Compare Obama's criticisms to Trump's criticisms

Always remember that Trump OPENLY stated that Russia AND the U.S. have the same exact moral and ethical compass.........If you back Trump's statements, you can safely call yourself a scum bag.

If one were to be unbiased and analytically look at Trump's statement, and the political realities in The US, and Russia, a thinking man would agree with Trump.

Russia has moved more and more to The Right and towards Democracy since the Gorbachov years, and The US has moved more and more to The Left, and big government, socialism, and totalitarian control over our people.

The NSA does more spying on our own citizens than anyone else. The KGB does little spying at all on it's own people these days and instead focuses more on external threats coming from Islamic Radicals in their Southern Regions. These external threats become internal threats if they don't keep a lid on it. But for the average Russian Citizen, they more often than not enjoy much more freedom than a US citizen.

The US and Russia do have common enemies, Radical Islam, and Radical Liberal Socialists who want to drag both the US & Russia back in to the dark ages, and move both nations towards Globalism, and a Dark Gray Socialist Dystopia.
Russia has moved more and more to The Right and towards Democracy since the Gorbachov years,

That is one of the most ignorant and outright stupid statements I have ever read on this board. Really fucking stupid. This is a tiny mind trying desperately to imagine something good about Putin to rationalize Trump's support for that maniac.
Trump has had more scandals in one week than Obama did in two entire terms.


And remember, except for a couple of months, Republicans held both houses.
Trump has had more scandals in one week than Obama did in two entire terms.

Obama had two scandals. Term One and Term Two.

In three weeks, Trump has already been of more benefit to America than eight years of Barack Obama.

Barry is now coordinating the Democrat-caused chaos throughout the country. He should be watched closely.
Trump has had more scandals in one week than Obama did in two entire terms.


And remember, except for a couple of months, Republicans held both houses.
Only Republicans could miss someone who nearly destroyed, not only the country, but the entire world economy. Not to mention what he left in the Middle East.
Trump has had more scandals in one week than Obama did in two entire terms.

Obama had two scandals. Term One and Term Two.

In three weeks, Trump has already been of more benefit to America than eight years of Barack Obama.

Barry is now coordinating the Democrat-caused chaos throughout the country. He should be watched closely.
Only to Republicans is failure a benefit.
Trump has had more scandals in one week than Obama did in two entire terms.


And remember, except for a couple of months, Republicans held both houses.
Only Republicans could miss someone who nearly destroyed, not only the country, but the entire world economy. Not to mention what he left in the Middle East.
I don't vote for career politicians...
Always remember that Trump OPENLY stated that Russia AND the U.S. have the same exact moral and ethical compass.........If you back Trump's statements, you can safely call yourself a scum bag.

If one were to be unbiased and analytically look at Trump's statement, and the political realities in The US, and Russia, a thinking man would agree with Trump.

Russia has moved more and more to The Right and towards Democracy since the Gorbachov years, and The US has moved more and more to The Left, and big government, socialism, and totalitarian control over our people.

The NSA does more spying on our own citizens than anyone else. The KGB does little spying at all on it's own people these days and instead focuses more on external threats coming from Islamic Radicals in their Southern Regions. These external threats become internal threats if they don't keep a lid on it. But for the average Russian Citizen, they more often than not enjoy much more freedom than a US citizen.

The US and Russia do have common enemies, Radical Islam, and Radical Liberal Socialists who want to drag both the US & Russia back in to the dark ages, and move both nations towards Globalism, and a Dark Gray Socialist Dystopia.
Russia has moved more and more to The Right and towards Democracy since the Gorbachov years,

That is one of the most ignorant and outright stupid statements I have ever read on this board. Really fucking stupid. This is a tiny mind trying desperately to imagine something good about Putin to rationalize Trump's support for that maniac.
No, it's brilliant. I cannot help it if you are myopic, closed minded, agenda driven, and partisan.
Close Mindedness is Ignorance.

And you sir, have a lot to learn about the world around you.

But maybe that is not your thing.

Ignorance is Bliss, and I hope you are happy going through life with blinders on.

Now eat your oats and STFU.

besides coming up with the idea that HE (trump) could talk "business"
with Poootin-----it is not clear to me that he decided to make FRIENDS
with Russia

Trump tweeted out an article headlined “Putin loves Donald Trump”

Trump said he always knew Putin was “very smart”

Trump said the CIA’s conclusion that Russia intervened in the election was “ridiculous” and he didn’t “believe it at all”

15 things Trump said about Russia that seem even weirder now

It almost seems as though Trump has a secret desire to make more than friends with Putin.

Trump tweeted out an article headlined “Putin loves Donald Trump”

Trump said he always knew Putin was “very smart”

The thing is that Trump doesn't know is that Putin is smarter than he is. Everyone else can tell that from the way Putin has played Trump like a damned fiddle. Trump is worse than a loyal dog. One need only flatter him and he rolls over waiting for a belly rub.
No one cares about what the corrupt sycophantic press has to say, or what inside the beltway corrupt establishment politicians think. But especially no one cares about Lefty Butthurt bitching and moaning about a menstrual cycle that never seems to end.

But we can't help you, because you voted for permanent PMS in the form of a diseased and corrupt infected festering vagina. We can only direct you to the butt hurt isle to find some salve to rub on your ass. It's right next to the feminine hygiene isle, so it will be a convenient shopping trip for you.

Don't forget to bring back my beef jerky and a case of beer if you don't want another black eye.:booze:

Example of the mental process ^^^ diseased by too large a consumption of the kool-aid. The facts are:
  • Most news organizations are corporation owned
  • Most Journalists investigate, have at least two sources before published or aired
  • Most Journalism is vetted before published or aired with colleagues, producers and supervisors
  • Only fools and liars claim the MSM is biased
  • Ditto Heads are the most ignorant and vile of people.
No rational person, no educated person, and only a truly brainwashed person would post what TOT wrote; it is factually nothing more than an echo of another Big Lie, oft repeated by fools and the mentally deranged; the obvious misogyny in his post is characteristic of a vile rogue.
Trump has had more scandals in one week than Obama did in two entire terms.


And remember, except for a couple of months, Republicans held both houses.

Compared to Trump...I do miss the years of Bush

Compared to Trump, I even miss the Nixon Years. At the very least President Nixon signed the clean air and water act, and if today he was to run for the nomination for POTUS as a Republican, he would be lambasted by the crazy right wing as a liberal.
Trump has had more scandals in one week than Obama did in two entire terms.

Obama had two scandals. Term One and Term Two.

In three weeks, Trump has already been of more benefit to America than eight years of Barack Obama.

Barry is now coordinating the Democrat-caused chaos throughout the country. He should be watched closely.

He should be watched closely.[/QUOTE]?

By making this comment you have aligned yourself with a process used by Stalin to solidify his power, and with all military coups which end with a purge of past leaders, and the general officers who supported the former government.

I have no doubt trump and his inner circle will continue to engage in a purge, for character assassination is something at which trump excels. We are a nation of laws, no matter how many darts are tossed at the Judiciary, it will survive long past the nightmare America awakened to on Jan 20th, 2016.
Always remember that Trump OPENLY stated that Russia AND the U.S. have the same exact moral and ethical compass.........If you back Trump's statements, you can safely call yourself a scum bag.

I call bullshit. Back that up with a link to the full quote or retract it.

There's nothing funnier around here than when you of all people demand links.
Obama caught hell from right wingers about his "inability" to state "radical Islam" compare that criticism for Trump's inability to say one thing against his unrequited love of Putin and his oligarchs....

The entire bullshit that Trump is a peacemaker with Russia is as lame as the color of Trump's hair.

As Russians are not killing us, the comparison is idiotic.

Russia is in cahoots with IRAN-------(remember Iran ----"DEATH TO AMERICA")
The scum in the streets of Iran were not screaming "death to Russia" )

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