Compare Obama's criticisms to Trump's criticisms

No, but you guys are playing the guilt by association argument. So wouldn't it also make Obama guilty for negotiating with the Russians too?

Hey, dimwit your moronic example is like comparing Hitler's with Merkel's Germany.....

Actually it isn't.

Because that's what guilt by association does.

So, if it's okay for Obama, it's okay for Trump.
Because that's what guilt by association does.

You're more stupid than usual...........Putin has proven to be a murderous thug....can you say the same about Medveddev????
Because that's what guilt by association does.

You're more stupid than usual...........Putin has proven to be a murderous thug....can you say the same about Medveddev????

That's not the point, Nat, and you know it.

You are making any association with Russia, no matter how minute, to be some sort of ... sin... for lack of a better word. An inference of guilt or wrongdoing on the part of the associator.

We call it guilt by association for that reason. And liberals like you use such a fallacious line of reasoning because you have an insufficient argument.
I will NEVER allow right wingers to forget how.....because of an orange they declared their LOVE of a KGB thug, his murderous entourage and their support of a communist, imperial country..........all because our last president was a bit too dark-skinned.

When Putin begins to pull the strings of the puppet, Trump, NEVER let these idiots forget WHO they so adamantly supported.
Again, never happened except in your tiny warped mind.
I will NEVER allow right wingers to forget how.....because of an orange they declared their LOVE of a KGB thug, his murderous entourage and their support of a communist, imperial country..........all because our last president was a bit too dark-skinned.

When Putin begins to pull the strings of the puppet, Trump, NEVER let these idiots forget WHO they so adamantly supported.

calm down, nut------so far I have not noticed that trump kissed Putin----he said he could DO BUSINESS with him--------actually--that is not a REAL COMPLIMENT
"Cahoots"? REally?

That you are defending the moron that can't understand why we have different standards for people who are killing us than people who are NOT killing us, is you looking really, really bad.

what moron is that? "cahoots" is defined as something like 'conspiracy'----I am using it in the sense of 'alliance'-----there is an alliance between iran and Russia in
reference to the imperialist ambitions of both countries. The joint imperialist ambitions of both Russia and Iran are inimical to the interests of the American
people. Who in your addled opinion is "killing" us?

HOw is Russia taking the Crimea "inimical" to us?

The "killing us" comment was in the context of the OP. Islamic Terrorists were and are killing us.

Russia and Iran are both struggling----in concert, to gain complete control of
oil trade via its water transport routes

Most of our decreasing imported oil comes from Mexico, how is Russia's alleged attempt to get control of waterways, a threat to US?

any attempt to control SHIPPING is a threat the USA------I should have used the term WORLD TRADE -----instead of alluding to OIL only. ----take a look at just
what RUSSIA has already grabbed along the Black sea and Mediterranean and
that which Iran is grabbing along the red sea and arab gulf

I remember during the Cold War, when the Soviet Union had ten thousand tanks sitting in the middle of Europe, and a State Ideology that defined US as evil and called for world conquest,

and you libs kept wanting to blame AMERICA for the Cold War, and arguing that WE were the ones keeping it going for internal political reasons.

Now, NOW, that the Cold War is over, and Russia is a shadow of it's former self, NOW you grow a pair and want to confront them, just as the threat is over.

The Black Sea?

Seriously? An attempt by Russia control the BLACK SEA is a threat to America?


That's the Black Sea in the square.

Amerca is literally on the other side of the world, and what happens in the Black Sea is of little if any concern to us.
I will NEVER allow right wingers to forget how.....because of an orange they declared their LOVE of a KGB thug, his murderous entourage and their support of a communist, imperial country..........all because our last president was a bit too dark-skinned.

When Putin begins to pull the strings of the puppet, Trump, NEVER let these idiots forget WHO they so adamantly supported.

YOur delusional race baiting conspiracy theories make you look like a moron.
I will NEVER allow right wingers to forget how.....because of an orange they declared their LOVE of a KGB thug, his murderous entourage and their support of a communist, imperial country..........all because our last president was a bit too dark-skinned.

When Putin begins to pull the strings of the puppet, Trump, NEVER let these idiots forget WHO they so adamantly supported.

YOur delusional race baiting conspiracy theories make you look like a moron.

Race baiting is all these clowns have. They got their asses kicked by America and now they are throwing a tantrum. Bunch of participation trophy kids.

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