Compared to capitalism, what has socialism and communism ever produced or manufactured?

Or to a far greater degree, Obama who you worship as a literal god....

You're projecting. That's how Republicans/Trumpers look at Trump. I do NOT see politicians that way. Ever.

BTW, most of us don't really like Trump, but we like his agenda and accomplishments.

You fuckers defend him like he was your 3 yr old child (which in many ways he is) and his agenda is no better than his personality. His accomplishments are nil.
We’ve had career politicians as president for decades and decades, What do we have to show for it... failure
Or to a far greater degree, Obama who you worship as a literal god....

You're projecting. That's how Republicans/Trumpers look at Trump. I do NOT see politicians that way. Ever.

BTW, most of us don't really like Trump, but we like his agenda and accomplishments.

You fuckers defend him like he was your 3 yr old child (which in many ways he is) and his agenda is no better than his personality. His accomplishments are nil.
You do realize Obama represented only his constituents you know, the people that voted for him and no one else?
Or to a far greater degree, Obama who you worship as a literal god....

You're projecting. That's how Republicans/Trumpers look at Trump. I do NOT see politicians that way. Ever.

BTW, most of us don't really like Trump, but we like his agenda and accomplishments.

You fuckers defend him like he was your 3 yr old child (which in many ways he is) and his agenda is no better than his personality. His accomplishments are nil.
We’ve had career politicians as president for decades and decades, What do we have to show for it... failure
And now...we have had two Republican businessmen in a row.

THAT hasn't worked out so well has it...
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You do realize Obama represented only his constituents you know, the people that voted for him and no one else?

Completely untrue.

You're projecting. That's how Trump governs and you see that as entirely appropriate. Trump has made no bones about it
Or to a far greater degree, Obama who you worship as a literal god....

You're projecting. That's how Republicans/Trumpers look at Trump. I do NOT see politicians that way. Ever.

BTW, most of us don't really like Trump, but we like his agenda and accomplishments.

You fuckers defend him like he was your 3 yr old child (which in many ways he is) and his agenda is no better than his personality. His accomplishments are nil.
We’ve had career politicians as president for decades and decades, What do we have to show for it... failure
And now...we have had to Republican businessmen in a row.

THAT hasn't worked out so well has it...
Career politicians are the swamp, and the deep state is how they enrich the swap.... fact
You do realize Obama represented only his constituents you know, the people that voted for him and no one else?

Completely untrue.

You're projecting. That's how Trump governs and you see that as entirely appropriate. Trump has made no bones about it
Actually there would be no Trump if there was no Obama, He is a direct result.
Socialism is not an economic system you fucking fool it is government force.

Did I claim that socialism was an economic system?

I didn't?

Who's the fool here...fool
Only thing you can call socialism… FUBAR
So we have had one of your idiot buddies say he thinks insider trading should be legal.

Do you want to do away with child labor laws? Want to give up the 40 hour work week? Workplace safety standards? Social Security? Medicare?

How much "socialism" do you want to dismantle?
How many of those advancements in the US have come from state-funded research, like the Internet, for example?

Say Comrade, didn't JC Licklider work for Bell Labs, a PRIVATE company? Didn't Transmission Protocol come from IBM, a PRIVATE company? In fact, didn't Vince Cerf state flat out that he merely REFINED the protocol to add an inter nodal stack (IP) rather than "create it?"

Isn't 100% of the switching and transmission media private? Wasn't it always?
Say Comrade, didn't JC Licklider work for Bell Labs, a PRIVATE company? Didn't Transmission Protocol come from IBM, a PRIVATE company? In fact, didn't Vince Cerf state flat out that he merely REFINED the protocol to add an inter nodal stack (IP) rather than "create it?"
Speaking of "create it", didn't Bell Lab and IBM depend on a government charter for their creation?

Didn't they both depend on government enforced patents to ensure their private profits?

Didn't they both depend of government sanctioned schools to provide thinkers like Licklider?

How did JCR and all other contributors commute to their private jobs, public roads maybe?

The simple truth is high taxes produced Xerox, PARC, and Bell Labs. The basic structure of the internet is based on Arpanet and prime protocols of the World Wide Web were written by someone working for CERN. Public universities were key early elements of the Internet's backbone.

In short, without government there is no profitable private sector.
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Career politicians are the swamp, and the deep state is how they enrich the swap.... fact

You might want to look at Trump's Cabinet and Administration
CHRISTIE has called them a collection of "grifters and unindicted felons"...

The Swamp IS DJT

Oh and by the way...ignoring for the moment that pedophile protector that Trump has still not addressed sitting in his cabinet...I believe Zinke has just been indicted
And of note...Stalin and Hitler and all those dictators were "cults of personality" Putin...and to a lesser (but no less disturbing) degree...TRUMP
So was Obama and hillary and Kennedy etx.
You might find a grain of truth with Kennedy. The others?

Not even close.
Absolutely spot on with the others. they are as much a cult of personality as the dictators you named
Socialism is not an economic system you fucking fool it is government force.

Did I claim that socialism was an economic system?

I didn't?

Who's the fool here...fool
Only thing you can call socialism… FUBAR
So we have had one of your idiot buddies say he thinks insider trading should be legal.

Do you want to do away with child labor laws? Want to give up the 40 hour work week? Workplace safety standards? Social Security? Medicare?

How much "socialism" do you want to dismantle?
* Personal Finances should never be any of the governments business... They have no credibility on the issue.
* I’ve had friends that grew up on ranches and farms that were stacking bales and shoveling grain before they were teenagers there’s nothing wrong with that.
* 40 hour week? That’s for pussies
* Safety is a mindset not a rule
* I will never see any Social Security or Medicare/Cade... I’m a ecstatic about that, I don’t want that shit. I will gladly give up everything I’ve paid into that shit just to stop paying for it.

For millions of Americans the nanny state is of no use... fact
NY just gave up an opportunity to increase jobs and income tax revenue.

The richest corporation in the WORLD was demanding a 3 BILLION dollar tax break to move there despite the pressure they were going to put on the infra structure of NY
And they pay no taxes for federal or state..A waste of infrastructure just to get a business to operate. That is bullshit. I never have gotten a tax break after thirty five years of running a business, but then again I am not a greedy robber baron.

Government was established to serve you and your business. If a tax break yields more jobs, lower unemployment, more individual income, and goodwill to beget more businesses and jobs, that’s not being a greedy robber baron. Further, don’t think that a Government cannot be greedy. Heavy government politicos like Hillary Clinton actually use the word “take” when it comes to business.

If they did, yes, the left would endorse tax cuts for billionaires, but supply side economics don't work. "Trickle down" economics as instituted under Ronald Reagan, and which George H.W. Bush initially campaigned against as "voodoo economics" and then embraced as his VP, is a proven failure. Reagan's job growth wasn't the result of his tax cuts, it was the result of his military spending spree, all of which was on borrowed money.

There is absolutely no evidence that tax cuts create jobs, and much evidence that it actually costs jobs. Supply doesn't create jobs, supply and demand creates jobs. No tax cut has EVER paid for itself. Not once in the history of the nation. Reaganomics has stifled demand for 40 years by stifling the wages of the consumer classes.

What works is "Supply and Demand". Supply side tilts the economic table to the wealthy, and since Reagan's first round of tax cuts, wealth has trickled steadily but inexorably to the top, at the expense of the working poor and the middle class. Supply side economics is enriching the investor class at the expense of the middle class, which is shrinking. More people are now falling back into poverty that are rising to the ranks of the wealthy in the USA.

This impoverishing of the middle class is NOT happening in any other first world nation, because the rest of us have tax codes which favour working citizens and not corporations and the wealthy. The rest of the world is currently doing much better for its citizens than the USA is doing for theirs. Americans are fighting over building walls, when they should be building bridges, schools, and infrastructure. They're fighting expensive wars when they should be fighting opioid addiction, racial discrimination, and poverty.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. Trump is dividing Americans as never before, and Putin is gloating at his success.

Ok, when you overregulate businesses with mandates, tax them to where the are less competitive (“take their profits”), what happens to existing jobs? Are businesses then in a hiring mode?

Except that US Corporations were not being "taxed to where they are less competitive". Far from it. American corporations have been awash in cash for the past ten years. It wasn't competitiveness that caused American corporations to off-shore manufacturing, it was greed.

Walmart was the 2nd most profitable corporation in American when it was revealled that Walmart workers were receiving $9 billion in government wage subsidies like food stamps, MedicAid, and earned income credits. This is the same Walmart who has used government income supports to lower wages paid in the retail industry across the board, while using the power of their size to force small American retailers out of business, leaving Walmart the only store in town, and destroying the downtown tax bases of these towns.

This is unchecked corporate predation, funded by taxpayer dollars.
They were quite different: read up on the subject.

But fast-forward today, Trump now thinks he's in germany 80 years ago.

You didn't bother to read what you cited, the Wiki article confirms what I said - you Stalinists are identical to Nazis.

Let's looks at Nazis with you democrat Stalinists?

Violent hatred of non-party members?

Concentration Camps?

Violent suppression of opposition ideas?

Use of Brown Shirt type thugs?

Oppression of religion?


Violent oppression of free speech?

Newspeak is an utterly useless Bolshevik hate rag. I don't bother with them or ThinkProgress.
Wow, cool post.

180° out from reality, but cool post.

Really creep, exactly which of those do not go with both Stalinism and Nazis? :dunno:

Be specific.

Oh, you're just lying - MARXIST! :thup:
You are as SPECIFICALLY out of your mid as the Coast Guard terrorist.

Friend of yours?
No doubt the guy is lunatic, But the mainstream media said the guy had a huge arsenal… That is not a huge arsenal.
The Coast Guard MAGA terrorist had bullet proof vests, more than 20 guns including several assault weapons, thousands of rounds of ammunition and he had detailed plans of who and how he wanted to KILL people

Don't even TRY to diminish the lethality of this white nationalist MAGA killer
Actually there would be no Trump if there was no Obama, He is a direct result.

Partially true.

Having a black President positively ENRAGED the racists among us
Actually he’s only half black, get your facts straight.

And a divide in this country has nothing to do with race whatsoever, it’s all about rural and urban divide.
The two will never have the same interests and needs... that’s just a fact

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