Companies can't find Workers who can hold a Conversation or Show Up on Time

Poor just blew him up.

NAFTA was a Clinturd/Gore show, butch...remember algore giving Ross Perot the elbow on Larry King to shut him up about the "giant sucking sound" of jobs going south and drugs and illegals heading norte? Even a drunk like you should recall that mess.

132 Republicans in the House voted for the deal, 43 voted against.

Republicans should vote for free trade, as anyone should who is for freedom. House Approves U.S.-Candada-Mexicot Trade Pact

Edit - And more Republicans voted for it in the Senate than Democrats.

The vote was 61 to 38. As was the case earlier in the House, Republicans supplied the most support, accounting for 34 of the favorable votes to 27 from the Democrats. House Approves U.S.-Candada-Mexicot Trade Pact
It did not, look at how it's changed and shifted to exploit others throughout history. Communism isn't a failure, it's never existed, and you're referring to these examples: THE USSR, an unindustrialized country that industrialized quickly and actually improved the standards of living compared to the pre USSR. Cuba, where the poor were suffering, and where the healthcare/literacy/education and needs were provided to Everyone better then before. North Korea isn't even considering themselves fucking communist, are you an idiot? Venezuela is doing better for its people then before Hugo, and I mean the poorer citizens. Try again.

Saying that communism has never existed is like saying capitalism has never existed.

That, of course, is silly. What matters are the primary forces driving the socioeconomic organization. That neither pure communism nor capitalism unfolded as their theoretical adherents articulated is irrelevant. The fundamental tenets of communism and capitalism have been tried, and the world is choosing capitalism.

Cuba and Chile had roughly the same standards of living in 1960. Today, Chile is a vibrant, second-world country while Cuba is a barter economy that can't survive.

Venezuela has triple-digit inflation and bare shelves due to shortages as the incompetent Chavez and his lapdog run the economy into the ground.
No, literally, it hasn't existed, capitalism has, we actually have private ownership of production and trade, we haven't had a stateless, classless society. Keep ignoring the conditions of the poor In Cuba before Castro. Venezuela has had to struggle historically, Chavez took the oil profits and put them back into social programs, unlike the previous leader. The poverty in Venezuela declined, health rose, malnutrition decreased, literacy rose.. Fuck the economic bullshit, Hugo helped his people. Bare shelves aren't always a bad sign, and many got access to what they needed. Yeah, look at Cuba and what they're doing in their economy

The conditions of the poor in Cuba in 1960 were no worse off than the conditions of the poor in Chile. Yet today, the poor in Chile are much better off than the poor in Cuba.

"Fuck this economic bullshit." "Bare shelves aren't always a bad sign?"

Like I said, communism fails because communists are clueless about economics. That's why it's a bankrupt, abandoned ideology.
It did not, look at how it's changed and shifted to exploit others throughout history. Communism isn't a failure, it's never existed, and you're referring to these examples: THE USSR, an unindustrialized country that industrialized quickly and actually improved the standards of living compared to the pre USSR. Cuba, where the poor were suffering, and where the healthcare/literacy/education and needs were provided to Everyone better then before. North Korea isn't even considering themselves fucking communist, are you an idiot? Venezuela is doing better for its people then before Hugo, and I mean the poorer citizens. Try again.

Saying that communism has never existed is like saying capitalism has never existed.

That, of course, is silly. What matters are the primary forces driving the socioeconomic organization. That neither pure communism nor capitalism unfolded as their theoretical adherents articulated is irrelevant. The fundamental tenets of communism and capitalism have been tried, and the world is choosing capitalism.

Cuba and Chile had roughly the same standards of living in 1960. Today, Chile is a vibrant, second-world country while Cuba is a barter economy that can't survive.

Venezuela has triple-digit inflation and bare shelves due to shortages as the incompetent Chavez and his lapdog run the economy into the ground.
No, literally, it hasn't existed, capitalism has, we actually have private ownership of production and trade, we haven't had a stateless, classless society. Keep ignoring the conditions of the poor In Cuba before Castro. Venezuela has had to struggle historically, Chavez took the oil profits and put them back into social programs, unlike the previous leader. The poverty in Venezuela declined, health rose, malnutrition decreased, literacy rose.. Fuck the economic bullshit, Hugo helped his people. Bare shelves aren't always a bad sign, and many got access to what they needed. Yeah, look at Cuba and what they're doing in their economy

The conditions of the poor in Cuba in 1960 were no worse off than the conditions of the poor in Chile. Yet today, the poor in Chile are much better off than the poor in Cuba.

"Fuck this economic bullshit." "Bare shelves aren't always a bad sign?"

Like I said, communism fails because communists are clueless about economics. That's why it's a bankrupt, abandoned ideology.
Got anything to back up your claim about chile? Oh, you want to hear about chile? Fascism? Bare shelves mean that the products are being used by the people, and the majority aren't out of items, you can cherry pick anything. Communists aren't clueless about economics, I'm referring to hugo putting his people before profit for the wealthy, which is what the previous leader did.
What's retarded is thinking that productivity makes the economy worse. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

ALL economic growth, and thus higher wages and living standards, comes from increases in productivity.

Not really. frankly, most folks were better off when we were less productive. They were at least less stressed out.

So you guys have built a society where half of us are stressed out being 'productive" while the other half lives off the government so the 1% can get obscenely rich... and this by you is a good thing/
Doesn't matter.

If you agree to due something then you should do it and do it well. Period.

If you agree to do something and half as it then you have no self worth.

It's called integrity

Get some

You know what, guy. I'm all for doing what I agree to when the other side does what htey agreed to.

I haven't worked for an employer yet who didn't completely flat out lie to my face. So I won't listen to any whining about "integrity". Integrity doesn't co-exist with "at will employment'.
I have no patience for anyone who can't show up on time.

I tell all of my employees," If you're 5 minutes early as far as I'm concerned you're 10 minutes late"

Tardiness is my biggest pet peeve as there usually in no excuse for it

Well, not for someone who lacks humanity like you do.

Frankly, every time you post you expose yourself as a horrible human being.
So, your claim is that India had less poverty under the Mughal dynasty than under Britain? You further claim that poverty DECREASED after Britain left?

Uh, yeah. The British fucking looted the country. They are still fucking hated.
The foundation of the Western economy - which has lifted more people out of poverty in human history - is capitalism.

Again- a capitalist is a parasite that's convinced stupid people he's a vital organ.
No, it benefited most of the people.

That it seems ridiculous to you isn't relevant.

Communism is a failure. That's why countries are abandoning it and adopting capitalist principles. Cuba will soon. That only leaves North Korea. Venezuela is turning into a basket case.

Communists don't understand basic economics.

Again, Capitalism only took 20 more years than Communism to fail utterly.

After 2008, you guys don't get to make the argument anymore.

And why do you keep acting like Communism and Capitalism are the only choices on the menu?
Sean Hannity's roving reporter found that college students couldn't hold a conversation or had the slightest idea of American history. But then they were probably stoned at the time.
The conditions of the poor in Cuba in 1960 were no worse off than the conditions of the poor in Chile. Yet today, the poor in Chile are much better off than the poor in Cuba.

"Fuck this economic bullshit." "Bare shelves aren't always a bad sign?"

Like I said, communism fails because communists are clueless about economics. That's why it's a bankrupt, abandoned ideology.

The united States didn't spend 50 years punishing Chile for picking Communism.

We just staged a coup and watched as Pinochet murdered Allende and thousands of other people.
Doesn't matter.

If you agree to due something then you should do it and do it well. Period.

If you agree to do something and half as it then you have no self worth.

It's called integrity

Get some

You know what, guy. I'm all for doing what I agree to when the other side does what htey agreed to.

I haven't worked for an employer yet who didn't completely flat out lie to my face. So I won't listen to any whining about "integrity". Integrity doesn't co-exist with "at will employment'.

So because others have no integrity it's OK for you not to as well?

IOW you have no integrity
I have no patience for anyone who can't show up on time.

I tell all of my employees," If you're 5 minutes early as far as I'm concerned you're 10 minutes late"

Tardiness is my biggest pet peeve as there usually in no excuse for it

Well, not for someone who lacks humanity like you do.

Frankly, every time you post you expose yourself as a horrible human being.

Yes being on time is horrible.

I am never late I don't expect anything from anyone that I do not expect from myself
What's retarded is thinking that productivity makes the economy worse. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

ALL economic growth, and thus higher wages and living standards, comes from increases in productivity.

Not really. frankly, most folks were better off when we were less productive. They were at least less stressed out.

So you guys have built a society where half of us are stressed out being 'productive" while the other half lives off the government so the 1% can get obscenely rich... and this by you is a good thing/

Yes, really.

Seriously, it's one of the dumbest things EVER posted here. And that's saying something.

If you want to go back to the nostalgic 1950s where they have a less productive society, move to Cuba. You'd fit right in there.

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