"Community Organizer" Democrats Getting Early Jump On Rigging Elections...

Just like every other federal election before this one, nothing will come of this. The only voter fraud back up by evidence comes from the GOP in terms of voter intimidation. And you know it!!
Oh look, the fourth thread on the same subject.
Vote but stay vigilant. Pay close attention to what's going on at your polling place. Those magic votes for Democrats do have a way of suddenly appearing at the end of Elections. Just look at Minnesota and how they stole that Election for Al Franken. It can happen anywhere. The Democrats are incredibly desperate this time around. So beware of the "Community Organizers." They're Baaack. :(
Vote but stay vigilant. Pay close attention to what's going on at your polling place. Those magic votes for Democrats do have a way of suddenly appearing at the end of Elections. Just look at Minnesota and how they stole that Election for Al Franken. It can happen anywhere. The Democrats are incredibly desperate this time around. So beware of the "Community Organizers." They're Baaack. :(

Oh puleeze. You seem to have the memory span of a gnat, along with all your other failures. If it weren't for the unadulterated fraud perpetated in Ohio during the 2004 election, all clearly documented, on tape and video, John Kerry would have been president.

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