contradict you!

Perkins, the head of the FRC, blamed the SPLC for the attack but NEVER said Corkins claimed to have worked there.

Read your own damned links, fool.

If your reading comprehension is this bad, you should give serious consideration that the voices in your head are misleading you.

He implied that he was from the SPLC in the radio interview.

My guess is they were at the very least an influence in the shooters mind.

You know, the left thought Sarah Palin directly influence Gabby Gifford's shooter.

At any rate, this is what he said on the radio. Maybe he was questioned further an amended his statement.

Fact is, this idiot shot those people because of politics. He was said to be a volunteer for some community organization.
What radio station? We could always listen for ourselves....but I doubt you will tell and instead conveniently forget what your favorite radio station is....:lol:

And it isn't a FACT that he shot the guard for his politics (notice how you made it "those people" there you go, lying again to make it sound even worse than it is). He may very well have shot them because they equate homosexuality with pedophilia. But we don't know yet what his motive was.

I can tell you this, the shooter, even with a felony under his belt, has a damn better chance of getting into heaven than that hatemongering asswipe that heads the FRC.
Once again, your links contradict you!

Perkins, the head of the FRC, blamed the SPLC for the attack but NEVER said Corkins claimed to have worked there.

Read your own damned links, fool.

If your reading comprehension is this bad, you should give serious consideration that the voices in your head are misleading you.

He implied that he was from the SPLC in the radio interview.

No, he did not. Nice attempt at a backpedal. Got any quotes that he "witnessed the whole thing" or that he heard Corkin say he worked for the SPLC?

Didn't think so.

You made it all up.


And you're a liar.

Listening to what he said one could easilly get the wrong impression. The problem with radio is that it's difficult to go back and re-read what was said.

When or if I find a transcript I'll post it.
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Once again, your links contradict you!

Perkins, the head of the FRC, blamed the SPLC for the attack but NEVER said Corkins claimed to have worked there.

Read your own damned links, fool.

If your reading comprehension is this bad, you should give serious consideration that the voices in your head are misleading you.

He implied that he was from the SPLC in the radio interview.

No, he did not. Nice attempt at a backpedal. Got any quotes that he "witnessed the whole thing" or that he heard Corkin say he worked for the SPLC?

Didn't think so.

You made it all up.

I doubt the guy was even on the scene, he was probably in his office.
He implied that he was from the SPLC in the radio interview.

No, he did not. Nice attempt at a backpedal. Got any quotes that he "witnessed the whole thing" or that he heard Corkin say he worked for the SPLC?

Didn't think so.

You made it all up.


And you're a liar.

Listening to what he said one could easilly get the wrong impression. The problem with radio is that it's difficult to go back and re-read what was said.

When or if I find a transcript I'll post it.
I heard on the radio that conservatives are animal rapists and in fact they have to rape an animal to get a Republican party card.

Wait....I THINK that is what I heard. No matter, it's probably the truth. I think I should start a thread on it because it is so easily believed.
He implied that he was from the SPLC in the radio interview.

No, he did not. Nice attempt at a backpedal. Got any quotes that he "witnessed the whole thing" or that he heard Corkin say he worked for the SPLC?

Didn't think so.

You made it all up.


And you're a liar.

Listening to what he said one could easilly get the wrong impression. The problem with radio is that it's difficult to go back and re-read what was said.

When or if I find a transcript I'll post it.

You gave yourself away by throwing down links and claiming they confirmed what you said.

You lied. Your links do not say the FRC president "witnessed the whole thing" and they do not have him saying Corkins said he worked for the SPLC.

Then you had the balls to repeat you had proven your case with your links and then, "So you were saying???" at me. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was saying, I read your links and you lied. Plain and simple.

Sorry to make your butt hurt.

No, he did not. Nice attempt at a backpedal. Got any quotes that he "witnessed the whole thing" or that he heard Corkin say he worked for the SPLC?

Didn't think so.

You made it all up.


And you're a liar.

Listening to what he said one could easilly get the wrong impression. The problem with radio is that it's difficult to go back and re-read what was said.

When or if I find a transcript I'll post it.
I heard on the radio that conservatives are animal rapists and in fact they have to rape an animal to get a Republican party card.

Wait....I THINK that is what I heard. No matter, it's probably the truth. I think I should start a thread on it because it is so easily believed.

And here is the link which backs you up word for word: GOP - Welcome to the GOP

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