Companies Who Donated to Co-Sponsors of Texas Abortion Bill Revealed

Be hilarious if this is one of these times that it backfires (like naming the diner that didn't want Biden supporters as customers or the bakeries that refuse to bake cakes for gay weddings) and the lunatics, instead of putting the businesses out of business, makes them stronger and more popular.
In a statement to Insider, Union Pacific said it "has a history of giving to political candidates on both sides of the aisle in compliance with national and state rules."

This is likely true. As long as we allow companies to give this kind of money they are going to do so.
In a statement to Insider, Union Pacific said it "has a history of giving to political candidates on both sides of the aisle in compliance with national and state rules."

This is likely true. As long as we allow companies to give this kind of money they are going to do so.

Yes it's true but we don't have to allow them to do it.

We can lobby those companies to stop donating to politicians who take rights from women.
Both my cell service and my cable service are on this list. I can switch my cell service but cable service here is a monopoly. CVS is hard to avoid. I'm trying to figure out what to do. I stopped buying Goya foods, and I've never had a Chick-Fil-A. Nobody should be forced to fund people like abbott and his morons.
Yes it's true but we don't have to allow them to do it.

We can lobby those companies to stop donating to politicians who take rights from women.

We could make it illegal..........we like for "our" guy to rake it in though.
Yes it's true but we don't have to allow them to do it.

We can lobby those companies to stop donating to politicians who take rights from women.
As intended by the Framers: private citizens in the context of private society engaging in political advocacy, not government and not the courts.
This is interesting.

I'm glad only there are only 2 companies on that list are companies I do business with.

You're quite the unrepentant murderer aren't you? You claim to be compassionate while attempting to force an experimental, possibly life threatening inoculation on the unwilling while at the same time advocating for the murder of the unborn. You might want to look up the meaning of compassion, murderer.
Funny how people only get upset with companies donating to politicans when they don't support the policies of said politicans. If these companies were donating to politicans who wanted more restrictive gun control laws everyone would switch their views on the companies.
The crazy left is so anxious to continue the murder of (mostly Black) unborn infants in Texas that they are hunting down corporations who contributed to the campaign of the courageous Texas politicians who passed the bill. What are they planning?
Both my cell service and my cable service are on this list. I can switch my cell service but cable service here is a monopoly. CVS is hard to avoid. I'm trying to figure out what to do. I stopped buying Goya foods, and I've never had a Chick-Fil-A. Nobody should be forced to fund people like abbott and his morons.

What you stopped buying from Goya, I buy twice as much.

Never heard of them until the attempted boycott.

I now buy and give away to friends.

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